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View Full Version : proxy server file size limit on direct downloads???

03-26-2006, 09:08 PM
I am a univeristy student.our proxy server administrator has put a restriction of 85 MB on file size which can be downloaded directly.is there any download manager or any other software by which i can get pass this restriction.Also media file types like Avi,Mov etc are also banned.
Any kind of input will be appreciated.

03-26-2006, 11:37 PM
Look for files which are archived into .RAR format.

These are usually split into manageable sizes (50MB is common). Once you've got all the parts you can extract them and restore the original file.

The parts can either be called something like

file01.rar, file02.rar, file03.rar ....


file.rar, file.r00, file.r01 ....

You need Winrar to extract the file(s) in the archive.