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View Full Version : where is my hardware ID?

12-24-2005, 01:32 AM

12-24-2005, 03:06 AM
You need to be more specific, which hardware id?

The MAC address is in an intergrated circuit on the network card or on the mainboard if it's intergrated. Older cards sometimes had an 8 pin eeprom memory chip, these days it's likly to be intergrated into the network chip.

The harddrive serial number is in a chip in the harddrive.

The PCI devices have a PCI ID which is in a chip on each card.

If the processor has a CPUID it is in the silicon of the processor. x86 processors
don't all have a built in unique serial number but they do have a way to identify the
type of processor (pentium/p2/p2 intel/amd etc)

There are other ID's such as the volume id of the partition(s) and the
windows security key thingy.

12-24-2005, 03:10 AM
are you talking about alcohol 120%?

12-25-2005, 03:33 AM
hardware id is a 9 digit code formed out by the combination of the hardware present in your pc; it's used by some software companies in their registration process, as each computer will have a diferent id.

12-25-2005, 03:46 AM
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian. :)

12-25-2005, 11:06 PM
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian. :)
It also has nothing to do with hardware ID's either :huh:

12-26-2005, 04:49 AM
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian. :)
It also has nothing to do with hardware ID's either :huh:


so...leonidas, did you find your hardware id?

only time i ever saw hardware id, was when i installed alcohol 120%, it gives you the id.