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02-06-2006, 02:29 AM
i have unfortunetly win me...:cry: and for some reason my pc keeps on restarting by itself .what is worng and what can i do to fix the prob?please no get a diff os comments please.

02-06-2006, 02:40 AM
What you mean by restarting?
Comp shuts off then comes on, or it literally restarts (says windows is shutting down, then starts up)?

02-06-2006, 03:37 AM
it restarts then turns back on

02-06-2006, 03:58 AM
Turn off the automatic restart feature of Windows.

Right click 'My Computer'>Properties>Advanced>Startup and Recovery>Settings>Remove the checkmark from [ ] Automatically restart and then press OK and OK again.

Edit: Is this still Windows ME?

02-06-2006, 01:15 PM
yes its still win me,ok i did what u said to do but when i go to properties there are no advanced tab?

02-06-2006, 01:55 PM
I don't support Windows ME.

02-06-2006, 04:45 PM
I don't support Windows ME.
snob :snooty:

Couldn't this be because of overheating?
I had it too one time, that when I wanted to shut down my pc it kept rebooting over and over again.
Didn't even get to the login screen and the only way to stop it was cutting the power.
Twas all back to normal the day after.

02-06-2006, 09:47 PM
I don't support Windows ME.

LMFAO! :lol:

please no get a diff os comments please.

it's the best damned answer you can get
if you wanna keep puttin band-aids on ME, that's on you
you'll make a carreer out of it, trust me

peat moss
02-07-2006, 01:58 AM
VB is right poor Johnq86 has threads all thru this forum detailing his troubles with the shitty Win Me o/s . Aleast upgrade to Win 2000 pro ............ please .

02-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Sorry, but these guys are right Johnq86. ME is a complete pig of an OS. Best thing for you would be to upgrade. Hell, even a downgrade to Win98SE would be better than keeping ME imho.

If your system specs aren't high enough to run XP, I'd follow peat moss's advice. Win 2000 is great on low end systems and it's easy to find and errrr ..."register".

If it's not an OS prob, the cause of random restarts can be very difficult to pinpoint because they're the symptom of a wide variety of PC issues. It could be anything from a dodgy graphics or sound driver, right the way up to a faulty hardware component (dying video card, motherboard, bad RAM or even something as simple as a CMOS battery losing its charge).

If you ever find how to disable ME's auto reboot, you'll get a stop code from the BSOD (blue screen of death) next time whatever's causing your problem happens.
Make absolutely sure you write down the stop error code and the name of the file that threw the error, then post it here. We'll continue from there.

One other thing: Are the reboots completely random, or do they occur when you do something specific or use a particular program?

That's about all the help you can hope for at this stage.

peat moss
02-08-2006, 05:00 AM
@ nevermore, only 14 posts and spoken like a true vet. ! Welcome friend and keep posting bud. :lol: I'm almost tempted to offer Johnq86 free shipping on a new and improved "free" Windows 2000 or Win Xp o/s . :D

I don't like to make fun of people trying to better them selfs but the offer stands . ;)

02-08-2006, 05:58 PM
@ nevermore, only 14 posts and spoken like a true vet. ! Welcome friend and keep posting bud. :lol:

Yeah, I'll admit I'm a true vet when it comes to dealing with random reboots alright. I've been through the same hell that johnq86 is in now and I know it's no fun at all.

Whoever said computers would make people's lives easier must surely have been extracting the urine.

Thanks for your kind welcome. This forum has always been a great resource for computer help and software recommendations.
I plan to return the favour where my abilities allow it, so I'll certainly be posting more.

Edit: (and back on topic) I just found a mirror of the Black Viper's excellent site on archive.org. It's got a page on tweaking ME.


Try one thing at a time, making sure to test that your PC is still alright before moving on to the next step.
Hope this helps ease the pain.