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View Full Version : Best RPG / Controller problem

02-19-2006, 11:38 PM
This is a 2 part topic.

Part 1:
What is the best simulated rpg for the pc. For example lagia, final fantasy, pokemon red blue ect. Simulated as in when you fight you go to an arena and choose your attacks manually from a list.

Part 2:
Every time i turn off my pc, it seems like i have to recalibrate my controller. Any ideas on how to fix it programs, settings ect..

P.S> cant wait for PS3 to come out *sniff* *sniff*

02-20-2006, 02:25 PM
Part 1:
What is the best simulated rpg for the pc. For example lagia, final fantasy, pokemon red blue ect. Simulated as in when you fight you go to an arena and choose your attacks manually from a list.

You're more likely to find that sort of game on one of the consoles, aside from a few ports (FF7 and FF8 for example) there is not a lot of them around unless you want to play freeware games. If you change around the controls of games like Baldur's Gate 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldur%27s_Gate_2), Neverwinter Nights (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neverwinter_Nights) or Knights of the Old Republic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_the_old_republic) 1 & 2 then you can effectively get a turn-based game. You just need to change the options to pause when it is your character's "turn"

Temple of Elemental Evil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Temple_of_Elemental_Evil_%28computer_game%29) is about the only turn-based RPG of recent times I can think of off the top of my head. I have never played it so I can't comment on its quality. Silent Storm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Storm) might interest you but that is more in the vein of UFO: Enemy Unknown (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-COM).

If you fancy going old-school you can get an emulator for Playstation, Megadrive, SNES or a GBA and play the plethora of "simulated rpgs" that those platforms have.

02-20-2006, 05:29 PM
how do you store your controller? is it possible that it's not in a neutral position when windows starts?

oh and try shutting down after setting your controller up to make sure it saves settings.

oh and it always has to be plugged in