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View Full Version : How do I record xbox gameplay???

11-24-2005, 10:32 PM
For those that have seen episodes of Red Vs. Blue, you know what I'm talking about. Me and my friends are planning on making a halo movie for a school project, so simple enough I need to know:

1)How do I record off the xbox+tv?
2)What do I need?
3)How do I do it (basically number 1 again).
4)And how do I get the recorded video onto my computer to edit it (what editing software is the best to put voiceovers onto)??

Thanks in advance, and yes I googled this and I coultn find too much (something about how halo2 broke record sales :dry: ) thanks again guys.

11-24-2005, 11:46 PM

TV Tuner is what I use. Mine is kind of old but its the ATI TV Wonder VE.

11-25-2005, 06:20 AM
ok...so how exactly do i get it to work. like do I just plug xbox to tv and tv to computer/tv tuner? if thats it, then what software do u recommend (for editing/voiceovers/etc.)?

11-25-2005, 08:01 AM
who knows how to fix a corrupted dashboard on a xbox? if you know how tell me

11-25-2005, 08:04 AM
You can plug the X-Box in directly to the TV Tuner. Some people prefer not to do this because there can be a delay in controller action and the screen. The alternative to that is to do what you said; plug the X-Box to the TV then use the A/V out connections to hook the TV to the TV tuner.

After you get your video use whatever video authoring software you prefer. Some people use Vegas, Virtual-dub, the list continues.

11-25-2005, 10:56 AM
You can plug the X-Box in directly to the TV Tuner. Some people prefer not to do this because there can be a delay in controller action and the screen. The alternative to that is to do what you said; plug the X-Box to the TV then use the A/V out connections to hook the TV to the TV tuner.

After you get your video use whatever video authoring software you prefer. Some people use Vegas, Virtual-dub, the list continues.

ok thanks :) will give it a shot tomorrow :D

11-25-2005, 12:07 PM
sony vegas is pretty good. right balance of features and ease of use

11-29-2005, 09:28 AM
ok so heres what's going on right now: I recently bought a 32" widescreen LCD tv for my room, and lo and behold i can plug in the VGA cable from my comp :D. so what im thinking is, how can one "record" what's going on the tv screen (or is that just not possible?) considering the xbox is plugged into "AV1" and the computer is plugged into "VGA" (there 5 diff modes on this tv). what I'm saying is, there is also a mode for "output" so I was wondering if I can "output" what is going on in the TV (in this case Halo) to the computer monitor using either the VGA cable or the Svideo cable? Any ideas? I don't want to have to buy a tv tuner, that's my last option (which itll prob. come to :( ). thanks in advance guys.

11-29-2005, 10:35 AM
I have never had a tv that has had tv output :P There is no way your pc can play a tv signal without a tv tuner/converter.

You can get a component-to-usb converter if you dont feel like opening your case.

11-29-2005, 10:43 AM
I agree with Singa. Just get a cheap usb tuner. Mine is an ATI TV Wonder USB and it's performed handily. I got it for 90 or so bucks. Hauppauge makes decent models (so I've read.)

11-29-2005, 11:54 AM
Ok, foudn one for 60 bucks, ill buy it tomorrow, thanks guys :D

11-29-2005, 11:52 PM
well this is just a thought plug in your laptop s-video into your tv and set it so that you use laptop as monitor and you just record everything onscreen. meh im not too sure oh well. :sigh

11-29-2005, 11:54 PM
u can use fraps to record halo content directly on the pc. and with the mod kit, u can do the crazy stuff they do in FTC videos (xboxottawa.ca)

11-30-2005, 12:10 AM
wait btw you can get halo for pc maybe they are just usin the pc version?

11-30-2005, 12:16 AM
wait btw you can get halo for pc maybe they are just usin the pc version?

ya i was thinking about getting it for PC and doing it like that...problem is i'm gonna need multiplayer for that and my friends computer sucks balls, all of theirs do, so i can give em a copy each (halo PC) and make em install and try and explain to em the concept of connecting to my server and then somehow miraculously over mic or phone tell each of em what to do and when to do it.....so ya ill stick w/ Xbox over system link, i could set up a LAN w/ computers but i dont think my friends are too keen on bringing their comps to my house.

11-30-2005, 12:18 AM
i know for sure FTC @ www.xboxottawa.ca is using the PC version with some tweaks and hacks funded by Bungie themselves. not sure bout red vs blue though. it'll be a lot easier to use the pc version

11-30-2005, 04:15 AM
just do it through online play with a friend or something. If ur trying to mimick red vs blue.

11-30-2005, 07:27 PM
i know for sure FTC @ www.xboxottawa.ca (http://www.xboxottawa.ca) is using the PC version with some tweaks and hacks funded by Bungie themselves. not sure bout red vs blue though. it'll be a lot easier to use the pc version

agreed, but my friends arent that computer literate :( , installing the game is one thing, getting them to do certain things within the game after joining a server is another, but no worries i got the tv tuner and the project is well under way

11-30-2005, 10:56 PM
if you know how to put a vhs on the computer, then this is the way for you,
what i did was got a vcr with input sockets
1. plus the xbox into the vcr
2.plug the vcr to the tv
3.push record while on the av channel
4.start playing!
i used to do this to keep records of stupid things or show mods and hacks to people, but anyways hope this helps

11-30-2005, 11:54 PM
i know for sure FTC @ www.xboxottawa.ca (http://www.xboxottawa.ca) is using the PC version with some tweaks and hacks funded by Bungie themselves. not sure bout red vs blue though. it'll be a lot easier to use the pc version

agreed, but my friends arent that computer literate :( , installing the game is one thing, getting them to do certain things within the game after joining a server is another, but no worries i got the tv tuner and the project is well under way

well good luck. u can get a lot more creative on pc. with all the mods and tweaks and code hacks u can play with

12-01-2005, 12:44 AM
agreed, but my friends arent that computer literate :( , installing the game is one thing, getting them to do certain things within the game after joining a server is another, but no worries i got the tv tuner and the project is well under way

well good luck. u can get a lot more creative on pc. with all the mods and tweaks and code hacks u can play with

thanks, and next time ill use PC version but ill get ppl that know how to do it properly to act it out