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View Full Version : ID Cards pass first hurdle

02-13-2006, 11:22 PM

This is the biggest potential threat to our civil liberties in the Uk since the war.

These cards are completely unable to do the job they are touted to do by the government.

1. ID cards do not stop terrorism...e.g Madrid bombings
2. ID cards do not stop ID theft, infact it is easier if everything a criminal needs is on one database...loverly.
3. Biometrics are unreliable, and inaccurate e.g. a manual worker's fingerprints may become roughened and blurred, brown eyes have more problems getting accurate retina scans, facial recognition software struggles with identifying black people.
4. The 'volunatary' nature of ID cards is bullshit. If, they are linked to passport renewals, then, no ID card, no passport....you stay here. If linked to driving licences, (as suggested) then no ID card, no driving licence...you take the bus.

.....I knew that for the bill to be defeated, 30 Labour MP's had to rebel, more than last time....

Even without Tony, (Gordon had it covered) the hype has been so good, it was inevitable...:(

02-13-2006, 11:33 PM
agreed they are a bad idea. Im waiting to see the first couple of fakes to surface to see how good these things really are.

Storing all our information in one big database is going to be fantastic for security as well i bet. This alone will make identity theft worse if you take into account recent goverment it related projects.

02-13-2006, 11:34 PM
The CSA fiasco for example? :lol:

02-13-2006, 11:39 PM
As a texter asked of Radio 4 news on the way home from work tonight

"What does the D stand for in ID"?

Nearly drove off the road laughing (it had been a hard day)

Sod them! I don't mind carrying an "IC" (Idenity Card :) ) but I am not paying hundreds of quid for it. A passport costs about £45.00, if, when I renew my passport, it costs £65.00 then all well and good. If it costs £265 they can go and stuff themselves. :angry: I am not prepared to be ripped for an additional tax under the guise of "security".

02-14-2006, 11:55 PM

This is the biggest potential threat to our civil liberties in the Uk since the war.

These cards are completely unable to do the job they are touted to do by the government.

1. ID cards do not stop terrorism...e.g Madrid bombings
2. ID cards do not stop ID theft, infact it is easier if everything a criminal needs is on one database...loverly.
3. Biometrics are unreliable, and inaccurate e.g. a manual worker's fingerprints may become roughened and blurred, brown eyes have more problems getting accurate retina scans, facial recognition software struggles with identifying black people.
4. The 'volunatary' nature of ID cards is bullshit. If, they are linked to passport renewals, then, no ID card, no passport....you stay here. If linked to driving licences, (as suggested) then no ID card, no driving licence...you take the bus.

.....I knew that for the bill to be defeated, 30 Labour MP's had to rebel, more than last time....

Even without Tony, (Gordon had it covered) the hype has been so good, it was inevitable...:(

So what makes these cards so much more different then current drivers lisences and things?

02-15-2006, 12:20 AM
So what makes these cards so much more different then current drivers lisences and things?

the cost.

these will include biometric data which is not on drivers licenses.

I wonder how much these things are gonna be worth, if any one is interested your drivers liscence or passport are worth about £50 on the street, i bet these will be worth more.:dry:

02-15-2006, 12:43 AM
So what makes these cards so much more different then current drivers lisences and things?
Welcome to a state where the government wants to keep secret files on all its citizens.
Welcome to a state where the government doesn't want to let you have a passport unless you "agree" to its restrictions.
Welcome to East Germany.

02-15-2006, 01:01 AM
so this is to take place in what country?

02-15-2006, 01:19 AM
so this is to take place in what country?
United Kingdom. And as we are still your rulers, Canada as well.

02-15-2006, 01:48 AM
Canadia, it's called Canadia.