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View Full Version : Smallville fans!! Any?!

01-30-2006, 06:47 AM
Well, i happened to be keep tracking the Smallville series a few months b4, n found that the stories r quite interesting. Not bad as what i first thought of... hehe. no offense:P sorry to allthose Smallville fans or whoever might be concerned!! I m not very sure about the latest of the series, i guess it's SEASON5 now? The most recent episode i watched is where a female named Alyssa make her first appearance in the series..n i happened to watch it halway when the episode is showing... hehe... is there anyone who can help me on that? where to download the series.. thanks:)

01-30-2006, 09:44 AM
Well, i happened to be keep tracking the Smallville series a few months b4, n found that the stories r quite interesting. Not bad as what i first thought of... hehe. no offense:P sorry to allthose Smallville fans or whoever might be concerned!! I m not very sure about the latest of the series, i guess it's SEASON5 now? The most recent episode i watched is where a female named Alyssa make her first appearance in the series..n i happened to watch it halway when the episode is showing... hehe... is there anyone who can help me on that? where to download the series.. thanks:)
Quite a few of the public trackers do Smallville,have a look in the torrents section for the addresses.
Keep checking the torrent section for invites to private trackers,thats the way to go,or look out for open sign ups:D

01-30-2006, 04:00 PM
Guess there's nothing such as a free lunch from the sky:P Had been checking on some websites n found the Smallville torrent links, but no seeders at all.. though it's new i presume.. Thanks for ur words anyway:) Got keep trying!!

01-30-2006, 04:05 PM
Guess there's nothing such as a free lunch from the sky:P Had been checking on some websites n found the Smallville torrent links, but no seeders at all.. though it's new i presume.. Thanks for ur words anyway:) Got keep trying!!There are loike a brazilion seeders on Smallville series5 on torrentspy.

Clicky (http://www.torrentspy.com/directory/191/tv/smallville) :)

01-30-2006, 04:36 PM
Nah, Everyone on this board hates Smallville....lmao just kidding
I downloaded all the episodes from Ares.
Now that I'm cought up I Tivo it...:01:

01-30-2006, 04:41 PM
Me likes lana and chloe

01-30-2006, 05:13 PM
I like Alyssa now.. hehe.. did Lois Lane make her appearance in the series? I guess yes, early in the series... Not too sure though:P