View Full Version : The Bird Flu...Fact or Fiction

11-25-2005, 12:55 PM
I've taken the following letter to the editor from one of our state's local newspapers.

Bird Flu Scam


The bird flu is a scam!
Oh no, the bird flu is going to jump to humans, claims the media! They are doing a terrific job of scaring the public. This is a media scam brought on by the drug companies. The media will print virtually anything the drug companies promulgate.
The fact of the matter is no bird flu will jump to man. This is a blatant flagrant falsehood! The bird flu has been around for years. It has never jumped from bird to man yet. Less than 100 people have died from it worldwide. The Asians eat raw poultry. They even drink raw duck blood soup regularly. Of course they are gonna get ill sometimes. I know, because I have been to most Asian countries.
In some countries, I was usually blessed with the head and legs of the chicken – a delicacy for an American, they thought. I reluctantly ate it as to not hurt their feelings.
They eat every part of the chicken, whether cooked or not in some cases. The only part not eaten in Cambodia is the feathers.
But I digress. The point is that the drug companies succeeded again in deceiving the public. The federal government earmarked $7.1 billion to counter this dreadful flu that’s inevitable to come.
Vaccines are virtually impossible to produce before thay have the flu that jumps to humans. The vaccine must be made out of the exact same virus in order to partially work. The drug companies now ask for more. No lawsuits in case of error.
I say this is bull!! If they give the public illnesses that they would not have received and kill us with their homemade virus as many people catch the flu from these vaccines that they have never been proven to work.
They should be sued! I have never taken the flu vaccine and I have never caught the flu since childhood.
See I have a cure. It works for all viruses. Not sometimes, but 100 percent of the time. I get ill as much as anybody. I suppose, but whatever illness attacks me I can cure in 20 minutes or less 100 percent of the time with a megadose of vitamin C.
But golly, as Gomer Pile used to say. Why would anybody, god for bid, tell the ignorant public that if the government spent a few thousand dollars and gave everybody a bottle of vitamin C, we would all have a cure for this dreadful bird flu that is coming and every other flu and bacteria known to man.
I will tell you why! The drug companies would lose billions; doctors would lose billions too. The entire medical industry would be hurting. Think of the billions of tax dollars the government would lose too! Yikes, that would really hurt our economy if everyone had a simple cure in their pocket as I do.
The University of Washington medical professors announced that megadoses of Vitamin C would increase mans longevity by 20 years. This would ruin the Social Security System and Medicare. The government wants us to die soon as we retire to keep the country out of recession!
(This was excerpted from “The Casper Journal” November 16th, 2005)

11-25-2005, 07:55 PM
Your point was?

11-25-2005, 09:24 PM
Well, well, well another conspiracy.

And the Vietnamese government is in on it too. They are paying farmers for their chickens and ducks so that they can slaughter them.

Why would anybody, god for bid, tell the ignorant public that if the government spent a few thousand dollars and gave everybody a bottle of vitamin C, we would all have a cure for this dreadful bird flu that is coming and every other flu and bacteria known to man.

This paragraph alone fully qualifies the author as a crock.

Vitamin C is a co-factor in certain chemical reactions in the body which include the immune system, both directly and indirectly.

It is a water soluble compound that is freely filtered by the kidneys. Over a certain dose, all excess Vitamin C will spill over into the urine and your massive dose of Vitamin C will all be in the toilet.

One of my pet peeves is this fascination people have with vitamins. Thay are simply trace co-factors that play are role in certain chemical pathways. The body has checks and balances to absorb more in states of deficiency and absorb less in states of excess. The key is to have a balanced diet so that you body has a consistent source of Vitamins.

With fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, the body can store these in proportion to the dose given. Massive doses of fat soluble vitamins cause infiltration of tissues with it which results in poor health rather than improved health.

That is why pregnant mothers don't take Retinoic acid (Vit A) derivative, as it creates a blood level well above normal and causes limb deformities in developing fetuses.

Rat Faced
11-26-2005, 12:19 AM
The body has checks and balances to absorb more in states of deficiency and absorb less in states of excess.

So... all those Americans are just naturaly on the large side?

Fast Food & lack of exercise has nothing to do with it?

Bastards!!! Im off for a McDonalds :angry:

11-26-2005, 12:35 AM
The body has checks and balances to absorb more in states of deficiency and absorb less in states of excess.

So... all those Americans are just naturaly on the large side?

Fast Food & lack of exercise has nothing to do with it?

Bastards!!! Im off for a McDonalds :angry:

You forgot the fat-soluble aspect. The body stores fat and fat soluble molecules, not water-soluble ones. Water soluble products need specialized proteins to get them in the cell, which can be up and down regulated. Fat just dissolves on through and becomes incorporated into the fat stores.

If you find can find water soluble burgers and fries then you're on to something.

11-26-2005, 08:55 AM
i believe the part with the drug companies.
the largest farmaceutical companies(some working with american gov.) have their own labs where they can produce any type of virus!
then they give you the antidote. not for free, of course !

11-26-2005, 03:47 PM
I believe some people are actually doing themselves a mischief with the inordinate amount of vitamins they are consuming.

The Flu of 1918/19 was bird flu, it jumped very nicely and killed over 50 million people. The man is clearly quite an eccentric in more ways than one. Raw duck blood soup!???

As far as I am aware, all flus are originally bird flus. It just so happens that this particular one has not mutated sufficiently to make its own way through the human population. A path we should all hope it continues to take.

11-26-2005, 08:44 PM
The man is clearly quite an eccentric in more ways than one. Raw duck blood soup!???

Do you want him to cook his duck blood soup or something, sicko.

11-28-2005, 05:19 AM
The body has checks and balances to absorb more in states of deficiency and absorb less in states of excess.

So... all those Americans are just naturaly on the large side?

Fast Food & lack of exercise has nothing to do with it?

Bastards!!! Im off for a McDonalds :angry:

Yes sir, there are fat people only in America....

Rat Faced
11-28-2005, 09:23 AM

Merely a higher proportion per head of population... probably coz we all get smaller portions for our $$.

In Japan they are classed as "sportsmen" by the way :snooty:

11-28-2005, 09:48 AM
What an idiot...He contradicts himself in the worst way right here by saying it has never jumped to a human, then states that it has killed 100 humans.:

It has never jumped from bird to man yet. Less than 100 people have died from it worldwide.

"The government wants us to die soon as we retire to keep the country out of recession"....

That's just ridiculous. :dry:

These are the kind of articles that spread bad rumors and terrible lies because the people who read them are complete and total idiots and take it to heart. Then they tell people at work that they read an article about....(you see how it starts?)

11-28-2005, 08:18 PM
It has jumped to man, people have dies. I don't want to die. I hope it doesn't spread to this country.

Rat Faced
11-28-2005, 09:02 PM
It has jumped to man, people have dies. I don't want to die. I hope it doesn't spread to this country.

I want to know if that was SGG, or whether Biggles is wearing his daughters clothes again.. :unsure:

11-28-2005, 09:15 PM
What an idiot...He contradicts himself in the worst way right here by saying it has never jumped to a human, then states that it has killed 100 humans.:

"The government wants us to die soon as we retire to keep the country out of recession"....

That's just ridiculous. :dry:

These are the kind of articles that spread bad rumors and terrible lies because the people who read them are complete and total idiots and take it to heart. Then they tell people at work that they read an article about....(you see how it starts?)

11-29-2005, 08:46 PM
These are the kind of articles that spread bad rumors and terrible lies because the people who read them are complete and total idiots and take it to heart. Then they tell people at work that they read an article about....(you see how it starts?)

freedom of speech... what can you do?
a lot of "complete and total idiots" are allowed to speak and even worst, they can walk free on streets!
damn! :tank:

12-03-2005, 01:20 PM
Needless to say I'm not in aggreement with this individual...some of his information is way out there.

12-05-2005, 10:16 PM
It has jumped to man, people have dies. I don't want to die. I hope it doesn't spread to this country.

I want to know if that was SGG, or whether Biggles is wearing his daughters clothes again.. :unsure:

Not one of mine .. a rare foray into the Drawing Room by her madamship.