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View Full Version : Looking to Join Seduction.gr

12-08-2005, 06:16 AM
Hi i'm looking to join this website I have a good upload record
180 down
260 up

If someone would let me use there account just to get one file i would be in your debt.:)

12-08-2005, 06:24 AM
You cant be serious. I would hope for all humanities sake that noone here is stupid enough to do that. You have 1 post and I suspect that it will be your last, Cuz Im sure you wont stay here to contribute a damn thing.

12-08-2005, 04:23 PM
Well Your already wrong, This is my second post. With a reply like yours i doubt you contribute anything even with your 1,425 posts(probably nothing but bashing like your reply to me) Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say........ Don't say anything.

01-08-2006, 12:37 PM
email to [email protected] if you have s.th. good for trade with a seduction.gr invite

01-17-2006, 09:13 PM
apparently i wasnt COMPLETELY wrong :rolleyes:

01-19-2006, 09:16 PM
hey guys,

I'm new to the torrent scene, so dont have many invites as such. the only invites I have for are for telugutorrents.com. I can trade for that, can someone please hook me up with a invite for seduction.gr? I'm very much interested in all this psychology, NLP stuff. PLEASE!

02-26-2006, 10:39 AM
I would like to make a deal.. Send me an invite to Seduction.gr or bitme.org or any Torrents that have business/hypnosis/nlp/seduction materials and I'll send you the "October Man Sequence" + ALL the forbidden SS patterns+Archive of ALL conventional SS patterns I've gathered.. The October Man sequence developed by in10se and Swinggcat aka Grimble in "The Game" book is known to get 15 minute fuck closes! My personal best with the technology is an HB9 less than an hour from walkup to fuckclose This stuff is forbidden and be my guest if you can find a copy in MASF and other places.(Got this from Mystery Lounge coz I attended bootcamp)..Steve P./Hypnotica/Ross Jeffries/In10se/Swinggcat/Major Mark all banned this routines cause its been known to cause an alternate "sexual identity" in the subject and create a quick obsession that makes everything outside you "pain" and every concept of good and pleasurable "anchored" to you!

I can email October Man, and the other forbidden patterns infinitely.. Invites are limited, theres a big chance you might not send it after I send mine to you..No offense but if your interested email me the invites at [email protected] and within 5 minutes in return you'll get October Man sequence+Forbidden patterns+Archive of my patterns..DO we have a deal??

What good is all that material if you cant get laid? Im giving you absolutely the fastest and surest technology I and my PUA friends have field tested.. By the way if youre not SS Savvy, realistically you cant execute this on the field, unless youre comfortable with a cheat sheet..

I also have virtually all the ebooks bout seduction so in case you want it, i can trade that as well...

If ur not interested, thats fine



02-27-2006, 06:26 AM
I too want thses invit5es

03-06-2006, 10:18 AM
i have to ask, WTF is fuckcloses and npl and patterns and how does it realte to hypnosis.

i have googled but i cant find a straight answer

03-06-2006, 04:00 PM
requesting invites is not allowed. check the sticky threads in the bittorrent section
