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View Full Version : What does MS get from having people use IE?

12-28-2005, 09:33 PM
Surely no one would buy windows for IE so what do they get from having us use it.

It is certantly noiticable that they want you to use it (only IE works good at MS.com, working on IE7 after FF got popular)

I dont know what they would profit from. They certantly wouldnt have started working on IE7 if FF wansnt around. :ermm:

12-28-2005, 09:44 PM
They Get A Bigger Share In The Browser Market, More People Using IE= more People Using Windows= More $ ...... I think , but im sure about them having a bigger share in the browser market

12-29-2005, 03:31 AM
Well IE is 100% compatable with everything, firefox will probably soon to be, but not yet, I have had a handful of problems with it[Firefox], including not being able to view some websites in firefox. Microsoft will have that hand up with the 100% compatability for a while. (Cannot watch launch.com videos in Firefox)

peat moss
12-29-2005, 06:35 AM
Well IE is 100% compatable with everything, firefox will probably soon to be, but not yet, I have had a handful of problems with it[Firefox], including not being able to view some websites in firefox. Microsoft will have that hand up with the 100% compatability for a while. (Cannot watch launch.com videos in Firefox)

Orcutt989, you mean sites that need IE ? There are extensions for that as well ,like :


Or for windows updates :


I guess my point was use the IE Veiw for the sites that you have trouble with ? Or anouther option is Opera and use "See Me as IE " :)

You know what ? Wish I could take credit for the links , but thanks to Clocker and 100 % .. they know what I mean and thanks to you both . :D

12-29-2005, 06:49 AM
It probably has to due with its search engine, typos in IE could led you microsoft's msn. With firefox you have google integrated in.

12-29-2005, 06:54 AM
About FF not being compatible with some websites, yes, you are right,
but I'll say this, since I finally did what most people here had been telling me:
'to switch from IE to FF'; my spyware and web browsing glitches or probles have been
reduce to a 80%.
And I haven added any antyvirus or antyspyware that I didn't had before.
Im very happy with FF and now I recomend it to everyone.

12-29-2005, 06:56 AM
They Get A Bigger Share In The Browser Market, More People Using IE= more People Using Windows= More $ ...... I think , but im sure about them having a bigger share in the browser market

As i stated. no one is gonna buy windows for IE.

12-29-2005, 07:31 AM
I buy it for the OS and IE. FF is awful imo.

12-29-2005, 01:19 PM
Well IE is 100% compatable with everything

have you been smoking crack :O

ie fucked up the w3 standards forcing people to design there websites so that they only render properly in ie or have to use a workaround to get them to display properly in both.

if the site in question does not work properly in firefox its a good bet the site was designed by an idiot and should be told he/she is by email.

the reason microsoft keep's ie about is the fact that people thinks its the only fully working browser and are then locked into using windows.

12-29-2005, 05:06 PM
Well IE is 100% compatable with everything, firefox will probably soon to be, but not yet, I have had a handful of problems with it[Firefox], including not being able to view some websites in firefox. Microsoft will have that hand up with the 100% compatability for a while. (Cannot watch launch.com videos in Firefox)

Orcutt989, you mean sites that need IE ? There are extensions for that as well ,like :


Or for windows updates :


I guess my point was use the IE Veiw for the sites that you have trouble with ? Or anouther option is Opera and use "See Me as IE " :)

You know what ? Wish I could take credit for the links , but thanks to Clocker and 100 % .. they know what I mean and thanks to you both . :D

I will admit its almost impossible to get spyware or adaware with Firefox, unless you click something that says CLICK HERE FOR FUN AND FREE SOFTWAREZ. But I have already tried those extensions and they do not work. But they[the extensions] still use internet explorer somehow, and that is my point.

12-29-2005, 05:36 PM
Well IE is 100% compatable with everything

have you been smoking crack :O

ie fucked up the w3 standards forcing people to design there websites so that they only render properly in ie or have to use a workaround to get them to display properly in both.

if the site in question does not work properly in firefox its a good bet the site was designed by an idiot and should be told he/she is by email.

the reason microsoft keep's ie about is the fact that people thinks its the only fully working browser and are then locked into using windows.

Ever think that maybe that is a marketing ploy? ;)

12-29-2005, 06:35 PM
Maybe they get something an traking based on that Alexa crap also in addition to MSN search...

12-29-2005, 07:08 PM
They Get A Bigger Share In The Browser Market, More People Using IE= more People Using Windows= More $ ...... I think , but im sure about them having a bigger share in the browser market

As i stated. no one is gonna buy windows for IE.I didnt say people are going to Buy Ie , i said people are going to Buy Windows For Ie , people like newcomers to the computer world , and think that everything Ms is Good , people liek that

12-30-2005, 05:26 AM
And i said no one is gonna buy windows for IE. WHat moron would do that. most of those morons have AOL :lol:

mr. nails
12-30-2005, 02:11 PM
I guess my point was use the IE Veiw for the sites that you have trouble with...
IE Tab is much better w/firefox!

12-30-2005, 06:45 PM
Yes I think that Firefox is good, its much faster than IE. I do not do much surfing so I have not come across a site that did not load with FF.

But the subject of this thread is Why does Microsoft want us to use IE ? not what sites load or not !

When Netscape was king Bill Gates told his staff that the future of everything was on the net and that they had to get a good share of the browser market. So they worked on IE and after a few attempts got it passable. Then they gave it away free (Netscape was $ 100 I think) and everyone started using it as it was also installed by default with Windows. So they fucked Netscape's business !

I think the reason they want us to use IE is that in some way this must allow them to direct us to their web sites so we can buy more of their software. Or think that the internet is Microsoft territory only.

Any one else have some more reasons ?

PS now that FF (and others) are free and that Google will soon be giving away free the use of an Office workalike I think Miscrosft will be under a lot of pressure. It is a well known fact that they only make money on Windows and Office. (IE and Xbox cost them money). So if peopl start using Google's "office" then that will take cash away from Mircrosft and it couldn't have happened to a "nicer company" !



12-30-2005, 06:49 PM
i cant wait for googles stuff.

01-04-2006, 01:26 AM
IE is used by most because it is integrated with their O/S and that's because of Bill Gates' huge ego. He plays to win and wants everyone using his browser.

He's done a pretty good job of it too, from a business perspective.

Sadly, since it's integrated with the O/S you are more vulnerable to exploits and you cannot remove it.

In fact, MS is being sued/fined for this in Europe right now and will soon(if not already) be forced to offer their O/S without it.

I cannot stress this enough, the main reason to not use IE is due to this integration.

my .02¢

01-04-2006, 01:36 AM
In fact, MS is being sued/fined for this in Europe right now and will soon(if not already) be forced to offer their O/S without it.

they are getting fined by the eu for having window media player already installed by default. they are gonna be fined something like 2 million a day until they ship a windows without it and open up alot of their code to help their competition.

they where fined in the us for including internet explorer since that is where netscape is/was.

there is alot of moaning coming from within microsoft about how bad internet explorer is. it seems they really dont care about it anymore the only reason they are making version 7 is because they are getting lots of bad pr about security.

01-04-2006, 12:23 PM
They have made billions dollars from us. Bill needs to spend a billion or two
on the Quality of his software. We have lemon laws for cars, maybe we need a lemon law for OS software.

01-04-2006, 01:09 PM
IE can give you viruses easy, because I've seen it in action. You open up some underground webpage and BOOM, you get a virus that gets past IE's most current crappy protection. Now when it comes to Firefox, I have rarely seen a page that could actually try to implement a virus or piece of spyware onto your computer. Hell, it might have just been something downloaded into the cache, but couldn't execute due to the browser not being IE. I've "never" actually seen any viruses or spyware downloaded into Firefox's webpage cache that actually took effect on the user's PC yet.

Obviously having a good antivirus such as NOD32 will prevent most of those webpage viruses, but there are always some brilliant script writers out there that are ahead of the game. That's how the new viruses are made, and soon to be reported by it's victims.