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View Full Version : SoulSeek

10-06-2005, 05:09 AM
I have a problem. The SLSK serverstatus (http://www.remmelt.com/slskboard/status.php) says that the server is up, but my soulseek client (v156c) won't connect with error "Could not connect to server. If your internet connection is up, the server might be temporarily down. Please try again later". But the server is up and my internet connection is up.

It also says "conection refused" when I try to visit www.slsknet.org and www.photobucket.com in Firefox, for some reason. They don't work in IE either.

Anyone know what it could be?

10-08-2005, 09:31 PM
Are you sure you have the latest version of SoulSeek? Try to uninstall and reinstall
the client. Have you configured your firewall to allow SoulSeek access?

Do you have any of the following programs installed:

* Steganos(tm) Internet Anonym Pro
* Steganos(tm) Secure P2P
* XFire Instant-Messaging
* WindowsBlind 3.x (disable theme for Soulseek)

SoulSeek is not compatible with these programs. If you have
one of them installed you will have to uninstall it.

Try these suggestions and let me know if any of them worked.
Good luck.

Peace bd :)