View Full Version : Movie questionnaire, just for fun ...

01-27-2006, 03:06 PM
Just copy and paste your answer...

1. Fave Film? So far this year...Underworld 2

2. Worst Film?Skeleton key...Stupid, stupid!

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Hostle...because this could actually happen.

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? Johnny Depp...Actress...Kate Beckinsale

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Silent Hill

6. What was the last movie you saw? Roving Mars a IMAX movie

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Pinhead from Hellrasiers

8. Best movie soundtrack? Sound of Music..lol jk...Shrek 1 and 2

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?Boo

11. Best voices? Morgan Freeman

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?All depends on what kind of movie I am watching

01-27-2006, 03:27 PM
Wow you thought Skeleton Key was bad.:O

01-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Wow you thought Skeleton Key was bad.:O
Yes, I hated the ending, she was so stupid you wanted to kick her arse...the movie sucked

01-28-2006, 03:33 AM
9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist

Really? I always found this film to be over-rated and not that scary.

One film that does freak me out is Tale of Two Sisters, after watching that film I still don't like to go to the sink at night.

1. Fave Film? Die Hard (maybe)

2. Worst Film? The Avengers (and I watch MSt3k)

3. Most Disturbing Film? Oldboy or Ichi the Killer

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress? Christopher Walken

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Die Hard 4 atm.

6. What was the last movie you saw? Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? (good question) Does Hannibal Lector count?

8. Best movie soundtrack? Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill. Quentin should have been a DJ or something...

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Done.

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better? Too many to mention, American Pie 4 most recently.

11. Best voices? Sean Pertwee

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? An uncontrived ending.

01-28-2006, 03:42 AM
9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist

Really? I always found this film to be over-rated and not that scary.

Yea, it was the noise the demon made...creepy, sent chills up my spin. Made me look under my bed and in closet months after seeing it lol...I saw it when I was young.

01-28-2006, 03:49 AM
Really? I always found this film to be over-rated and not that scary.

. Yea, it was the noise the demon made...creepy, sent chills up my spin. Made me look under my bed and in closet months after seeing it lol...I saw it when I was young.
If you like horror films I'd recommend you download and watch Tale of Two Sisters if you can find it, literally after watching that film I refused to make my girlfriend a cup of tea due to being too scared of going near the sink. :blushing:

Scary, well-made film.

Shutter is another one I have mentioned (or more rightly, raved about) on this forum before. Genuinely scary stuff.

01-28-2006, 03:53 AM
If you like horror films I'd recommend you download and watch Tale of Two Sisters if you can find it, literally after watching that film I refused to make my girlfriend a cup of tea due to being too scared of going near the sink. :blushing:

Scary, well-made film.

Shutter is another one I have mentioned (or more rightly, raved about) on this forum before. Genuinely scary stuff.
I'll have to see if I can download boths those...Right now I've been looking for the Hills Have Eyes the original...so I can watch it b4 the remake comes out.
I love Horror movies!

01-28-2006, 06:06 AM
1. Fave Film? Match Point

2. Worst Film? national treasure

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Wolf Creek

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? Al Pachino Audry Hepurn

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Dont know yet

6. What was the last movie you saw? The New World

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Norman Bates!

8. Best movie soundtrack? Sound The Omen creepy best ST ever!

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist (yep me too)

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?Plenty ive seen with my ex cant remember!

11. Best voices? Chistoper Lee

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? anythign Hitchcock Fight club I guess

01-28-2006, 06:26 AM
1. Fave Film?Underworld 2

2. Worst Film? Ong-Bak

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Hostle

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? ewan mcgregor

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Silent Hill

6. What was the last movie you saw? Thumbsucker

8. Best movie soundtrack? underworld 2 or grandmas boy

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? milo

do you guy remember milo, this freaked me out , i had fucking nightmares about it and everything :(


01-28-2006, 06:43 AM
1. Fave Film? I watch to many movies to just choose one :-/

2. Worst Film? Devils Rejects

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Havent seen one that really disturbed me but I guess saw and saw 2.

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? Actor = Johnny Depp / Actress = Keira Knightly

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Silent Hill

6. What was the last movie you saw? North By Northwest

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? The Dude from Saw

8. Best movie soundtrack? I dunno, I guess Closer cause i like that one song in it.

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? None

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better? Jarhead

11. Best voices? Christopher walken

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? Can't think of one to meantion.

01-28-2006, 07:20 AM
1. Fave Film?
Too many good ones to pick. Pulp Fiction is a good choice.

2. Worst Film?
There are too many. Pootie Tang ranks up there.

3. Most DISTURBING Film?
Too hard too pick MOST disturbing. Jacob's Ladder, Existenz, Dawn Of The Dead 2005....

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress??
Samuel L. Jackson

5. What movie you can't wait to see?
I can always wait. Superman looks decent though.

6. What was the last movie you saw?
Series 7: The Contenders. Movie was an instant classic...didn't like the end too much though.

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac?
Freddy Krueger I guess.

8. Best movie soundtrack?
Above The Rim or Menace II Society.

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today?

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?
Alone In The Dark is one.

11. Best voices?
Christopher Walken
Eddie Murphy
Sharona from Monk
James Earl Jones
Samuel L. Jackson
Orson Welles
Barry White
Scatman Crothers
Chris Latta

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?
Unexpected twist. I also like bad endings.

01-28-2006, 07:59 AM
milo?? lmfao that was like one of the top 100 worst movies ever made

01-28-2006, 12:27 PM
1. Fave Film?
Too many good ones to pick. Pulp Fiction is a good choice.

Pulp Fiction is a good choice :P

01-28-2006, 10:21 PM
1. Fave Film? Braveheart

2. Worst Film? Ghost Dog

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Saw 1

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? Sean Connery, Johnny Depp, Mel Gibson

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Silent Hill

6. What was the last movie you saw? Ringu 0

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Hannibal Lector

8. Best movie soundtrack? Jet Li's The One

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist, The Ring, The Shutter

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?Would have to agree with Boo

11. Best voices? James Woods

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? unexpected twist

02-28-2006, 01:09 AM
Hello all, my first post here!

Been some very strange choices so far, worst film Ong Bak, and best Underworld 2? Ha!!! I guess I am a film snob, everyone is entitled to an opinion but if you know and like your films...

1. Fave Film? Too many held in great esteem.

2. Worst Film? The Last Horror Movie

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Audition

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress?? ?/Kathy Bates

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Hostel (not in UK yet and no decent download!)

6. What was the last movie you saw? Chicken Little :(

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Ash

8. Best movie soundtrack? 24hr Party People

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? The Omen, Rosemarys Baby

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better? Most modern hollywood horror.

11. Best voices? Marilyn Monroe

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? Happiness

02-28-2006, 02:58 AM
1. Fave Film? - TaeGukGi (Brotherhood of War)
2. Worst Film - Either Fantastic Four or Daredevil
3. Most DISTURBING Film? - Oldboy & Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
4. Who is the best Actor - Dong-Kun Jang &/or Morgan Freeman
5. What movie you can't wait to see? - Spider-Man 3
6. What was the last movie you saw? - The Usual Suspects
7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? - Never really liked these type of movies.
8. Best movie soundtrack? - Cinderella Man
9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? - None
10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better - can't remember
11. Best voices? Morgan Freeman
12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist? - The Usual Suspects and/or Oldboy

02-28-2006, 04:41 PM
1. Fave Film? So far this year...Havent gone yet this year

2. Worst Film?Brazil (1985)

3. Most DISTURBING Film? films arnt disturbing to me at all.

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress??Tom hanks

5. What movie you can't wait to see? Scary Movie 4

6. What was the last movie you saw? Cool Runnings

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Micheal myers

8. Best movie soundtrack? Requiem for a dream

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?
11. Best voices? Morgan Freeman

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?The passion Of the christian

03-01-2006, 11:04 PM
1. Fave Film?
This year....none yet

2. Worst Film?
The village.

3. Most DISTURBING Film?

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress??
Bruce Willis/Sigourney weaver

5. What movie you can't wait to see?

6. What was the last movie you saw?
Nanny McPhee.

7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac?
Jason Vorhees.

8. Best movie soundtrack?
Any of Tarintinos.

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today.
Friday the 13th

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?
The Village.

11. Best voices?
Sean Connery

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?
Unexpected twist.

03-02-2006, 01:20 AM
1. Fave Film?
Family guy:Stewie's Untold Story (funny ass movie) :D
2. Worst Film?
The Village (so glad that scary movie 4 is making front of this) :dry:
3. Most DISTURBING Film?
Freddy got fingered (very funny but very disturbing) :D
4. Who is the best Actors?
Jim Carrey / Robin Willams / Rodney Dangerfield (some of the best comedians to) :cool:
5. What movie you can't wait to see?
Scary Movie 4 (monsters' a giant Ipod gotta be funny) ;)
6. What was the last movie you saw?
CKY4 (saw it last night) :happy:
7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac?
Chucky (to funny for a live human maniac) :no2:
8. Best movie soundtrack?
Grind / Punisher (made some of the best rock albums for a movie) :music:
9. What horror movie stills freaks you today.
Saw (damn thats a stupid clown face) :stars:
10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better?
Napoleon dynamite (no story plot at all) :pinch:
11. Best voices?
Brad Dourif (voice of Chucky,how can that old guy do that freaky laugh) :huh:
12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?
Joe Dirt (I thought his parents were dead too) :D

03-02-2006, 09:03 AM
1. Fave Film? The outlaw Josey Wales

2. Worst Film?Attack of the Killer t\Tomatos...Stupid, stupid!

3. Most DISTURBING Film? Play Misty for me that broad was just plain nuts.

4. Who is the best Actor/Actress? Jody Foster she don`t make bad movies any more
5. What movie you can't wait to see? I can Wait

6. What was the last movie you saw? Ray
7. Whose your favorite horror film maniac? Don`t like them movies

8. Best movie soundtrack? Eddie and the Crusiers

9. What horror movie stills freaks you today? Exorcist

10. Movie so bad, yet you watch to the end hoping they would get better? Can`t watch them to the end.

11. Best voices? James Earl Jones

12. Happy ending or an unexpected twist?Entrapment ....never knew witch way they were going till the last scene.