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View Full Version : Re Movies With Fake Titles

04-17-2003, 09:29 PM
:angry: Adrian,

Why do people insist on posting up movies that are not what they make them out to be? If people do not have the movie then don't just rename a different one to name of a move they know people want. So that people waste there time trying to down the movie only to find that's it not what they wanted. I have been lucky since I check them after about 35mb to make sure the quality and that the film is what they say it is. I have had a couple this week that where fakes!!!!!!!!

Can any one tell me if there is any reason for doing this? Do you get better speeds the more files people down load from you? Or do they just get a kick out of it.

Is there any other way to tell whether the title of the move is the right one?

04-17-2003, 09:39 PM
people change the names of files because they're @!*#ing %$~holes! you don't get faster downloads when people upload from you, and the only way to tell if is the right file name is get the users ip address and download file and if it's the wrong name then hunt the person down and beat him/her within an inch of their life, if everyone would do this people would stop changing names. :P
but no, there's no way to tell.

04-17-2003, 09:42 PM
If you go to Movieworld, Musicworld or Filesharing, hit Search, type in "Fakes" and then hit Go you'll find that there are oh, say a MILLION posts regarding the phenomonon you are referring to. Hours of very educational reading await you... :P

04-17-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by lockac@17 April 2003 - 15:29

Is there any other way to tell whether the title of the move is the right one?
Yes there IS.
Again, the answer is repeated many times in older posts.

Try SEARCH and do some reSEARCH.

(count yourself lucky you didn't get the classic RTF... response. I was sorely tempted.)

04-17-2003, 09:51 PM
I would just like to state here and now I 'am sorry for not using my head and looking at old post.!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

04-17-2003, 09:52 PM
Personally I don't find it that much of a problem now.

When downloading movies I either use the verified section, or I check the movie after about 10mb.

It used to be a major pain when I had to download the whole thing befor checking, but those times are long gone. It really isn't that big an issue any more.

04-17-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by lockac@17 April 2003 - 22:51
I would just like to state here and now I 'am sorry for not using my head and looking at old post.!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Not a problem really, your question was well written and reasonable. Not like a lot of the first posts we get here.

Incidentally, who is Adrian.

04-18-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by lockac@17 April 2003 - 22:51
I would just like to state here and now I 'am sorry for not using my head and looking at old post.!!!!!!!!!!!!
:(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(
Don't be!!!! Some people love to rag.
I say post whatever and if they don't like or are not interested than they should STFU!!!!

Nobody mentioned that when DL on KaZaa that mutiple files are listed by TITLE (which few know how to change) and the original hash which you don't see .
Though if you lOOk to the far right under FILENAME (which is changed through windows, rename), the names may be different because other users have renamed the file to what it is, though the TITLE remains the same.
Simply expand the list of a paticular file with multiple users and lOOk at both TITLE and FILENAME.

I find many even prior to DL that are fake without even using Avipreview (which is a great tool). Good example was Phone Booth XviD, which on about 20% of users had the FILENAME "But I'm A Cheerleader" (actually not a bad movie).

04-18-2003, 12:20 AM
To JmiF

Adrian is me an IT support guy from England who has not long discovered Kazaa Lite and who dose not have a DVD player. Well not one connected to my TV.

04-18-2003, 02:34 AM
I'm new at posting here,i have the same prob,with games-try to let user know, however most users don't have there email on!so,what's one to do?

CableRat :(

04-18-2003, 03:40 AM
cabbie rat

I post the orgianl one. Looks like not much you could check the file name as well as the title. Since one or to films I tried to downlaod told me they where onething in the title but the correct name as file. What ever you do please do not leave the wrong download in your directory. It will only spread the problem.

04-18-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by lockac@18 April 2003 - 04:40
cabbie rat

I post the orgianl one. Looks like not much you could check the file name as well as the title. Since one or to films I tried to downlaod told me they where onething in the title but the correct name as file. What ever you do please do not leave the wrong download in your directory. It will only spread the problem.
Ok, bright boy / Sunny...
I will follow that advise.

04-19-2003, 01:05 AM
i dont really have a proble with this for one reasone... i dont download movies. theres a way to solve ur prob, stop dl'ding them if u cant figure the real ones. Also, dont try to download a movie that is not in theaters yet or was just recently released, wait a little while. :ph34r:

04-19-2003, 05:35 AM
because they have no friends :lol:

04-19-2003, 07:33 AM
some people are nice..some people are jerks

04-21-2003, 12:17 AM
actually, theres a really easy way to stop people from sharing fakes. show them the wonders of kazaa lite :lol:

04-21-2003, 02:50 PM

04-21-2003, 05:00 PM
with kazaa theres no need to share fakes to boast part lvls and stuff ;)

04-21-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by UserX@21 April 2003 - 18:00
with kazaa theres no need to share fakes to boast part lvls and stuff ;)
It's sweet if you think that's the only reason they do it. Personally I think that, for the most part, it is just sad individuals who think it's funny.

To watch people waste time uploading their fake and then see it spread about the internet.

04-22-2003, 02:16 AM
Rarely happens now fanks to AVI preview the lastest thing is to convert to Window sMedia Player Format wmv or whatever it is as it dont work im media player

The sad thing is I Pm'ed one person the other day and said "This is a fake why bother sharing it" and he replied saying "Oh right I downloaded it the other day now got round to checking it yet" can they rearlly be downloading that much that they dont bother checking what they are downloading -_-

The other favorite is "Yeah i know...... its a fake keep meaning to delete it"


They are just sad tossers who have no life

04-22-2003, 09:09 AM
i posted something like this in another topic shortly ago but it was locked b4 anybody could respond to it.
that specific complaint was about bogus music files and stupid ppl renaming songs and placing the wrong artist on the mp3 file.....i download and share massive amounts of files and it really rattles my cage when i get the wrong stuff!! :angry: if you dont know the artist or are not sure dont rename it unless you put that you arent sure, and get a decent mp3 ripper like musicmatch jukebox that program rocks!

04-22-2003, 02:53 PM
I had never had that kind of problems because I use this way of checking.

first, I looked at its TITLE and FILENAME, and usually they will have more than one sources so there will be a (+)..I will open that and from that I compared the two sides, and if there is two or more different filenames and title...then that is a fake

second, usually the FILENAME is more important because the user tend to not change the filename but change the TITLE, so take a look at the FILENAME and see if all of them are the same..so if "yes" then its the right file

third, for people who download dvd rip or good quality movies then set your search to AT LEAST & 640 MB, because dvd or good quality movies should not be under 640 MB

finally, for those who downloads new movies, here is a hints...its is very rare so if you find something that haven't even came out yet, then it is probably a fake file

also, downloading episodes, then you should set it to MAXIMUM & 400 MB

Reply if you have other problems

04-22-2003, 03:03 PM
Nice one gd9k... here's something I gathered through my time here:

Originally posted by Shinigami (R.I.P.)

Tips for finding verified movies:

After about 10 megs or 10% of the total DL of the movie, use Avipreview and see if its your movie.  Click the screen of Avipreview and an Index should pop up with some info.  If the video or audio part has 0 (zero), then its a fake and/or if the preview is blank.  It could also be a different movie.

After searching and thinking you have enough users, expand the list so you can see all the users for that file by clicking the "+" box to the left of the title and scroll down and check to see if the filenames match up to the movie your looking for and read the yellow description boxes that pop up too.  Sometimes it will say if its a fake or not.

Look at the length of the movie.  A trick I learned awhile ago is that any movie with the length of 1:02:08 is a fake. 

Check the file size of the movie.  Make sure its reasonable.  Sometimes the movie is split into two or three parts for easier downloading.

Check the hashes in the verifieds.  That will usually say if a movie is out or not and will usually tell of its quality.  Always check the verifieds first before looking for a movie which will save you some time.

The idea of verified files is so that you know they exist. The Sig2Dat hashes are just a way to help get you started on the download. You still have to search for them. Kazaa constantly searches while you are downloading for more users. Searching manually just helps speed up that process.  Running a type of speed-up (Sharemonkey or KaZap) will help Kazaa try and connect to the sources you find.