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View Full Version : when and how did you stop believing in satan

11-19-2005, 05:37 PM
when I tried selling my soul and got no takers:(

11-19-2005, 05:55 PM
Try EBay?

11-19-2005, 06:02 PM
satan is a real asshole, he came over, parasited my fridge and cash, laughed and told me things i didnt want to hear
so i kicked him out
he turned up in my mind and told me to surf p0rn, and do evil shit to my woman*, which was kinda cool, then he showed me how to ripp off people without caring - and can you believe it i made a shit load of cash.
months later i now have a whole goup of followers who do anything i say
its alright but the begging gets annoying.

As for believing, as long as they believe in you, you made it.

11-19-2005, 06:51 PM
when i die, i cant wait to rock with satan :D i hear hes a monster on the axe.

11-19-2005, 06:58 PM
my nan was a shannock we have our local customs, she told me off the
highty sprites when i was young, our local sprits that come at night

11-19-2005, 07:24 PM
One person takes satan seriously :lol:

from 'Scarborough Country' for November 17

SCARBOROUGH: “Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire” opens at midnight tonight. And “Muggles” are lining up already, including my younger son.

The fourth “Potter” movie in the series, rated PG-13, shows Harry competing in wizardry competitions, but some really are fearing right now that it could promote the occult to children.

With me now are Tommy Turner, a Michigan pastor who believes the “Potter” franchise is bad. And Karen Holt, she is the editor of “Publishers Weekly.”

Pastor, let‘s go to you first.

Obviously, I have got children that have watched all of these movies.

You think it‘s a bad idea. Why?


The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from the faith. We need to realize there is a strong delusion being sent that is deceiving the nation. And the Bible teaches us that idolater and sorcerers will have their part in a lake of fire. And we need to come alive and say I‘m not going to allow my door, the door to be opened to my child‘s heart to be deceived from this strong delusion from the enemy.

SCARBOROUGH: So, do you think if my son goes to see this movie, he will be more likely, despite the fact he goes to church and he is a Christian, do you think he will be more likely to be enticed to join a cult or to study the occult?

TURNER: Yes, Joe.

What you feed grows. Trash in, trash out. We have to build our lives on the rock Jesus. And if we‘re not building our lives on faith, whatever comes will blow us over. We need to be strong in who we are, in our character, who we believe in. And the answer is yes, because if you go to a “Harry Potter” Web site and look at all of the links that hook you up to the occult, we need to realize we are facing real spirits of the demon world, following Lucifer, (INAUDIBLE) and so on and so forth.

The spirit world is real. So, we don‘t want to teach our children that it is fun, it‘s OK. It‘s very serious and very dangerous, and we must take alert to this activity.

SCARBOROUGH: Karen Holt, is “Harry Potter” dangerous to America‘s children?

KAREN HOLT, “PUBLISHERS WEEKLY”: No. I mean, fantasy and magic have been a part of children‘s literature since there‘s been children‘s literature. I mean, we all grew up with Snow White and Cinderella. I don‘t think it turned any of us into occultists.

SCARBOROUGH: So, talk about why this movie and these books are so overwhelmingly successful, when every time a new book or new movie comes out, you hear a lot of these same criticisms, that it does go into the occult, that it studies the darker side of spirituality.

HOLT: Right.

Well, it‘s just a big target. I don‘t think there‘s anything unusual about these books, except that they‘re incredibly popular, and so it makes it a high-profile target for these groups that would actually like to eliminate, I think, anything that didn‘t fit with their religious beliefs.

SCARBOROUGH: Pastor Turner, do you agree with that?

TURNER: I would like to tell her that she is also under a strong delusion, that the word of God prophesied that all these things will come to pass.

Remember, there is a lake of fire that the unbeliever, the sorcerers and the idolaters will end up in. Do you want your children to face that or do you want to protect them from what we know is going to come to pass?


HOLT: Well, as I said, I think fantasy and magic have been part of children‘s literature forever.

And, you know, I don‘t know, is there an epidemic in this country of children becoming satanists, of children turning to the occult? If there is, I don‘t know about it. What I do know is that reading is on the decline in this country. And that is a serious problem. The NEA did a study last year showing that fewer and fewer adults are reading literature.

Less than about a third of adult men actually read any sort of literature at all. So, again, I don‘t know. Maybe there is an epidemic of satanism. I don‘t see it. What we do know is that reading is in trouble and that this is one way to help.


TURNER: Well...

SCARBOROUGH: We‘re going to have to leave it there.

Thank you, Pastor. Thank you, Karen Holt. Greatly appreciate you being here.

show transcript (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10097808/)

Mr JP Fugley
11-19-2005, 07:54 PM
One person takes satan seriously :lol:

So a person called Jesus once lived and now one person who takes Satan seriously.

Your guesstimates are somewhat conservative, if you don't mind me saying so.

11-19-2005, 09:17 PM
One person takes satan seriously :lol:

So a person called Jesus once lived and now one person who takes Satan seriously.

Your guesstimates are somewhat conservative, if you don't mind me saying so.
A person called Jesus may have once lived but he was NOT the son of God as God doesn't exist. If Jesus did exist he was purely a mortal man that just wanted everyone to get along..... but with a slight mental condition.

11-19-2005, 09:22 PM
Oh no this is so wrong:lol: (http://www.jesusdressup.com/)

Mr JP Fugley
11-19-2005, 09:43 PM
So a person called Jesus once lived and now one person who takes Satan seriously.

Your guesstimates are somewhat conservative, if you don't mind me saying so.
A person called Jesus may have once lived but he was NOT the son of God as God doesn't exist. If Jesus did exist he was purely a mortal man that just wanted everyone to get along..... but with a slight mental condition.
No, really, lots of people called Jesus lived. Some even continue to do so.

11-19-2005, 09:57 PM
Oh no this is so wrong:lol: (http://www.jesusdressup.com/)


That is so much fun!!!:01:


11-19-2005, 10:01 PM
when I tried selling my soul and got no takers:(

...thats what you think...I have already sold it on too Loki...:devil:

11-19-2005, 10:01 PM
get down (http://www.jesusdance.org/)

11-20-2005, 12:22 PM
get down (http://www.jesusdance.org/):lol:




