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jesus' general
01-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Hello good members of FST and a happy new year to you all!

I would like to celebrate the new year, and my first post, by exploring some of the lesser known victories in the Global War on Terror (GWOT). I have chosen this site as I have been informed that it is a veritable hotbed of pinko commie liberalism and my fellow conservatives require reinforcements.

The wait is over, the cavalry has arrived!

I strongly believe that we Americans do not appreciate the dedication and achievements of our allies in the GWOT. So it is with this sentiment in mind that I bring to your attention the monumental progress made by our friends the Uzbeks. Unlike the lily livered liberals we are forced to endure at home, the Uzbeks really know how to get the job done. Listen and learn terrorists, when the Uzbeks say you're in hot water they mean it!

One boiled terrorist coming right up! :lol:
Boiled Terrorist (gory 18+) (http://mightyspork.blogspot.com/2005/12/coalition-of-willing.html)

This is why we should ignore the doom and gloom merchants of the fifth column, also known as the Mass Media. We are winning this war and God is on our side!


The corresponding cloud to this silver lining is that we can't get this job done in the USA.

Now.. back in the day, when men were men, and sheep were scared, this kind of thing would have been handled by the National Guard, the liberals, ever eager to take the fun out of things have put a stop to it. So three cheers for outsourcing!!!

We boil them there so we don't have to boil them here!


The mother of the man who was boiled for our freedom has been making trouble, but don't be concerned, she has been silenced!


Take note President Bush, there is a solution to the Cindy Sheehan problem!

Now, getting back to our glorious homeland, I want to show all you wishy washy liberals something special. The men I am about to show you have made this country what it is today, if theres a draft, they'll be first in line to defend your freedom while you sip on a Starbucks latte and talk about Oscar Wilde. Now don't get any funny ideas liberals, you may mock their less than athletic figures but your careless words on this forum could lead to real life serious injury to your skinny white pinko commie bodies, don't say I didn't warn you!

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... behold! I present to you the troops of the 101st Chairborne!


*sniff* Its enough to make a grown man cry, and reconsider his objections to eugenics, but I digress..

Bow down to your betters liberals! Observe their unbridled masculinity! Recognise their superior moral fibre and tremble in the face of true God fearing Middle Americans! If the brown hordes arrive at the gates it'll be salt of the Earth folks such as these who will save the day! If ever there was proof of Intelligent Design.. this is it!

Now, before you book smart libs get all high and mighty about my grammar, I should tell you now that I was home schooled. Don't start getting all uppity about it commies, I can hit a brown person with a rock up to a range of 30 yards, 40 if they're chained to a stick. A darn site more useful then a few well placed commas!

Watch this space for more updates on the GWOT, but until then.... this is Jesus' General signing off.

heterosexually yours,


01-02-2006, 10:22 PM
I thought j2 said he doesn't have any other forum IDs.

01-02-2006, 11:39 PM
stfu manker

(sorry i've wanted to try that for a while)

01-02-2006, 11:44 PM
stfu manker

(sorry i've wanted to try that for a while)
:lol: :D

There can't be many left who haven't given it a go, Shirley.

01-03-2006, 12:09 AM
I haven't.


01-03-2006, 12:16 AM
I haven't.

Yet.Just waiting til I post something that you disagree with, eh.

01-03-2006, 12:31 AM
shouldn't this be in funny stuff?

01-03-2006, 03:43 AM

A very 'cut-to-the-chase' sort of fellow; a 'man-of-action'...I'll need time to come up with more.

Do you know G. Gordon Liddy at all, at all.

I'd like to attend one of these "terrorist-boils"...do you serve refreshments?

Festival seating?

Big screen?

Huge Tannoy system?

Have you a schedule of upcoming events?

01-03-2006, 03:56 AM
Actually, since the Uzbeks committed this, um...attritive act, what is the objection to western disinterest?

Should we invade?

A thought:

Since it's his backyard, why not get Vladimir Putin's input on this?

Or Kofi Annan's?

Really now, if the U.N. doesn't see fit to become involved (nary a resolution in sight!), wouldn't the international community be outraged if we once again move unilaterally?

I mean, we haven't even addressed the situation in the Sudan...first things first, I always say. ;)

jesus' general
01-03-2006, 08:52 AM
Do you know G. Gordon Liddy at all, at all.

Thankfully not. He used to be a good honest patriot, but I hear he's taken up acting and is making friends with liberals these days.

Constant vigilance is required against the corrupting influence of liberals, feminists, communists, homosexuals and actors. Especially actors as they're usually a combination of all those things. We've lost too many good patriots to these satanic forces as it is.

Should we invade?

Invade our allies, the Uzbeks, for helping us in the GWOT? I think you need a break from the fuzzy thinking liberals who infest this place, you seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome!


That comment reminded me of this hippy chick at the place where I work, she was asking all these dumb questions like, "How do you know he was a terrorist if he hadn't been convicted?" I said to her, "Listen up hairy pits, its like a trial, how do you know who the guilty one is? He's the one wearing the orange jumpsuit, DUH! How do I know he was a terrorist? We had him boiled! DUH!".

Coulters "How to talk to a liberal.. if you must" should be required reading for all good patriots. :)

I'd like to attend one of these "terrorist-boils"...do you serve refreshments?

Festival seating?

Big screen?

Huge Tannoy system?

Have you a schedule of upcoming events?

Thats better. :)

The only criticism I could make of the Uzbeks is that they really haven't grasped the idea behind capitalism yet. Imagine letting such a lucrative prospect go to waste! I put it down to being under the influence of the Commies for such a long time. But give'em a chance, once they've tasted the sweet, sweet fruit of American foreign policy they'll be coming along in leaps and bounds!

I mean, we haven't even addressed the situation in the Sudan...first things first, I always say.

Jebus.. its worse than I thought! Iran first buddy! You ought to come along to a Team Infidel shoot out sometime, get ya back on the straight and narrow. ;)

I gotta go to work and irritate the liberals, but I'll be back to help you hold the fort later on, remember friend.. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

heterosexually yours,


01-03-2006, 09:46 AM
Hmmm...I sense sarcasm but it's hard to see beyond my foaming mouth.

01-03-2006, 09:57 AM
:lol: :lol:

jesus' general
01-03-2006, 10:25 AM
Hmmm...I sense sarcasm but it's hard to see beyond my foaming mouth.

I thought the hippy chick at my workplace was foaming at the mouth when I told her about the boiled brown person. As it turned out she was just spitting out her latte in amazement at my masculine moral presence. (I am an 11 on the manly scale of absolute gender).

You don't seem like a pinko to me, so perhaps this (http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/charleskrauthammer/2003/12/05/160406.html) is the issue?

heterosexually yours,


01-03-2006, 10:52 AM
Hmmm...I sense sarcasm but it's hard to see beyond my foaming mouth.

I thought the hippy chick at my workplace was foaming at the mouth when I told her about the boiled brown person. As it turned out she was just spitting out her latte in amazement at my masculine moral presence. (I am an 11 on the manly scale of absolute gender).

You don't seem like a pinko to me, so perhaps this (http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/charleskrauthammer/2003/12/05/160406.html) is the issue?

heterosexually yours,

we're all comunists here :dabs:

01-03-2006, 11:39 AM
I thought the hippy chick at my workplace was foaming at the mouth when I told her about the boiled brown person. As it turned out she was just spitting out her latte in amazement at my masculine moral presence. (I am an 11 on the manly scale of absolute gender).

You don't seem like a pinko to me, so perhaps this (http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/charleskrauthammer/2003/12/05/160406.html) is the issue?

heterosexually yours,

we're all comunists here :dabs:Indeed.

Amongst other things, we've renounced the capitalist evil known as spellcheck.

I hope this Jebus guy stays around, he's fecking funny. Flowe, post a bit in the lounge :D

01-03-2006, 03:16 PM
jesus is american?

01-03-2006, 03:54 PM
He lives in Southpark. Got a cable TV show.

01-03-2006, 09:00 PM
jesus is american?
Don't be daft, Columbus only invented america like 200 years ago and jesus was around thousands of years before that.

01-03-2006, 09:00 PM
Thankfully not. He used to be a good honest patriot, but I hear he's taken up acting and is making friends with liberals these days.

Constant vigilance is required against the corrupting influence of liberals, feminists, communists, homosexuals and actors. Especially actors as they're usually a combination of all those things. We've lost too many good patriots to these satanic forces as it is.

Should we invade?

Invade our allies, the Uzbeks, for helping us in the GWOT? I think you need a break from the fuzzy thinking liberals who infest this place, you seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome!


That comment reminded me of this hippy chick at the place where I work, she was asking all these dumb questions like, "How do you know he was a terrorist if he hadn't been convicted?" I said to her, "Listen up hairy pits, its like a trial, how do you know who the guilty one is? He's the one wearing the orange jumpsuit, DUH! How do I know he was a terrorist? We had him boiled! DUH!".

Coulters "How to talk to a liberal.. if you must" should be required reading for all good patriots. :)

I'd like to attend one of these "terrorist-boils"...do you serve refreshments?

Festival seating?

Big screen?

Huge Tannoy system?

Have you a schedule of upcoming events?

Thats better. :)

The only criticism I could make of the Uzbeks is that they really haven't grasped the idea behind capitalism yet. Imagine letting such a lucrative prospect go to waste! I put it down to being under the influence of the Commies for such a long time. But give'em a chance, once they've tasted the sweet, sweet fruit of American foreign policy they'll be coming along in leaps and bounds!

I mean, we haven't even addressed the situation in the Sudan...first things first, I always say.

Jebus.. its worse than I thought! Iran first buddy! You ought to come along to a Team Infidel shoot out sometime, get ya back on the straight and narrow. ;)

I gotta go to work and irritate the liberals, but I'll be back to help you hold the fort later on, remember friend.. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

heterosexually yours,


It would appear you are not familiar with my excellent "jaded" sarcasm.

As is the case with other leading conservatives, a minimum of six weeks' indoctrination is required before you've reached the proper and prescribed absorption level.

Stay tuned. :D

01-03-2006, 09:09 PM
Hmmm...I sense sarcasm but it's hard to see beyond my foaming mouth.


A similar thought crossed my mind.

It is strangely compelling though :unsure:

jesus' general
01-05-2006, 09:20 AM
It would appear you are not familiar with my excellent "jaded" sarcasm.

Sarcasm eh? Sounds interesting, I'll have to look into it. ;)

I'd like to thank everyone for the warm welcome I've received. It reminds me of what ole' Grandma General used to say... "liberals are people too".

However, I don't want any of you pinkos getting the wrong idea. I know how you guys work, lull me into a false sense of security and before you know it you'll be trying to invade me from behind.

Not on my watch!

heterosexually yours,


01-05-2006, 08:34 PM
I know how you guys work, lull me into a false sense of security

You won't have to worry about that, JG.

The liberal contingent here are card-carrying members of the visionary anointed.

They know nothing whatsoever about security-they can't even bring themselves to criticize Slick Willie for selling us down the river with the Chinese and Koreans, and they think John Huang and Charlie Trie are porn-stars or some such.

jesus' general
01-05-2006, 08:54 PM
I know how you guys work, lull me into a false sense of security and before you know it you'll be trying to invade me from behind.

You won't have to worry about that, JG.

:disappointed: :(

01-05-2006, 09:15 PM
You won't have to worry about that, JG.

:disappointed: :(

I meant about the security thing.

They'll still invade you from behind, though. ;)

01-05-2006, 10:46 PM
:disappointed: :(

I meant about the security thing.

They'll still invade you from behind, though. ;)It appears the conservatives will take a frontal approach (http://www.channeloklahoma.com/news/5845859/detail.html);) either way it looks like you could be "getting some"

01-06-2006, 12:09 AM
I meant about the security thing.

They'll still invade you from behind, though. ;)It appears the conservatives will take a frontal approach (http://www.channeloklahoma.com/news/5845859/detail.html);) either way it looks like you could be "getting some"

Research reveals the Pastor is a registered Democrat...;)

jesus' general
01-06-2006, 10:35 AM
I meant about the security thing.

They'll still invade you from behind, though.

That would go some way to explaining your "bear with a sore ass" demeanor! :P

Only joking! Three years of wading through the filth of liberalism is bound to put anyone in a perpetual bad mood.

Research reveals the Pastor is a registered Democrat...

Even a man of God isn't safe from the corrupting influences of the commie pinko liberals!

One day he's preaching the good word, the next thing you know he's doing a bang bang in another mans anus.

Constant Vigilance!!

01-06-2006, 11:03 AM
Constant vigilance? You make it sound as if you're in a perpetual struggle against giving in to butt secks. You really should sit down and ponder whether this battle is worth fighting - you could find a nice beautician boyfriend, dye your hair blue and move to San Francisco. Mightn't be so bad.

I have to inform you that altho' I'm hardly a baby eater, I have no problem resisting the allure of shagging blokes. The mere thought is repugnant and no amount of political propaganda could convince me otherwise.

Anyway, in the land of the free, it isn't a crime to repress sexual feelings. Whatever you decide to do about this struggle you face, you have my best regards.

Heterosexually yours.


jesus' general
01-06-2006, 02:50 PM
Constant vigilance? You make it sound as if you're in a perpetual struggle against giving in to butt secks.

Ahh, the French respond!

It's a perpetual struggle against the conspiracy of commies, fags and liberals who run 90% of the mainstream media these days. Your type would have us believe that "Will and Grace" is just harmless fun, but.. as always, you elitist libs misunderestimate the astuteness of the red states.

I won't respond to the rest of your filth as I find it offensive and downright unAmerican. I will say this though, your pinko talk just goes to show why this country needs a thorough purge of the traitors in its midst.

Genuinely heterosexually yours,


01-07-2006, 03:38 AM
Ah, JG..is it you, the one and only..if so, love your site..
how is operation yellow elephant going?

jesus' general
01-07-2006, 09:18 AM
Hi Ruthie, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I am not THE General, just one of the many generals fighting the war against commies, pinkos, liberals, moonbats, Democrats, the mainstream media and uppity brown people.

I will pass on your regards to my superior though. :)

As I understand it Operation Yellow Elephant is having mixed results. The campaign is receiving a little media attention, but we just can't seem to get the young Republicans to understand the point. Judging from their letters they are happy to fight for the 101st Chairborne, but they aren't too keen on being part of the solution to the recruitment crisis.

On behalf of the General, I would like to thank you for your sterling efforts in running the honeypot that is anywhichway.net. We've identified most of the people behind the IP addresses in the logs you've sent us and we expect the Great Purge to be implemented sooner rather than later. We thought we may have a problem selling this to the American public but we've been testing the waters with the whole 4th amendment thing and we are confident that a significant majority of Americans are so petrified that they'll forget all about the constitution when the time comes. Coulters white washing of McCarthyism is also a fundamental part of this plan, so as you can see, you're in good company!

Keep up the good work Ruthie, your country has never needed good patriots like you more than it does now.

Heterosexually (but respectfully because I know you're spoken for) yours,


01-07-2006, 09:29 AM
Constant vigilance? You make it sound as if you're in a perpetual struggle against giving in to butt secks.

Ahh, the French respond!

It's a perpetual struggle against the conspiracy of commies, fags and liberals who run 90% of the mainstream media these days. Your type would have us believe that "Will and Grace" is just harmless fun, but.. as always, you elitist libs misunderestimate the astuteness of the red states.

I won't respond to the rest of your filth as I find it offensive and downright unAmerican. I will say this though, your pinko talk just goes to show why this country needs a thorough purge of the traitors in its midst.

Genuinely heterosexually yours,

JGWill and Grace is not harmless fun, I'm with you there. It's poor TV in its purest form and not, in any way, fun. You deserve some kudos too in spotting that my filth is unAmerican, my cover is always blown by the Welsh flag just to the left, there.

I'd like to hear more on the 'astuteness of the red states' since I've not the slightest idea what it means ... plus it sounds like commie talk to me :smilie4:

01-07-2006, 09:38 AM
Although this Republican Jesus is good at imitating my style. He's not me. The name (from a cartoon character I do) along with the graphic and the style might confuse people. I'd appreciate it he'd be careful to ensure that there isn't any confusion about that. Perhaps you could give yourself a new name (I'd even wecome you into my militia with any rank you want) or use a different graphic. I don't mind you using one or the other, but together, it looks like me.

I suspect that it isn't intentional, and he's pretty damned good. It's hard to be mad when you're laughing. So best wishes to Republican Jesus.

01-07-2006, 09:40 AM
Sorry. Reading down the page, I see that you are careful to tell people that you aren't me. Thanks.

01-07-2006, 10:05 AM
Although this Republican Jesus is good at imitating my style. He's not me. The name (from a cartoon character I do) along with the graphic and the style might confuse people. I'd appreciate it he'd be careful to ensure that there isn't any confusion about that. Perhaps you could give yourself a new name (I'd even wecome you into my militia with any rank you want) or use a different graphic. I don't mind you using one or the other, but together, it looks like me.

I suspect that it isn't intentional, and he's pretty damned good. It's hard to be mad when you're laughing. So best wishes to Republican Jesus.He does a damn good impression of you and you're not mad.

The guy is advocating boiling people. Are you a mentalist, at all.

jesus' general
01-07-2006, 10:18 AM
General, I can only apologise for the confusion sir.

I was informed that I would be receiving a General graphic with one star so the uninitiated would know that you are my superior.

My battalion was initally a covert black ops group which is why I believe you were not informed of my existence. I understand that, at the time, plausible deniability was of the utmost importance.

However, the strategic elements of the battle have changed and my covert status has now been rescinded. You should have been informed of this immediately and I can offer no excuse as to why this did not happen.

I can give you my utmost assurance that heads will roll for this sir, and if it is your desire, my letter of resignation can be on your desk by 0900 tomorrow.

If my services are still required I can guarantee that my graphic will be photoshopped to include 1 star, or if a demotion is the order of the day, my presence here will be modified accordingly, please don't make me Jesus' Privates. :dabs:

Sir, I would like to conclude this letter of apology by telling you how much of an inspiration you are to me and the rest of the troops. You've brought us back from the edge, those dark days when we lived under the jackboot of Slick Willy. GW is surely standing on the shoulders of giants.

Ready to Fall on my Sword in a most Heterosexual manner yours,

JG (1 star)

jesus' general
01-07-2006, 10:23 AM
The guy is advocating boiling people. Are you a mentalist, at all.

Hold your tounge liberal! You will address the General as "General" at all times. I have had people shot for less than this!

Need I also remind you that the Boiling of the Brown People is a fundamental element of the GWOT and has been OKed by our glorious Commander in Chief.

Its not being "advocated", its happening! Wishy Washy liberals "advocate", true patriots get the job done.

01-07-2006, 10:27 AM
Heterosexually (but respectfully because I know you're spoken for) yours,
Ready to Fall on my Sword in a most Heterosexual manner yours,'Please don't make me jesus' privates'

You, sir, are a comedy genious http://www.sighost.us/members/danb/glag.gif

01-07-2006, 05:35 PM
j' g, are you planning on returning to the ewe essay any time soon?

If you've ever been there, that is. :shifty:

01-07-2006, 10:58 PM
You, sir, are a comedy genious http://www.sighost.us/members/danb/glag.gif
Is your petard handy?

01-07-2006, 11:06 PM
You, sir, are a comedy genious http://www.sighost.us/members/danb/glag.gif
Is your petard handy?I was going to claim a rod, but it's not really.

That's how they spell genius in Canadia - we've adopted it in the lounge (http://www.filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=109316&highlight=genious), so they feel wanted.

The lack of oxygen in here must have made me disorientated.

01-07-2006, 11:16 PM
I proclaim the rod given.

That is all.