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View Full Version : Thinking of Starting a Small BT Tracker Site

03-22-2006, 04:29 AM
I've been using BT for ages and ages and have been a member of various sites for ages, and I thought it would be a good idea if I could get my own tracker site up.

I know what software I want to use and have been playing around with it on a webserver I already have, so I'm confident that i know enough to get the site up and running. My question relates to what kind of webhost I will need.

I can't run my own server from home, so if I do ahead with this then I'll need to get a webhost. Firstly, what kind of requirements would I be looking at? I know what technical requirements I need, but what about server space and bandwidth? I'm thinking of a site limited to between 2500-5000 members, nothing too big.

Secondly, where should I get a server hosted from? US hosting companies are cheaper and given that I'm in the UK that makes them even better value with the exchange rate. But would a US company hosting my stuff would be more likely to pull the plug on my site, seeing as they are more hardline on torrent sites in the US? Or should I go for a UK or European webhost instead?

Thanks for any help.

03-22-2006, 04:13 PM
go for a country that doesnt have as strict anti-piracy laws as the u.s/u.k. if u had it hosted in the u.s, the mpaasses would have it gone in 2 shakes and a wink.

03-22-2006, 10:27 PM
Thanks for the reply. I have been looking at webhosts in Sweden and Germany, so I'll probably go with one of those.

I'm still wondering about the specs I'll need, though. I'm not so worried about the space required, but more about the monthly bandwidth that will be needed.

03-23-2006, 12:45 AM
go for a country that doesnt have as strict anti-piracy laws as the u.s/u.k. if u had it hosted in the u.s, the mpaasses would have it gone in 2 shakes and a wink.

Yeah, as far as I know, the us hosts a few indexing sites, but there are NO trackers left here.