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View Full Version : Alcohol 120% questions

10-19-2005, 04:48 PM
Well here is the situation i have a alot of different burning and rippings CD and DVD apps that i use for different things.

I use anydvd with clonedvd and sometimes DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. Thats for my DVD's.

For CD's + Games i use CloneCD and Nero 6

I was wondering couldi get rid of the Clone stuff and just use alcohol 120% for copying cd's and burnings images becuase i find clone CD a pain the arse. If i remmeber correctly alcohol does 1:1 images also of things for game purposes and having alcohol helps me with CloneCD and DVD rls. SO would it be better if i got rid of Slysoft apps and used Alcohol 120%

I have installed Alcohol but now should i get rid of CDclone for game copying since alcohol can copy protected games and shud i keep deamon tools also

Thanks in advice for help

10-19-2005, 05:15 PM
I use Alcohol for everything image related and for virtual drives also. I would think you could scrap the ones you mentioned although maybe get used to the app first to make sure you like it and it does all that you want...

10-19-2005, 05:50 PM
I used to use it a while ago but something happened so decided to change but now problems sorted well i think will keep DVD Deprypter and DVD Shrink but the rest like Daemon and the Slysoft products i think i could get rid of.

I do have another question why cant Alcohol 120% copy DVD's that are protected when it can do CD's and games that are protected should i just stick to DVD decrypter for that thing.