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View Full Version : Advice Required On External Hard Drive

03-19-2006, 11:28 AM
I need to buy a usb external hard drive as i think its more useful than a small usb flash one. i have two but dont know which one to go for. i would be mainly using it for uni by connecting it to their comps either through the keyboard or the back of the tower. However i cannot really decide between these two as this is the first time i am buying one of these and they are more or less the same expect the size lol. Any help on it would be really useful.
It would be used for downloading, work, uni software etc. Also warranty is taken into consideration just in case something goes wrong!



03-19-2006, 01:14 PM
...Go with the Toshiba.

Toshiba's got 100GB more storage and it's less expensive...so I don't know why it's so hard for you to decide.

However they are both rip off deals, see that I just got a killer deal on my external HD: 300GB for only $100CAD, which is like 50 pounds.

03-19-2006, 06:30 PM
the reason being is that the spec shows different things like plug and play for one and compatiable with 1.1 with the other. how do you decide on which is these would be most suitable?

03-19-2006, 07:19 PM
I'm sure they are both usb1.1 compatible, and they are both plug and play because these are 2 basic qualities of any modern external HD.

03-19-2006, 07:28 PM
cool ok then in that case i gues i ll for the tosh

cheers for advice