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View Full Version : Help Needed - Quicktime & Codecs

03-28-2006, 05:54 PM
I tried the apple forum - no success.
Anyways -- I have avi. files I want to make into mp4 so I can put them
on my ipod. I downloaded a converter to convert into mp4 - I try to play the
file in quicktime - the audio plays but the video doesn't. I tried downloading
almost all the codecs on the quicktime page - didn't work. I have the DVix
player it works with my wmp. - so I downloaded another DVix codec and put
it in quicktime folder. it still doesn't work. what am I doing wrong or am I not


04-06-2006, 12:59 PM
Is you computer one of the new intel apples, if so there is a beta divx codec for it, here is the web address http://labs.divx.com/MacOS