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View Full Version : What time of day and week are on p2p's ?

11-12-2005, 07:50 PM
I am convinced there are better times of day to be on peer to peers. For searching and downloading etc.

I would be interested to know what time of day you regularly go on to your p2p.

If you reply please give the time in your own time not GMT etc.

I go on at 10.30 at night for about 2 hours most nights of the week (so my wife won't moan)

Then I go on about 6 am in the mornings for a hour so on the weekends (while my wife is lying in bed) And sometimes on Saturday afternoon.



11-12-2005, 10:51 PM
I go on several times a day,I'm addicted to a lot of the new american tv series,Lost ,Prison break,Smallville and such about 12 different series,so I look a lot on the day after they are aired in the states.
With it being global,there is always someone u/loading something of interest,I use 5 private trakers and its a juggling act trying to keep good ratios on all :)

01-20-2006, 08:57 PM
Lol. The same here.

01-21-2006, 05:22 AM
Im usually on at night during week days, and am on afternoons on the weekends. I haven't even really thought about when things are slow, more resources. I'd think evenings would be best because worldwide alot of people would be on.

01-28-2006, 05:55 PM
around 3 in the morning and than 8 inthe morning than around 7 to 10 at night cause more people from europe and such are on!

01-28-2006, 07:21 PM
Hi Guys

Thanks for the replies.

I made a mistake in my heading. (can't edit) I meant "What time of day and week are YOU on your p2p's ?"



01-28-2006, 08:17 PM
Unless people also say what timezone they are in this information is useless.

Ten years ago the web noticably slowed down during daytime in the USA.
Morning was prime surfing time for the europeans because the americans were still in bed. These days the far east has joined the net in force and everything but the last mile is on fibre. Time of day dosn't matter anymore.

The weekends are the big time for p2p. In the early days of ed2k you could not get connected to a server on a weekend.