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View Full Version : Problems setting up a home network

Rip The Jacker
01-31-2006, 06:02 AM
I got my new PC, but all my files are on my old PC. I bought a CAT5 Crossover cable, and hook up both ends to both PCs.

I ran the Network Setup wizard, and it finished and made a Setup Disk to use on my old PC. I put the disk in my old PC, and it turns out the wizard will work on every OS exept Windows 2000.

I've been at it for an hour now, and I can't seem to share my files. My new (XP) PC won't "see" my old (Win2000) PC. Anyone know why?

Please help!

01-31-2006, 08:37 AM
I would put the old drive in the new pc with jumpers set to slave on it, and then just move them over that way. I never used a crossover, so I cant help there, sorry

Rip The Jacker
01-31-2006, 09:26 AM
Here's the thing... my old HDD is IDE, and my new PC uses SATA. =/

How the hell does the network wizard not run on Win2000? What the hell is wrong with MS?

Is it possible to FTP the files from my old PC to my new one? Using the crossover cable?

01-31-2006, 09:36 AM
sata only!? I havent seen one like that before. as far as I know, every board has ide support, but I suppose its possible given that way things keep progressing these days. Im sure theres an ide channel you can jump off of in there, like the cdrom channel, thats ide, right?

01-31-2006, 09:41 AM
and you should get a router for a true network anyway if that is your ultimate goal. DONT BUY LINKSYS they suck ass. If you have a few bucks, buy a netscreen, at the very least get a netgear. cisco sucks, juniper rules. just my opinion tho :) I have 3 routers, but only because Im too poor to buy a netscreen :P......I can live vicariously through others :lol:

01-31-2006, 12:58 PM
sata only!? I havent seen one like that before. as far as I know, every board has ide support, but I suppose its possible given that way things keep progressing these days. Im sure theres an ide channel you can jump off of in there, like the cdrom channel, thats ide, right?

I think that can work by attaching it via the rom connections, am in the process of trying it out myself so will let you know if it works.

02-01-2006, 04:54 AM
I got my new PC, but all my files are on my old PC. I bought a CAT5 Crossover cable, and hook up both ends to both PCs.

I ran the Network Setup wizard, and it finished and made a Setup Disk to use on my old PC. I put the disk in my old PC, and it turns out the wizard will work on every OS exept Windows 2000.

I've been at it for an hour now, and I can't seem to share my files. My new (XP) PC won't "see" my old (Win2000) PC. Anyone know why?

Please help!
Whether or not you have a "Home Network" set up, you should still be able to connect to your other computer...

If both of your computers are set to work using a static IP, which alot are considering it speeds up our P2P apps, then you should be able to connect to it directly by using the run function in the start menu, this will show all "Shared" folders and files on the computer you connect to.

For instance, I have the "My Documents" Folder Shared and have it set as a toolbar on another computer's Taskbar simply by setting the address of the toolbar as - "\\192.168.x.xxx" This way I pretty much have one computer set as a Server in my home network, with 1 click access.

If you have both computers set with Static IP's, Right Click on the files or folders you want on the other computer, and choose the Sharing and Security option. Under Network Sharing and Security, Check the boxes to "Share this folder on the Network", and "Allow Network Users to change Files".
Now on the other computer (The one you want to copy the files too)

Start>>Run: \\192.168.x.xxx (<--- Your IP on the computer you want to connect too.)
If you are connecting with a CrossOver cable, you may be prompted for your administrator Login and Pass at this point.

This will show all "Shared Files, Folders, Optical Drives, and Printers on the computer you are connecting too.

At this point just copy and paste the files and folders you want to the new computer, and they will transfer as fast as your connection will allow.

Sorry if this is kinda confusing, it makes more sense in my head... I swear. :ph34r:

Rip The Jacker
02-01-2006, 10:10 AM
Confusing? What makes you think that? :P

Well, after trying and trying I couldn't get my new WinXP computer to "see" my old Win2000 computer.

So... it hit me... FTP. I hooked up both computers with the crossover cable... opened Bullet Proof FTP Server on my old one, and used my new one to connect with Smart FTP. Took me about 20 seconds. And whaddaya know? It worked! :)

Now I can just FTP my old files to my new PC. :) The speeds are around 6-7MB/sec, so it may take a while... but hey... I'm happy. :)

I don't know why... it took me hours trying to set up a network... and I still couldn't get it to work... but the idea of FTP'ing files... took me 20 seconds to get started... oh well..

Thanks everyone. :)

02-01-2006, 02:32 PM
I ran the Network Setup wizard

that was your 1st mistake :P

the NSW is gay, don't think it's ever really did me any good
easiest way was to just assign IP addys manually,
then you still have to wait for the machines to "see" each other and the shares

which is stupid, because when I assign a static IP for my PC to my router,
it's almost instantaneous, but PC to PC, dunno, Windows just lags the 1st time :unsure: