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View Full Version : Best way to protect yourself using BT

10-05-2005, 01:02 AM
I have been downloading stuff for a long while. But i want to know from all the readers out there what is the best way to protect yourself using BT and other filesharing clients? I mean is it software or is it a router or something else? I hope you guys can recommend me something to use to help me stay safe and protected. Also thanx for any help with this!

10-05-2005, 06:13 AM
The facts are you connect directly to peers unless your using something like a vpn so its kinda a crap shoot with the odds perhaps on your side. I guess if it makes you feel better you can use blocklist which certain clients like Azerus have plugins for like SafePeer. I think if your going to use a blocklist the ones that are clent built are always more effective than general apps like PeerGuardian although hardly any guarantee at that...

10-05-2005, 09:05 PM
its like impossible on BT

10-05-2005, 09:12 PM
I would recommend PeerGuardian, right now it says its blocking 653 million ips for me

Here is the download link:


10-05-2005, 09:45 PM
A friend of mine said get something from here http://www.bluetack.co.uk/index.php. But I am not sure what to get or how it works. maybe someone can enlighten me on this place and software. also thanx as always.

10-05-2005, 10:58 PM
bluetack has a program called Protowall.. It just an IP blocker.....

However, I recommend using PeerGuardian instead from http://peerguardian.sf.net as it has more options and easier to use. :)

10-06-2005, 12:54 AM
Well I am trying Protowall now,i might get peerguardian later if i don't like protowall. Thanx for the help though.

10-06-2005, 02:17 AM
Oh, u will like Protowall. Its not bad persay, but PG is definatly better. U can try both at the same time and see which one u will like better. I used Protowall first, then I tried out peerguardian and Ive been using peerguardian ever since..

Some things PG has over PW:
1. Allow traffic on port 80... Thus, u can block the bad IPs without interfering with ur surfing.
2. Color coded log. More for organization really.
3. Temporary and perminent allow list. Usefull if u need to unblock a IP
4. Lot easier to install. Although if u got PW to install, its doesnt really matter then.
5. Customizable IP lists.. PG allows u to use multiple lists that u can personally enter and update. Also includes default lists.. PW doesnt allow u to modify the lists.

As for the actual IP blocking, both PW and PG do a great job. I like both but prefer PG. And running them side by side, PG seemed to catch all the IPs before PW so thats another plus. :)

10-06-2005, 03:13 AM
Best case scenario, PG2 or Protowall. Past that there is not a whole lot that you can do, IMHO. You could go as far as to use a proxy, but finding one that is fast enough to work can be a difficult task, unless you pay for it.

10-06-2005, 03:53 AM
depends on what youre trying to "protect" yourself from, if you want to hamper the people that send bad data, then PG2/Bluetack/SafePeer will help alot

But if you're trying to protect "them" from knowing your IP and what you're uploading/downloading then IP blocking tools are of NO use at all
Because "they" can still get your ip and even PUSH requests from you via the tracker, even if they never directly connect to you.

10-06-2005, 03:55 AM
C:\Program Files\BitTorrent\uninst.exe

works pretty good

10-06-2005, 03:55 AM
its like impossible on BT