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View Full Version : Need Some Motherboard Help

09-27-2005, 11:41 PM
I had PCCHIPS M957G motherboard with a Celeron D 2.66. The motherboard fried and I have an Athlon XP 2500+ just sitting around.

I wanted to know if i would be able to get a new motherboard for the 2500+ and use that on my existing hd w/o having to format it and reinstall XP.

Thanks for any help.

09-27-2005, 11:47 PM
Best option is to perform a repair install.

It take's just as long as a normal install, but it reloads any drivers etc (which you need for the new mobo) while keeping all the installed software.

09-27-2005, 11:49 PM
Ok, cool. Just wanted to make sure i wouldnt be getting a new mobo and have to end up losing 200 GB of stuff.

10-02-2005, 06:53 AM
Just got the motherboard... forgot to get a cpu fan when i ordered it :lol:

Maybe i can find one that fits it.

10-03-2005, 05:28 AM
Best option is to perform a repair install.

It take's just as long as a normal install, but it reloads any drivers etc (which you need for the new mobo) while keeping all the installed software.
How do I go about doing this? Im at the Repair Console right now.

10-03-2005, 06:20 AM
You don't want the Repair Console.
Restart the process and specify a new install.
Windows will then discover the old OS and option to repair or replace.
Now repair.

Basically, you need to get past the screen where you chose the Console and go for the second repair option.

10-09-2005, 04:21 AM
Thanks for the help so far.

But I cant install AOE3 now. :(

None of my games were working so I uninstalled them all. I cant install video drivers for my Ti4200. And so on...

silent h3ro
10-09-2005, 04:50 AM
Thanks for the help so far.

But I cant install AOE3 now. :(

None of my games were working so I uninstalled them all. I cant install video drivers for my Ti4200. And so on...That sucks. Dude get on aim more!!! :(

10-09-2005, 07:09 AM
Yea, finally got my system working.

Got a 2600+ in right now but motherboard is only giving me 1.1 GHz. Somewhere around 1.53 if I bump up the FSB but it wont boot windows :(

I try to get on aim as much as I can. Hard to work 48+ hrs a week, spend time with my girl, spend time with friends and family and stay on the net.

10-10-2005, 08:36 AM
Anyone know whats wrong with this piece of shit motherboard?

I advise everyone to NEVER get anything made by PCCHIPS.

10-10-2005, 08:39 AM
Is your memory multiplier incorrect in BIOS?

10-10-2005, 08:44 AM
You haven't mentioned what new motherboard you got.

10-10-2005, 08:50 AM
Yea, sorry. Its a PCCHIPS M811.

I cant make a boot disc to try and update the bios cause the floppy drive wont work on this either.

CPU: Athlon XP 2600+
RAM: Dual channel (not supported on this mobo) PC3200... I think Crucial

I tried setting the DRAM to 100 (CPU is at this speed) and nothing changed. I cant set the cpu to 133 cause Windows wont boot up.

Need any other info?

10-10-2005, 09:05 AM
You're probably trying to run a 333MHz FSB CPU on a board that can only support 266MHz FSB.

Check CPU support here:

There are both 266MHz and 333MHz FSB versions of Athlon XP 2600+

10-10-2005, 09:12 AM
:( ok

But what about the problem with the video card? Its a GeForce4 Ti4200.

I have it hooked up to the monitor and its giving me video, but its not in device manager and when I try to install drivers, the setup says there is no supported device connected.

10-10-2005, 09:15 AM
Have you installed the mobo GART drivers? Without those it won't recognise the AGP slot as anything other than a basic VGA controller.

10-10-2005, 09:17 AM
The disc didnt have anything like that on it... atleast that I know of.

10-10-2005, 04:15 PM
GART driver are available online.

But if I was in your position, I would backup the important data from the 200GB drive, Exchange the motherboard for one that supports 333MHz or even 400MHz FSB, Reassemble the PC and do a clean install (format).

10-10-2005, 09:14 PM
Where can I get the GART drivers from? I couldnt find anything from google.

This is what I decided to get:

10-10-2005, 11:13 PM
The M811 mobo has a VIA chipset, so you would need the VIA 4-in-1 drivers, probably version 4.43 is best for older boards. Available here (http://downloads.viaarena.com/drivers/4in1/VIA_4in1_443v.zip).

However, the Foxconn board should suit your purpose far better.

Since it also has a VIA chipset and you haven't yet installed the motherboard drivers you may be able to switch to this board without doing a fresh installation.

10-11-2005, 07:22 AM
Thanks for the help guys! :D

Got it working. Still having some problems. Dont mind the CPU speed problem atm. But am I having problems installing Age of Empires 3. Check out the Gaming section if you think you can help.

10-15-2005, 09:27 AM
I just got my new heatsink/fan. But I dont think the damn thing is compatable with my motherboard.


It has no holes for the brackets. My fan:



Any way of getting it to fit?

10-15-2005, 09:51 AM
No that cooler isn't compatible with that board.

What are you doing? A $50 cpu cooler on a $36 motherboard?

Spend less on a cooler and more on the mobo.

What was wrong with the stock cooler?

10-15-2005, 11:31 AM
Today 05:51 AM Virtualbody1234 No that cooler isn't compatible with that board. What are you doing? A $50 cpu cooler on a $36 motherboard? Spend less on a cooler and more on the mobo. :lol:

10-15-2005, 01:28 PM
What are you doing? A $50 cpu cooler on a $36 motherboard?

Ah, a man after my own heart.
Next comes the Vapochill.

10-15-2005, 06:07 PM
Motherboard seems to be runnning great, except for the SATA problem.

I have a problem with heat in my room so I need a good cooler ;)

10-15-2005, 06:10 PM
A good CPU cooler will make your room warmer. ;)

10-15-2005, 06:14 PM
A hot room will make my system hotter ;)

10-15-2005, 06:18 PM
True. Why do you buy things and then ask us afterwards when they don't work right. You could discuss things before.

Another thing puzzles me. Why 500 GB HDDs with a $36 mobo?

10-15-2005, 06:18 PM
Used a PCChips Mobo in a build for a email and net PC for a family member about a year ago now. No problems as such but it was only a 256mb ram and AMD Athlon 2000XP. Mobo was only £12 so can't complain, was easy to install and no issues as of far. Wouldn't use it on anything apart from an email/internet computer.

10-15-2005, 06:20 PM
A hot room will make my system hotter ;)
What's your temps with the stock cooler?

10-15-2005, 06:39 PM
High 40's to low 50's

10-15-2005, 06:45 PM
True. Why do you buy things and then ask us afterwards when they don't work right. You could discuss things before. Another thing puzzles me. Why 500 GB HDDs with a $36 mobo?
Sorry to OP. But this is a funny, funny thread. :lol:

10-15-2005, 06:47 PM
High 40's to low 50's
Leave it like that then.

You didn't answer my previous post. The one before Peerzy.

10-15-2005, 08:53 PM
Nah, too hot for me.

And I got the extra space cause I need it. Starting an archive.

10-16-2005, 11:56 PM
Getting back to the problem with the MB recognizing the CPU as a 1.1 ghz. I had this same problem with a MB and a Athlon 2600+. I downloaded an updated BIOS from the MB maker and then flashed the BIOS and it cured the problem. The MB now sees my proc as a 2.08 ghz. The BIOS update said it would fix the problem with the old version not recognizing a "Sempron" processor. Check with PChips support and see if they offer an updated BIOS.