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View Full Version : A fine example of "celebrity" free speech...

11-14-2005, 09:22 PM
Bravo, Bruce Willis.


11-14-2005, 09:53 PM
Feck, Al-Qaeda don't stand a chance if John McClane gets on their case.

11-14-2005, 10:32 PM

He's knock-kneed, but effective nonetheless.

Go, Bruce!

11-14-2005, 10:43 PM
Go, Bruce!

I thought you were against Hollywood stars making "statements" or is it just "liberal" stars http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9681/hugethinking1la.gif

regardless I don't object to the reward offer even though I can't see it making one tiny difference. After all what is the official reward up to now?

Perhaps Brucie can give the promised mill to the soldiers that got Saddam once they leave the military. It would be nice

11-14-2005, 11:48 PM
Go, Bruce!

I thought you were against Hollywood stars making "statements" or is it just "liberal" stars http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9681/hugethinking1la.gif

regardless I don't object to the reward offer even though I can't see it making one tiny difference. After all what is the official reward up to now?

Perhaps Brucie can give the promised mill to the soldiers that got Saddam once they leave the military. It would be nice
I would grant him a voice as none of the others has managed to desist.

In any case, this seems a bit less strident and at the same time more substantive than your garden-variety celebrity comment.

Notice how he puts the offer out there without any attempt to offend or insult anyone?

If he actually gives some cash away, he immediately leaps light-years ahead of the like of Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, et. al., in credibility.

They had promised to leave the country, as I recall; instead, they only see fit to lay about here and bitch.

Much as I would like to see the soldiers rewarded, the promise of such flipping great wodges of cash would compel them to act a bit too independently for their command element, I fear.

Not workable at all.

11-15-2005, 12:51 AM
he was never gonna pay anything. i bet he shit himself when saddam was caught. same as jack thompson when his mod was made :rolleyes:

11-15-2005, 01:44 AM
Bruce is an impassioned bandwagoning fool.

Some celebrities seem to find passion for everything 'cept 'causes here in America. Save the children, free Iraq, blahblah....

11-15-2005, 02:40 AM
Bruce is an impassioned bandwagoning fool.

He's probably got a new movie/DVD/project coming out soon.

Any media attention is good news.

While I admire his offer, I don't think it is going to achieve much. Although the "terrorists" recently apprehended in Australia were picked up because a guy became suspicious when he sold large amounts of chemicals (paint thinner etc) to something like 15 men of middle-eastern appearance for cash in a very short time. Triggered his dodgometer and he reported it.

If it helps the capture of one person, or even the disruption of one plan, it's worth it.

11-15-2005, 05:59 AM
15 men of middle-eastern appearance
15 men of middle-eastern appearance? where?! get 'em!!

11-15-2005, 11:10 AM
Bruce is an impassioned bandwagoning fool.

Some celebrities seem to find passion for everything 'cept 'causes here in America. Save the children, free Iraq, blahblah....

I think our congress has the market cornered on "causes", and has usurped much of the available passion via our tax burden.

There is precious little left for a citizen to do, apart from responding to earthquakes and tsunamis around the world, and the occasional "domestic" hurricane.

11-15-2005, 11:13 AM
Send mercs after them....that'll be a good idea:lookaroun

11-15-2005, 02:22 PM
Bruce is an impassioned bandwagoning fool.

Some celebrities seem to find passion for everything 'cept 'causes here in America. Save the children, free Iraq, blahblah....

I think our congress has the market cornered on "causes", and has usurped much of the available passion via our tax burden.

There is precious little left for a citizen to do, apart from responding to earthquakes and tsunamis around the world, and the occasional "domestic" hurricane.

Many of them look past domestic problems all day while "adopting a babies from Guatemala.":dry:

11-16-2005, 01:14 AM
I think our congress has the market cornered on "causes", and has usurped much of the available passion via our tax burden.

There is precious little left for a citizen to do, apart from responding to earthquakes and tsunamis around the world, and the occasional "domestic" hurricane.

Many of them look past domestic problems all day while "adopting a babies from Guatemala.":dry:

So what's "bullshit"?

If everyone is subject to Busyman's ideas about the relative worth of a given cause, you'll be too busy opining to shop on Black Friday, pal.

If your only function these days is to call "bullshit" on everyone else, at least have the gumption to couch that as your opinion only-that leaves room for other people to have some of their own.

11-16-2005, 01:36 AM

Many of them look past domestic problems all day while "adopting a babies from Guatemala.":dry:

So what's "bullshit"?

If everyone is subject to Busyman's ideas about the relative worth of a given cause, you'll be too busy opining to shop on Black Friday, pal.

If your only function these days is to call "bullshit" on everyone else, at least have the gumption to couch that as your opinion only-that leaves room for other people to have some of their own.
T'is my right.:ermm:

You said there is "precious little left for a citizen to do" and I said bullshit and stand by that. Some folks ignore what's in their own country for a popular 'cause.

11-16-2005, 02:34 AM
i'm with busyman. i'm sure there's 100s of needy charities which would have welcome this $million

11-16-2005, 02:51 AM
So what's "bullshit"?

If everyone is subject to Busyman's ideas about the relative worth of a given cause, you'll be too busy opining to shop on Black Friday, pal.

If your only function these days is to call "bullshit" on everyone else, at least have the gumption to couch that as your opinion only-that leaves room for other people to have some of their own.
T'is my right.:ermm:

You said there is "precious little left for a citizen to do" and I said bullshit and stand by that. Some folks ignore what's in their own country for a popular 'cause.

Such as?

11-16-2005, 02:57 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_charities#United_States <<<start there

11-16-2005, 03:22 AM
T'is my right.:ermm:

You said there is "precious little left for a citizen to do" and I said bullshit and stand by that. Some folks ignore what's in their own country for a popular 'cause.

Such as?

11-16-2005, 10:59 AM
Such as?

What I thought.

More intent on disagreement than anything else.

11-16-2005, 01:47 PM

What I thought.

More intent on disagreement than anything else.
Feigning ignorance ain't one o yer strong points.....or you ernt feignin'.

Rat Faced
11-16-2005, 05:00 PM

What I thought.

More intent on disagreement than anything else.

How about the Homeless (lots of those in US), Medical Care for the poor (i know someone young, poor and unemployed and ONLY medical help she can get is Birth Control ffs), High Child Mortality (probably linked with the crap Health Care as last option)..

There are plenty of things the US citizens can do to help in their own country if they want.

However, its THEIR money... they wish to waste it (or pretend to waste it on rewards they will never pay) on other things, thats their right.

After all, its better that the child from Guatamalla was adopted (as an example) than no child at all.

11-16-2005, 06:14 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_charities#United_States <<<start there
and these

sorry to take your reigns busy, but... well... meh

11-16-2005, 09:00 PM
What I thought.

More intent on disagreement than anything else.
Feigning ignorance ain't one o yer strong points.....or you ernt feignin'.

Seriously, what?

If the man is intent on getting someone to roll on one of these guys, who are you to criticize?

Besides which, Willis funds a lot of un- and under-publicized causes which are probably along the lines you speak of; this specific thing, however, does not work without public disclosure, you see?

Or maybe you don't.

11-17-2005, 02:22 AM
How about the Homeless (lots of those in US),

How many, Rat?

As precisely as you can, please.

Medical Care for the poor (i know someone young, poor and unemployed and ONLY medical help she can get is Birth Control ffs), High Child Mortality (probably linked with the crap Health Care as last option)..

Our health care is top-notch...paying for it is the chore.

The genuinely "poor" actually don't have an problems either way; health care is rendered, and the taxpayers (like me) foot the bill.

I am not poor, but I have no health insurance, and am stuck with my own bills.

So, when you say "help with health care", what you mean is, someone to pay for it-not the actual procurement of service.

Really, Rat; we've been over this a million times, and you still have quite a comprehensive collection of misapprehensions.

If you listen to me I'll set you straight.

11-17-2005, 03:25 AM
Medical Care for the poor (i know someone young, poor and unemployed and ONLY medical help she can get is Birth Control ffs), High Child Mortality (probably linked with the crap Health Care as last option)..

RF, IMO J2 is right in this and should be listened to. I don't know what or why the situation is the way it is with your friend, but can only suggest there are other disqualifiers involved here. There would be some variances between states, but not many.

From what I have seen, if you are poor and unemployed here, you receive free health, dental health and eye care, and many other benefits. And the poor and unemployed are not excluded from health care due to pre-existing conditions, as are many whose income excludes them from these benefits.

However, there is one thing that may exclude a young, poor, unemployed person from receiving some benefits. That is the fact that a lot of times to qualify for such benefits, they use 'total household income' as their base for benefits.

11-17-2005, 11:41 PM
Thank you 'Rose.:)

As an aside, I find it curious that the only medical "help" available to Rat's young non-catagorizable pilgrim is birth-control.

Why that, if nothing else?:huh:

Rat Faced
11-19-2005, 09:20 PM
Bloody good question..

A household of one, by the way, she lives alone.

The young lady just had to borrow roughly $2000 from her grandparents to get a Root Canal that was needed, and $500 for a Dr's appointment and "Script" (i assume thats the money for a prescription?) for an infection.

The Only medical help she can get is the Birth Control.

I dont understand your system at all, as ive said before... a country that the government spends twice as much per citizen as the UK on Health Care, and the citizens also have to pay for it.

Dr's must love it over there.

Mr JP Fugley
11-19-2005, 09:32 PM
Script = Prescription. We call them "script" here ffs.

11-19-2005, 09:38 PM
Script = Prescription. We call them "script" here ffs.

He's quite thick sometimes, isn't he?:P

Mr JP Fugley
11-19-2005, 09:45 PM
Script = Prescription. We call them "script" here ffs.

He's quite thick sometimes, isn't he?:P
But charming to a fault.

Rat Faced
11-20-2005, 12:37 AM
I'd never heard the term in that context :snooty:

You may use it up there, we dont use it down here :P

Mr JP Fugley
11-20-2005, 01:24 AM
I'd never heard the term in that context :snooty:

You may use it up there, we dont use it down here :P
Really, ask a Doctor what a script is. Bet she knows.

11-20-2005, 03:29 AM
Rf, I am unsure if your friend just doesn't know where to apply for the benefits she qualifies for or what is going on.

She is paying almost double what is usually charged for a root canal, and if a medical Dr. charged over $80.00's in my area for an appointment to treat someone with an infection he wouldn't have very many patients. I don't know what type of infection he is treating her for.......follow up appointments or what, though.

If this is a respiratory infection or a similar infection, she should only have to pay around $80.00 for a course of antibiotics, tops. I don't know her medical history, etc., but that would be a general charge.

I don't understand the birth control bit, unless the only clinic she has gone to is a birth control clinic that doesn't offer any other type of health care.

Uhm......is she showing her Grandparents her receipts?

11-20-2005, 06:29 AM
He's quite thick sometimes, isn't he?:P
But charming to a fault.

Of course; as are we for noticing.:)