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10-03-2005, 04:22 AM
My daughter is twelve going on eighteen. Her friends are eveything to her right now, and boys are "soooo cute". She spends most of her time away from home and she rolls her eyes continuously.

One minute she is happy and giggling one the phone,in the next...I am the most horrible father in the whole wide world.

Tonight, she came down the stairs as I sat in interweb world. Father, she bashfuly asked. Will you hold me?...I'm afraid?

What are you afraid of I asked her? "I don't know" was her reply.
(the look in her eyes was enough...did the reason matter?)

I took her upstairs and tickled her back as she lay in my arms. (it's made her fall asleep since she was a tiny babe.) She squeezed me tight and said "daddy you're the best papa in the whole wide world"

All of the grief that she gives me, all of the condescending asses that I deal with on a daily basis, all of the arse kissing and politics of the work place, melted away in that minute.

Being a parent is a overwhelming,wondrous, and magnificent experience. Remember, life is beautiful. Don't let the naysayers tell you any different.

Peace bd :)

10-03-2005, 07:22 AM
i think she's rodding you, she wants an Ipod for her birthday i would bet

10-03-2005, 08:54 AM
i think she's rodding you, she wants an Ipod for her birthday i would bet

So does my 12yr old daughter... :lol:

@ BD...sounds like you have a pea very similar to the one in my pod. :)

10-03-2005, 09:08 AM
i think she's rodding you, she wants an Ipod for her birthday i would bet

So does my 12yr old daughter... :lol:

@ BD...sounds like you have a pea very similar to the one in my pod. :)
Nice moment there BD,I'm glad it's not just me that forgets why they drive me nuts so much,when they ask you for a cuddle,or look at you with them big puppydog eye's all your problems melt away.
Got a lump in my throat just reading that.
@Sara,love that saying :)

10-03-2005, 09:38 AM
sounds like you have a pea very similar to the one in my pod. :)
@Sara,love that saying :)
I don't. Reminds me too much of http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/3923/078200998001sclzzzzzzz7ff.jpg

10-03-2005, 11:55 AM
i think she's rodding you, she wants an Ipod for her birthday i would bet

I thought that might be the case. :(

*brotherdoobie wonders...when will he ever learn, life's
just one big rod?

Peace bd ;)

10-03-2005, 04:47 PM
awww its so cute what kids will do for that i-pod

10-03-2005, 07:33 PM
My kids only call me Father when they're attempting to browbeat me into empathy.

It hasn't worked yet.

Daughters are great, though.

Mine has finally discovered old Dad is an asset, instead of just an ass. :rolleyes:

10-03-2005, 08:16 PM
Mine has finally discovered old Dad is an asset, instead of just an ass. :rolleyes:

Now if'n ya could only convince the rest of the world. :lol:

10-03-2005, 08:21 PM
Thread highjacking!

Welcome back, titey! :01:

10-03-2005, 08:31 PM
Mine has finally discovered old Dad is an asset, instead of just an ass. :rolleyes:

Now if'n ya could only convince the rest of the world. :lol:
:lol: :D

10-03-2005, 08:41 PM
Mine has finally discovered old Dad is an asset, instead of just an ass. :rolleyes:

Now if'n ya could only convince the rest of the world. :lol:

I'm workin' on it, buddy. :)

Whatever has possessed you?

Don't you dare leave without sending a PM (at least) for that nice lady, huh? ;)

peat moss
10-04-2005, 01:07 AM
Its a little tuffer for me I'm the dreaded Stepfather but have brought her up since she was 3 years old , shes 14 going on 18 too are n't they all ? :P

Love her with all my heart but her and mom love to gang up on the old peat moss. I stay the course but it is hard ,they have a way of getting what they want . :(

10-04-2005, 01:32 AM
Boy, I don't know what's rougher-I signed on with my step-daughter when she was 15.

Her Dad's an asshole, and she knows it; I've never knocked him, but we had some rough-sledding for a couple of years.

She's now 24, and we're great pals.

Don't know if I'll ever get to the real "Dad"-type level, but it's pretty good the way it is.

I love 'er to bits.

peat moss
10-04-2005, 01:45 AM
Ya my sweet peas Dad comes around once a year on her bday and plays the big shot with the money, rest of the year I supply which is fine but it hurts sometimes . He's never paid a dime and I never said much about it its not her fault . Wife just wanted him in her life .

Still think I'll be the one walking her down the aisle and if she wants her dad too I can share . :D

10-04-2005, 03:34 AM
Ya my sweet peas Dad comes around once a year on her bday and plays the big shot with the money, rest of the year I supply which is fine but it hurts sometimes . He's never paid a dime and I never said much about it its not her fault . Wife just wanted him in her life .

Still think I'll be the one walking her down the aisle and if she wants her dad too I can share . :D

I imagine it's rough being a stepfather. I commend you and j2k4 for being
the fathers these girls need. It takes strong men to put aside their feelings
and do what's best for other mens children.

The world needs more men like you two.

Peace bd

peat moss
10-04-2005, 05:29 AM
My wife and I have a her's , mine , and ours like most on this board , all you can do is be supportive and try your best . Its not a contest , its life for better or worse .

We choose better , it is a struggle tho and my two sons thrive under it cause they know we love them all and thier very protective of their older sis .

Would n't want it any other way , I brought them up right . :)

10-04-2005, 08:03 PM
Good deal, Peat.

I don't know whether I'll get to "walk" my step-daughter, but her Dad has stipulated that he won't attend any wedding if my wife or I attend, and she's already told him where the bear shit in the buckwheat on that point, but she and her beau haven't set a wedding date, so who knows how things will shake out.

Her Dad demands her loyalty as he defines it, and hasn't backed off.

All I've told her is that I will do anything in my power to make her "day" as perfect as it can be (and if that includes stomping her Dad's little dicky in the dirt, I'll do that, too); it's the least I can do.


Thanks, but with some kids, it's a genuine pleasure, and I can't claim any special ability in that area.

I'm not awfully sure I'd have wanted to be step-father to my kids.

My ex has made that whole show pure-D Hell for everyone involved. :(