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View Full Version : Help! I'm New And Unsavvy!

04-20-2003, 07:09 AM
Okay. I feel like a bit like a fool for this, but only a bit.
I do not have much experience with computers beyond emailing people,
superficially browsing the web, and using "user-friendly" software which requires only that one click on "I agree" and "next" buttons.
I just learned how to copy and paste on my job, and was thrilled to learn it applied at home too. (Is that moronic, or what! :huh: )
My question:
Where can I go to educate myself, (I mean on the web....I can't afford school), so I can best utilize my roommate's computer?
This in regards to all this "filesharing"-"mpg"-"memory cards"-and just computer stuff in general.
I'm may be just out of the starting gate, but you do have to start somewhere!
I read fast and learn fast, so it's not daunting to me, only temporarily inaccessible. (Laymen's terms will be needed at first, but not for long.)

To quote from...I forget which book:
(Although I suspect it's from Douglas Adams)

"Assume I know nothing."

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

04-20-2003, 07:29 AM
Google & keep asking questions. Welcome. :)

04-20-2003, 09:01 AM
One way in which I teach myself stuff, ie software applications etc.. is use the tutorials that come as part of the package. I mean who else but the people who wrote the stuff know how best to use it. :) and as the previous reply said, just do a search in google, ie (what does mpg mean) and low and behold, there's your answer.

Good luck :) and enjoy.

04-20-2003, 11:03 AM
This seems to cover most things, at least on a basic level, which is I think what you wanted.


You can find just about anything you want by searching with something like


Just type in an appropriate search. Remember it doesn't have to be a question. Just the key words. e.g. "pc basics".

Remember however, when using the web, keep a large pinch of salt beside you.

04-21-2003, 12:14 AM
Be sure and download Peer Guardian and run it when useing Kazaa.
It will help protect you from copyright problems.

04-21-2003, 12:52 AM
I think you'll find that a thorough read of this forum ( not just the first pages- go way back ) will give you some good info also. Many people ( like me ) are in your exact position and have probably asked many of the questions you now have.