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04-20-2003, 02:15 PM
i got dc+
and it got no hubs
how do i get them

04-20-2003, 11:11 PM
You need to get a hub list. ;)

This (http://www.mds.mdh.se/~dtv01jbd/PublicHubList.config.bz2) is the one I use.


04-20-2003, 11:37 PM
i put that in dc+ folder
and it wouldnt work

04-20-2003, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by solidsnake@20 April 2003 - 15:15
i got dc+
and it got no hubs
how do i get them

04-20-2003, 11:51 PM
share what
i cant get into no hubs
theres no hubs there
not cos im banned or dont have enough to share
u really need to think before u type

04-21-2003, 12:44 AM
Dude. Learn to :rtfm:

There's a button titled "Settings." Click it.
Then, switch to the "Downloads" tab.
There's a section called "Public List URL." Put that URL in the empty box.


04-21-2003, 12:54 AM
next time i will read the FABOULOUS(dunno how to speel)

04-21-2003, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by solidsnake@21 April 2003 - 00:51
share what
i cant get into no hubs
theres no hubs there
not cos im banned or dont have enough to share
u really need to think before u type
Here's a subtle clue,

fuck off. You're not wanted.

It's for real people, sharing real files.

04-21-2003, 01:02 AM
look jmif
no need to think your some big thug on the net
and where is the facts that u base on
that im not wanted there
have u gone on each hub and asked
didnt think so
i was hitting a minor hiccup on getting the server list
not cos i was banned or not sharing
but your too FUCKING STUPID to understand that
u carry on living your sad little internet life
in which your someone important
but in reality
your just a nobody........

04-23-2003, 09:31 PM
Actually, the hub list from Sourceforge.net was/is down....because of exceeded bandwidth I believe...

Anyways, try putting this in the slot in your settings for downloading a listy...


Just copy and paste that into the settings, and you will be fine...hell, for all I know the sourceforge list might be back up..don't know as I haven't checked in a while...

And, realize this...ppl who use Direct Connect are rather sensitive to the concept of leechers/fakers/etc...In general a person doesn't get banned from a hub unless there is a very good and solid reason...I mean think about it, if you want a slot from a person who is maxed out, and it turns out a slot or two are being used by a leecher, you are losing out to assholes, so how in general would you feel???? Unlike Kazaa & Gnutella, DC is right in your face...you can "see" all the users who are in the hub you are, get their lists, etc...

Oviously JimF misunderstood your post, so give him a bit of a break...

Having been an OP on multiple hubs for quite a while, I am definitely a supporter of axing/banning leechers/fakers/kiddie porners & sometimes ppl who are being flaming assholes...And also, having heard about every lameass excuse (read between the lines here...LIE!!!) as to why they don't deserve to be banned...(You just gotta love those idiots who share their whole C: drive with all of their personal/business info..LOLOLOL....even though I am looking at all this stuff, they still try to talk their way out of it..sheesh...)

Anyways, try out that list link, it just displayed 346 hubs for me...