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View Full Version : Whats a good cap card...

02-13-2006, 10:21 PM
What is a good capcard for price around 60-90?
Im new to capture cards and i need some help, it has to be external also

02-13-2006, 10:34 PM
T.V capture? Not sure about the U.S but £90 will get you a decent digital capture card in the U.K (so you can watch freeview television).

Read around about external as well. Whilst it may not be the case anymore I know a while back a external card was considered inferior to an internal one as it suffered from having to be fed through a relatively slow USB connection (compared to a card plugged directly into the motherboard).

02-13-2006, 10:35 PM
Like so i can record videos of me playing some games onto the computer

02-14-2006, 01:34 AM
I bought an ATI TV Wonder Pro for $70 less a $20 rebate at CompUSA. ($50 total)

I'm strictly a noob about capture cards but found this works just fine and the software was pretty intuitive to use. The software also includes a
TV guide for programming purposes if you're so inclined.

The tuner is cable ready(like a TV). It has component audio/video as well as S-video inputs.

You can buy an optional RF remote that supposedly can replace your mouse. But it's about as much as the card itself.

The first clip I captured was from a VCR and I subsequently sent the clip to a friend and they were impressed at the quality.
(you have your choice ofcompression schemes)

You can always use 3rd party software if you don't like ATI's. I also have Nero Ultra and it has capture capability and does work with this card.

my .02¢

good luck