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View Full Version : OSX Tiger on an AMD PC. I've done it!

02-21-2006, 02:07 PM

Who else has sucessfully installed OSX Tiger (OSx86) on their PC? I'm currently using VMWare to run it...just to be safe, but I've heard it does a lot better in a native installation.

I also hear it's possible to assign it a partition on your hardrive, and that makes sense because most hardrives can be formated with NTFS or HFS.

It says 512MB Ram, but my system has 1gb DDR and I could always assign more.

I've got a killer graphics card (7800 GT) , but I hear OSx86 only allows Quartz Extreme for those onboard intel graphics cards (onboard? Smells like crap to me)

Any tips or tricks for VMWare and/or Native installations of OSx86 would be nice.

;) Btw, don't download the OSX VMware image, because it doesn't work! (It may have for a few, but I tried it on some of the earliest versions of VMWare and it still said it wasn't a VMWare image.) OSx86 Generic installtion DVD works if you run it with Daemon Tools and install it in a VMWare O/S. Seening that it installs in VMWare, it should also work fine with a native mode.

The only worry I have is booting. Installing it with my two other operating systems might currupt their boot sectors or what-not.

Also, my Nvidia card doesn't run at full potential in VMWare, so I'm guessing it probably wont in Native as well. Without Quartz Extreme drivers, things take 1-2 seconds to show and stuff...while the 1.2Ghz Macs at my school with OSX Tiger open things such as menu dialogs immediately.

02-21-2006, 02:32 PM
Emulating one OS while running another will drop your performance summat fierce, so if that's how VMware works, I daresay your performance now doesn't come close to what it would just running OSX normally.

Furthermore, you do need to put it on a partition of its own, having two operating systems running from one partition is a no-no.

And last, I'm not sure how OSX handles dual- /multibooting, but you may need a separate boot manager if you install it proper, 'cos unlike linux it's not designed with multibooting in mind.

02-21-2006, 05:26 PM
Of course your graphics card won't run at full potential under VMWare. VMWare uses an emulated graphics card with limited features...

02-21-2006, 05:53 PM
meh i did that yesterday. It went slow as hell and took like 5 minutes to launch anything.

I was trying the dd method to install it but it wouldnt even boot up. Fucking grub error 22.

I used the vmware image to install try to install it. Are u saying that a real image of a disk would work installing it nativly on a pc??

Didnt even load up darwin. (:lol: what kind of ghey name is that anyway?)

02-21-2006, 11:16 PM
Furthermore, you do need to put it on a partition of its own, having two operating systems running from one partition is a no-no.
It doesn't matter with vmware 'cause it just makes an image file, vmware then emultes it as a hard drive.;)

02-22-2006, 12:18 PM
Furthermore, you do need to put it on a partition of its own, having two operating systems running from one partition is a no-no.
It doesn't matter with vmware 'cause it just makes an image file, vmware then emultes it as a hard drive.;)
Yeah, but he was talking about a "native installation" and asked about assigning it a partition of its own, which he would if he installs it proper. I was talking about that.

Any idiot can figure out that emulation of an OS doesn't need that, he was already emulating it without it having a partition of its own, ffs :rolleyes:

I s'pose you can assign vmware a partition or something too, I haven't used it, so I dunno' how that works.

And performance-wise, emulating sucks balls, anyhow.
Oh yeah, and the stroke-smilie is annoying as feck, don't use it again.

02-22-2006, 06:10 PM
Crap from the title I thought you meant without VMWare. Cause I think there's a $10,000 prize for that. Or it might be XP on a Apple Intel box.

06-22-2006, 07:00 PM
This topic is kinda old but how did you get it to boot?
For me it gets to the grey screen with the apple then says you need to restart, over and over and over again. :blink:

06-22-2006, 09:24 PM
Never mind I got it working.
I'm not sure what did it:
1) I reinstalled without having to create a partition during install
2) I gave a little more ram
3) I chose to install the amd, etc. features this time which I'm not sure if I installed the first time around.

Either way it works and looks nice, but it's a bit slow because it's in a virtual thing.

BTW This safari browser is shit, even the vbulletin WYSIWYG editor doesn't work in it.:lol:

06-24-2006, 10:55 PM
Never mind I got it working.
I'm not sure what did it:
1) I reinstalled without having to create a partition during install
2) I gave a little more ram
3) I chose to install the amd, etc. features this time which I'm not sure if I installed the first time around.

Either way it works and looks nice, but it's a bit slow because it's in a virtual thing.

BTW This safari browser is shit, even the vbulletin WYSIWYG editor doesn't work in it.:lol:

Works for me

06-28-2006, 02:34 PM
Got OSX installed NATIVE now a days. The latest version of OSX86 supports tons of PC hardware. Good stuff.

note: Safari is shit. Doesn't support just everything. (or anything for that matter)

06-29-2006, 12:47 AM
Dude, i had mac os running on my pc since like Aug. of last year...

Just updated to the lastest version too (10.4.7) a few hours ago. Any mostly everything works (Safari included). :)