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View Full Version : New irc/xdcc search engine

01-14-2006, 05:33 PM
Hello, I am not trying to spam but I run a irc search engine called IRC frog and wanted you guys to look at it and give me some feed back. The site is www.ircfrog.com Thank you very much please leave feedback.


Here is the guide I will make one later that is better but this will get you downloading in no time

Install Mirc, www.mirc.com

Use my website to search for the file you want
*I did pink floyd*

After you found a file you like and the speed is good also click the pack # link, If you use IE it will copy the command to start the file tranfer to your clipboard

Mirc will start and ask you to connect click okay but if you already are connected to a server make sure you click on the open in new window.

After you are connected into the channel right click in and hit paste in the like the picture and the file will be sent to you.

Also you should do this b/c most of the files like .tar and .rar will be blocked

Do just as the pic below shows hit the add button to bring up the box to its left and hit okay

make your settings look like the one below

Hope that helps out, Also the frist file sent in mirc will ask you to start the download so if you are away from your pc and a file download starts you need to hit okay the frist time.

Hope this helps :) And i hope you enjoy your stay at IRC frog

01-15-2006, 12:20 AM
cool .. good work man

01-15-2006, 01:05 PM
looks nice as far as it goes, but it doesn't find any/many matches
Looking at the network page, irchighway is listed as having 529 packs on it, but i know that the #lurk channel alone on irchighway has somewhere in the region of 10000 packs on it.

01-16-2006, 06:07 AM
well I am banned from irchighway b/c they dont allow xdcc scripts like the one i use to spider, I have to edit my spiders to make it look like a normal version of mirc.

but it doesn't find any/many matches? care to explain the "any". I would like to see some searchs were ircspy.com or packetnews.com beats me i think 8/10 times i win.

01-19-2006, 04:44 PM
It looks like you have been busy spamming this exact same post all over the place:


Most just edit out your spam but in one we find out that your site is just a clone of ircklipper. Even the creator of ircklipper states that his software includes no spiders and that his site does not use their own spiders either so how could your spider be banned from any server?

You state that you have better search results than ircspy and packetnews but I find this to be untrue. I know for sure you do not have better results that ircdig because they have a true real time spider that indexes servers 24/7. You state on your site and in these posts that your "spiders" update every 5 minutes but I think it has already been shown you do not have your own spider? If this is the case where do you get your data from? Even if you did have your own spider, it does not do real time monitoring and does NOT update all servers every 5 minutes.

I for one find it offensive that you would toss up a cookie cutter site and pass it off as your own and by doing so deminish the hard work of others who have tried to design a good service from the ground up. Places like ircspy, ircdig and packetnews. Good luck with your clone, I for one will not be a regular user.

01-19-2006, 05:32 PM
thread closed.