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View Full Version : Does seeding torrent increase leeching speeds?

12-11-2005, 10:21 PM
Hi from a newbie who read somewhere that those who send torrents in bitcomet will find that somehow (either from servers, etc as I am not really sure who or how) their downloads speeds go faster. The more you seed the faster your speed is when leeching. Just wonder if experienced seeders find this to indeed be true and if so please explain why. As I am desperate to learn the tricks of this trade (p2p file sharing) I have been all over this web to try and learn to send torrents, download torrents etc but have found little to explain it in my tiny brains terms. I wish they had a p2p file sharing for dummies...LOL Please I could use allot of help. I am really good at tech support in basic PC repair but I have no one in my family that could sit me down and teach me p2p basics.
I cannot wait for a 2 day download time for movies that are 1.7GB. Please say there is a easier way. Configuring seems very complicated at this point for me. I tried but am afraid I will screw it up. TIA Please I could really use some Help

12-11-2005, 10:25 PM

12-12-2005, 12:23 AM
(....The more you seed the faster your speed is when leeching. Just wonder if experienced seeders find this to indeed be true and if so please explain why...)

ThanK you hungrylilboy for responding with link for Kazaa but really my main need is to learn how and why p2p filesharing speed increases when you do more seeding than leeching. I personally need to learn how to share files to others so my bitcomet speed is increased. Not knocking Kazaa but I found it to go dead on me with all the legal prosecuting going on. So I am trying to do the torrent file sharing thru bitorrent or bitcomet instead and need to know how to increase speed thru seeding.
PS if there is a kind of software out there that automatically uploads files you have that would be better yet. A program that uses torrents for file sharing preferably. TYIA

12-17-2005, 07:30 AM
http://btfaq.com There's guide to bittorrent. Hope it helps.

ps. your own seeding don't affect your download speed, well it can reduce it a bit. Maybe you have confused with the fact that more seeders 1 file has more faster you can download it.

12-17-2005, 06:10 PM
dont use Kazaa!!! (if you wanna use kazaa get Kazaa Lite)