View Full Version : Kazaa Slow

04-17-2003, 11:45 PM
Kazaa sure seems slow lately!! I have suspicions that with all the letters going out to universities, which may have been a heavy sourse of supernodes and banwidth (for searching etc...), that their absence has put a drag on things.

I have files that are partially loaded that never can find more sources, but when I do a search they're there and when I start the searched item there off and rolling. I suspect this may be limited via the demise of supernodes on campuses since searching is their fuction.

Is it possible that auto search and find more source tools which are getting popular are eating bandwidth. I am sure those that don't know better are grinding kazap (karap) which is deffinitly a bandwidth eater.

What are anyones thoughts.

04-21-2003, 05:11 AM
I know that auto search more is a definite bandwidth hog.

04-21-2003, 07:45 AM
I too have a few files that are partially downloaded and can now not find any more sources, but I keep trying :).

Today I installed the latest build (3) and the options that were at the bottom left corner of the traffic page have now gone :( I'll just have to get used to this Speeder Upper thing, I'm sure they guys that designed it know what they are doing :) (thanks guys) and it'll prove to be a faster way to download.

04-22-2003, 06:58 AM
Which build 3, and from where.
Am I to figure that kazp is no longer present in this version as it always seemed to suck!