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View Full Version : Easy modded xbox question

03-20-2006, 12:28 AM
I just got my xbox modded and having a great time.

When I deal with my ps2, I take special care to make sure the games are ntsc since the ntsc -> pal patchers and visa versa are usually semi-decent

I was wondering if the xbox handles this better and if it is someting a particular dashboard can take care of (on the fly patching) or if I have to patch the actual game before burning (I just back them up on dvd-r instead of doing the hard drive loading method)

Question in short

Can a xbox dashboard automatically covert a pal game to display correctly on a ntsc tv set, or does the game have to be patched?

03-20-2006, 01:28 AM
all ntsc games i "aquire" work perfectly well on my pal xbox and tv. not sure about pal to ntsc. best to post at xbox-scene

03-20-2006, 01:44 AM
Ah I thought they would be automatically converted. I'll hit one up at xbscene too.


03-20-2006, 06:51 AM
If you've soft-modded your XboX, then it will ignore region codes altogether.

Pal and NTSC work fine on any soft-mod system, however try to stay away from multi-regional/multi-language images, as they seem to be the buggiest of all.

03-21-2006, 04:17 PM
I have an Xecuter 2.6 chip in mine and I can play pretty much all NTSC games on my machine...
Only ever had a problem with two games thats The Warriors and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.

03-21-2006, 11:56 PM
Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to know.