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12-31-2005, 05:31 PM
Anyone know when well start seeing it commercially the release date perhaps? I know ps3 has it i was wondering is it launching with ps3 or slightly before.

12-31-2005, 06:10 PM
1.12 When will I be able to buy Blu-ray Disc products?

The only place where you can currently buy Blu-ray Disc products is in Japan, where they already sell Blu-ray Disc recorders for recording HDTV. If you live in the US then you will most likely have to wait until the Blu-ray launch sometime in early 2006. While we've heard very little about the launch plans for the European market, we expect it to follow shortly after the US (a few products might launch earlier). We expect more details about the Blu-ray launch and upcoming products at CES in January 5-8, 2006.

Source: http://www.blu-ray.com/faq/#1.12

12-31-2005, 09:07 PM
Blu-Ray will crush HD-DVD.

The PS3 is the Trojan Horse for it. Not only that, it has a higher storage capacity.

It will win in the movie, game, and PC user department.

HD-DVD backers should just hang it up.

Had M$ used HD-DVD in the 360 (like originally planned) then the format would have had life. Weird that M$ backs HD-DVD but didn't include it in it's game console. One would have thought that HD-DVD makers would have thrown M$ a bone and lowered the cost of it to jumpstart their format. The innovators of HD-DVD also screwed up by not releasing it on time. M$ might even have doomed the 360 by not including the next-gen format in their next-gen machine.

Sony will finally win a format war. Mini Discs, Memory Sticks, Betamax...all failed to catch on except in a Sony product.

12-31-2005, 10:15 PM
I've read that HP is supporting HD-DVD. HP wants to "avoid a repeat of the VHS-Betamax" incident. I believe the HD-DVD shows promise.

Source: http://www.anandtech.com/news/shownews.aspx?i=25453

01-01-2006, 12:11 AM
I've read that HP is supporting HD-DVD. HP wants to "avoid a repeat of the VHS-Betamax" incident. I believe the HD-DVD shows promise.

Source: http://www.anandtech.com/news/shownews.aspx?i=25453
How are they avoiding a repeat when they support both? Dell supports Blu-Ray only. They are hoping to avoid a repeat by supporting one. It's weird that HP is picking up HD-DVD when Blu-Ray has so much firmly on it's side.

Intel and M$ are the only "lone" supporters of HD-DVD and the only redeeming factor for choosing it is that is easier to manufacture. DVD facilities are easy to convert to HD-DVD.

01-01-2006, 04:15 AM
Well what's so bad about HD-DVD? It has more space capacity. Are there some security flaws with HD-DVD technology?

Darth Sushi
01-01-2006, 06:44 AM
I don't care either way as long as we have a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray DeCrypter! :naughty:

01-01-2006, 10:16 AM
and then there is the holographic burner.....even more data...on your disc


01-01-2006, 02:42 PM
If the porn industry decides to back HD-DVD, blu-ray is dead.

01-01-2006, 04:05 PM
I don't care either way as long as we have a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray DeCrypter! :naughty:
That might be quite an issue. I'm quite sure that the new format(s) will have new protection schemes.

01-02-2006, 12:47 AM
yea i heard bad things about blu ray and ripping but anyways someone will find a way (Hopefully). Thanx for the info guys.

01-02-2006, 12:49 AM
If the porn industry decides to back HD-DVD, blu-ray is dead.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Good point!

Darth Sushi
01-02-2006, 01:06 AM
I don't care either way as long as we have a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray DeCrypter! :naughty:
That might be quite an issue. I'm quite sure that the new format(s) will have new protection schemes.
I'm hoping the Norwegian DVD-Jon will come through, eventhough he's working for iTunes now. I'll pray to the hacker Gods.

01-03-2006, 10:28 AM
Had M$ used HD-DVD in the 360 (like originally planned) then the format would have had life. Weird that M$ backs HD-DVD but didn't include it in it's game console. One would have thought that HD-DVD makers would have thrown M$ a bone and lowered the cost of it to jumpstart their format. The innovators of HD-DVD also screwed up by not releasing it on time. M$ might even have doomed the 360 by not including the next-gen format in their next-gen machine.
microsoft can still go ahead and put an hd-dvd drive into xbox 360, later on. here's how that might possibly work: it can play hd-dvd movies, no hd-dvd games will be released on xbox 360. why would it be like that? because releasing hd-dvd games would be a marketing disaster, 'cause people who already own xbox 360 without the hd-dvd drive would be extremely upset and feel they've been cheated, and a lot of people would simply find it too confusing.

not that hd-dvd is necessary for this generation's games. it really is not necessary. blu-ray isn't necessary for games either, and won't contribute to ps3 games looking better than xbox 360. ps3 games may look better than xbox 360, but blu-ray won't be the reason. any game that can completely fill the 9GB capacity of a dual-layer dvd has a LOT of padding -- excessive amounts of pre-rendered cutscene movie files (if the game's graphics engine is any good, they can do the cutscenes with the engine and save a lot of space), multiple soundtrack/cutscene languages, etc. a lot of u.s. console-game discs for example contain extra movie files in foreign languages & foreign tv formats that an american will never ever use. at the current time, no company can devote the time & resources to crank out 9GB of engine, maps & textures for a single game.

so yeah, hd-dvd and blu-ray: good for movies, but pretty unnecessary for games on this year's consoles. i don't see why microsoft couldn't add an hd-dvd drive later and just advertise the new model as "NOW WITH HD-DVD MOVIE PLAYBACK!" that seems totally reasonable, without being confusing to the average shopper.

01-03-2006, 10:31 AM
If the porn industry decides to back HD-DVD, blu-ray is dead.
good point.

01-03-2006, 11:45 AM
Had M$ used HD-DVD in the 360 (like originally planned) then the format would have had life. Weird that M$ backs HD-DVD but didn't include it in it's game console. One would have thought that HD-DVD makers would have thrown M$ a bone and lowered the cost of it to jumpstart their format. The innovators of HD-DVD also screwed up by not releasing it on time. M$ might even have doomed the 360 by not including the next-gen format in their next-gen machine.
microsoft can still go ahead and put an hd-dvd drive into xbox 360, later on. here's how that might possibly work: it can play hd-dvd movies, no hd-dvd games will be released on xbox 360. why would it be like that? because releasing hd-dvd games would be a marketing disaster, 'cause people who already own xbox 360 without the hd-dvd drive would be extremely upset and feel they've been cheated, and a lot of people would simply find it too confusing.

not that hd-dvd is necessary for this generation's games. it really is not necessary. blu-ray isn't necessary for games either, and won't contribute to ps3 games looking better than xbox 360. ps3 games may look better than xbox 360, but blu-ray won't be the reason. any game that can completely fill the 9GB capacity of a dual-layer dvd has a LOT of padding -- excessive amounts of pre-rendered cutscene movie files (if the game's graphics engine is any good, they can do the cutscenes with the engine and save a lot of space), multiple soundtrack/cutscene languages, etc. a lot of u.s. console-game discs for example contain extra movie files in foreign languages & foreign tv formats that an american will never ever use. at the current time, no company can devote the time & resources to crank out 9GB of engine, maps & textures for a single game.

so yeah, hd-dvd and blu-ray: good for movies, but pretty unnecessary for games on this year's consoles. i don't see why microsoft couldn't add an hd-dvd drive later and just advertise the new model as "NOW WITH HD-DVD MOVIE PLAYBACK!" that seems totally reasonable, without being confusing to the average shopper.
I heard there's talk of M$ only having only HD-DVD support in Vista. Irregardless to the 360, so far add-ons (even though you said it will be just for movies) never work for consoles.

PS3s Trojan Horse concept was far smarter.

01-03-2006, 06:05 PM
well xbox 360 couldn't support hd-dvd video in november 2005 'cause the hd-dvd video format still hasn't been launched yet, after all. they would have needed to push the xbox 360s launch date back until the drives are available in mass production.

but i don't mean supporting hd-dvd as an optional add-on accessory. i meant that they could just start using hd-dvd drives (backwards compatible with dvd) instead of dvd drives in xbox 360. the important thing is not to piss off early adopters by locking them out of playing any new xbox 360 games just because they don't have the new model, since the main purpose of the machine is to play games. the increased movie compatibility would just be another incentive for gamers who were dragging their heels to buy the newer model of xbox 360 ("now with better multimedia abilities: plays hd-dvd movies" or whatever).

that's my guess, as to how it could possibly go down, anyway. it doesn't need to be a matter of an add-on working or not working, they don't need to give people a choice, they could just introduce a new version of xbox 360 that plays hd-dvd movies and stop selling the original version. the game-compatibility remains the same, and new owners get to watch hd-dvd movies. having said that, blu-ray does seem to be a superior movie/pc format. i guess we'll see how that all works out, later this year. who knows, xbox 360 might never support hd-dvd, but i reckon the possibility remains open.

01-07-2006, 12:17 AM
well vista not supporting hd is either gonna make or break microsoft! we'll see when the time comes.

01-07-2006, 12:36 AM
well xbox 360 couldn't support hd-dvd video in november 2005 'cause the hd-dvd video format still hasn't been launched yet, after all. they would have needed to push the xbox 360s launch date back until the drives are available in mass production.

but i don't mean supporting hd-dvd as an optional add-on accessory. i meant that they could just start using hd-dvd drives (backwards compatible with dvd) instead of dvd drives in xbox 360. the important thing is not to piss off early adopters by locking them out of playing any new xbox 360 games just because they don't have the new model, since the main purpose of the machine is to play games. the increased movie compatibility would just be another incentive for gamers who were dragging their heels to buy the newer model of xbox 360 ("now with better multimedia abilities: plays hd-dvd movies" or whatever).

that's my guess, as to how it could possibly go down, anyway. it doesn't need to be a matter of an add-on working or not working, they don't need to give people a choice, they could just introduce a new version of xbox 360 that plays hd-dvd movies and stop selling the original version. the game-compatibility remains the same, and new owners get to watch hd-dvd movies. having said that, blu-ray does seem to be a superior movie/pc format. i guess we'll see how that all works out, later this year. who knows, xbox 360 might never support hd-dvd, but i reckon the possibility remains open.
The funny thing is that Blu-Ray is overkill for gaming and pre-movies (unless it's for box sets :dabs:)

HD movies take up more space but not that much more.

It's great for mass storage/VCR replacement though.:happy:

01-07-2006, 01:34 AM
well xbox 360 couldn't support hd-dvd video in november 2005 'cause the hd-dvd video format still hasn't been launched yet, after all. they would have needed to push the xbox 360s launch date back until the drives are available in mass production.

but i don't mean supporting hd-dvd as an optional add-on accessory. i meant that they could just start using hd-dvd drives (backwards compatible with dvd) instead of dvd drives in xbox 360. the important thing is not to piss off early adopters by locking them out of playing any new xbox 360 games just because they don't have the new model, since the main purpose of the machine is to play games. the increased movie compatibility would just be another incentive for gamers who were dragging their heels to buy the newer model of xbox 360 ("now with better multimedia abilities: plays hd-dvd movies" or whatever).

that's my guess, as to how it could possibly go down, anyway. it doesn't need to be a matter of an add-on working or not working, they don't need to give people a choice, they could just introduce a new version of xbox 360 that plays hd-dvd movies and stop selling the original version. the game-compatibility remains the same, and new owners get to watch hd-dvd movies. having said that, blu-ray does seem to be a superior movie/pc format. i guess we'll see how that all works out, later this year. who knows, xbox 360 might never support hd-dvd, but i reckon the possibility remains open.
The funny thing is that Blu-Ray is overkill for gaming and pre-movies (unless it's for box sets :dabs:)

HD movies take up more space but not that much more.

It's great for mass storage/VCR replacement though.:happy:

It may seem over kill now but whatbout in the future ? Which do you think will last longer?;) ;)

01-07-2006, 02:27 AM
The funny thing is that Blu-Ray is overkill for gaming and pre-movies (unless it's for box sets :dabs:)

HD movies take up more space but not that much more.

It's great for mass storage/VCR replacement though.:happy:

It may seem over kill now but whatbout in the future ? Which do you think will last longer?;) ;)
Ok then..the next decade.

Besides a box-set, I don't see a single movie needing 25 GB (and definitely not 50) even if it's in HD. Mind you I understand there will be certain interactive features included in the future like maybe clicking on something in the movie and it giving info on it.

Then there's gaming. Developers are going to have to really step up their game to fill 25 GB.

Now for mass storage and VCR replacement it's a no-brainer. Hell my entire TIVO is only 30 GB.:ermm: If I could store and record 25 (& also 50) GB of HD on one disc and the media was affordable, I'd throw my VCR away.

However, I don't see the media being affordable for another 3 years (maybe more). It just holds too much. It'd throw the hard drive market for a curve if 25 and 50 GB discs were too low. The only thing it'd lack is seek time.

We just increased removable media recording space slightly more than 5 fold, ffs.