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View Full Version : What's Taking Over America the most!?

04-03-2006, 12:42 AM
Which of the following are taking over America the most?
I suppose some of these could also classift towards other countries too.

Can a mod add the following:

04-03-2006, 12:44 AM

04-03-2006, 12:58 AM
Was gonna add that due to the speed the reproduce, but I ran outta room. Also, it's somewhat racist. ;)

Could word it...The Hispanic Population?

Also, the PC Parts ones is everywhere. The new ones are always expensive. ($400 for a Graphics Card? Just doesn't feel right! The production costs MUST have been lower???)

04-03-2006, 06:09 AM
pr0n doesn't cause divorces :dabs:

04-03-2006, 07:30 AM
I chose anorexia, fast food, weight loss, and fat people.

04-03-2006, 07:32 AM
pr0n doesn't cause divorces :dabs:
it does a lot of times though.
Some married couples get turned on by it and go into hot sweaty sex-n-squirt'n.
If anything, pRon is taking over America as well as other countries. haven't you ever heard the song "All I want to do is BANGBANGBANG?" Sad part is some people are really like that. They hate going even one day without...*cough* BANGBANGBANG!


04-03-2006, 04:04 PM
"mexicans" (as u call them) were living in many parts of the usa before
americans were ever known there. the forum would like to invite u to
get ur head out of ur ass. :sick:

madonion :cool:


04-03-2006, 04:09 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
it is so true dat.
some of the things that those girls can do are amazing! :D
u'd be very very lucky to find a wife or gf who is willing 2 do all of that
stuff! i speak from experience, men, because i've been feeling kind of a
letdown lately when i finally get a girl in bed and she won't do certain
things. :( oh well.... guess i shoulda kept that girl from the province
who was willing to do anal sex! :lol:

madonion :cool:

pr0n doesn't cause divorces :dabs: it does a lot of times though.
Some married couples get turned on by it and go into hot sweaty sex-n-squirt'n.
If anything, pRon is taking over America as well as other countries. haven't you ever heard the song "All I want to do is BANGBANGBANG?" Sad part is some people are really like that. They hate going even one day without...*cough* BANGBANGBANG!


04-03-2006, 04:17 PM
this one, too:
the fucking evangelicals!' :pinch:

madonion :cool:

Which of the following are taking over America the most?
I suppose some of these could also classift towards other countries too.

Can a mod add the following:

04-03-2006, 06:52 PM
"mexicans" (as u call them) were living in many parts of the usa before
americans were ever known there. the forum would like to invite u to
get ur head out of ur ass. :sick:

madonion :cool:


'Mexicans' is the correct answer as Busyman stated. All those other choices are stupid.

madanion, you're the only one here with their head up their ass. Yes, other ethnicity's inhabited what is now the United States prior to what is the current predominant race, whites. That's a given.

I'm sure that Romania had others living their before the current population existed, and others even before them.

Now, let's enter the current world and modern civilization, where there have been wars/battles to determine borders and land rights. Where does the question "Who was first" fit into this thread? The question at hand was: "What's Taking Over America the most!?"

silky slippers
04-03-2006, 07:06 PM
"mexicans" (as u call them) were living in many parts of the usa before
americans were ever known there. the forum would like to invite u to
get ur head out of ur ass. :sick:

madonion :cool:

'Mexicans' is the correct answer as Busyman stated. All those other choices are stupid.

madanion, you're the only one here with their head up their ass. Yes, other ethnicity's inhabited what is now the United States prior to what is the current predominant race, whites. That's a given.

I'm sure that Romania had others living their before the current population existed, and others even before them.

Now, let's enter the current world and modern civilization, where there have been wars/battles to determine borders and land rights. Where does the question "Who was first" fit into this thread? The question at hand was: "What's Taking Over America the most!?"So what your saying is that whites have taken over America the most :stars:

04-03-2006, 07:34 PM
Was gonna add that due to the speed the reproduce, but I ran outta room. Also, it's somewhat racist. ;)

Could word it...The Hispanic Population?

Good plan, you wouldn't be a racist troglodyte then.

No wait, you would. You would just be trying, rather badly, to disguise it.

04-03-2006, 07:37 PM
Politically correct racism, FTW.

silky slippers
04-03-2006, 07:50 PM
Politically correct racism, FTW.Oxymorons, WTF

04-03-2006, 08:22 PM
Poxy Hormones, GTF

04-03-2006, 08:42 PM
mostly fat people, bad movies, weight loss advice, and governmental corruption.

or is america already pwned by those? :ermm:

don't forget conservatives too. :naughty:

04-03-2006, 09:07 PM
Litigation, Hispanics, and laws against previously enjoyed liberties.

All of the stuff in the poll is bullshit....maybe except rap.

That's been the number one seller here for years now.

04-03-2006, 10:01 PM
everything except anime

04-03-2006, 10:04 PM

04-03-2006, 10:48 PM

04-03-2006, 11:34 PM


just because they sneak across the border!!

04-04-2006, 12:04 AM

just because they sneak across the border!!

i'm hispanic myself:)

04-04-2006, 12:41 AM


just because they sneak across the border!!
Partly true. Most illegal immigration is from folks who simply overstay methinks.

04-04-2006, 10:15 AM

04-04-2006, 05:37 PM

just because they sneak across the border!!
Partly true. Most illegal immigration is from folks who simply overstay methinks.
Is this yet another one of those, you know it coz it's common sense things. Or can you actually substantiate that in any way.

04-05-2006, 08:52 PM
Their secret plan:
Cut Off US Imports, then Declare War in one year on Weak U.S. Economy.
:shutup: Glad I don't have a Walmart Savings Card.

Some day...some day. I just wish we didn't rely on them so much, because they've done some dirty war moves in the past.

04-05-2006, 11:34 PM
So fat people hold the lead.
Who woulda noticed with all those fat bellys blocking your vision. :pinch:

- :eat: :eat: :eat: -!!!



04-06-2006, 12:28 AM
So fat people hold the lead.
Who woulda noticed with all those fat bellys blocking your vision. :pinch:

- :eat: :eat: :eat: -!!!


OMG!!! Professional dart players!!!:O The bottom one is Phil "The Hungry" Taylor.

He's so fat that he's "don't look at that fat man" fat.

So fat that I can't even adblock his fatass, fat.

So fat that my fucking system resources are down cause that fucking picture is eating them up, fat.

So fat in fact that he scares buffet restauranteurs with the notion of putting an "Out Of Food" sign up, fat.

04-06-2006, 06:06 PM
heh, even with 1600x1280 res their huge.

04-10-2006, 09:54 PM
"mexicans" (as u call them) were living in many parts of the usa before
americans were ever known there. the forum would like to invite u to
get ur head out of ur ass. :sick:

madonion :cool:

I missed this....:blink:

I'll then elaborate.

Mexicans and Central Americans.

Now there are protests and demonstrators saying that they all should get citizenship. Fine.

Go through the proper channels like everyone else.

I do wonder how they allow folks to run across the border or rescue Hispanics from the desert trying to come over here yet a small group of Haitians floating on a tire in the ocean that just happen to make it far enough into our waters will be turned around to go back to Haiti.

I hope these lawmakers have the balls to tell these protesters to go fuck themselves by not signing this crap legislation. Also maybe the GOP can raise the minimum wage since it hasn't gone up since 1997.

It's been a decade ffs.:ermm:

04-11-2006, 02:15 AM
Oh my

04-11-2006, 02:51 AM
Oh my
Furthermore, this claim that do the work that the rest of America won't do is somewhat true.

I've seen how it's done.

One legal over here has 5 (or more) illegals living in the same house. They go out and undercut fucking minimum wage and contribute to the greater good of the household. It's very admirable.

They contribute to the economy by paying taxes and buying goods and services but hurt it by lowering labor pay.

Unless America is ready to roll back inflation by 30 years, lawmakers need to make a stand against illegal yes mainly Hispanic immigrants, and EMPLOYERS.

You can't send the message that if you sneak in the country and manage to stay under the radar for 2 years that you should be made a citizen. wtf?

I remember someone saying that if they are such hard workers (no doubt) then why come Mehico ain't got it's shit together?:ermm:

America shouldn't just allow a people to bogard their way into the country and be made countrymen just because "a whole lot snuck in".

In the who the fuck are you to say anything department....immigrant groups protested our government's eagerness to build a wall at the Mexican border.

Who the fuck are you to say anything? Many of you shouldn't even be here.

I'm am so glad I wasn't downtown today to snarled up in rush hour traffic 'cause of these protesting fucker blocking the street up....at a fine time. Why the fuck did the police allow such a thing.

And then I hear these dickheads comparing their plight to blacks and even saying "I have a dream"


A gay man that can't marry another fella or an illegal sneaking in then crying foul 'cause he runs the risk of being sent home are far cries from a black man that has to ride the back of the bus or get off if there's too many whites, and can't hide what get's him treated that way.

Guest worker program? Suck my juicy dick!

Now we are supposed to make ways with taxpayer money for immigrants to come over and work? STFU and GTFO!

For now I say.....
Go The Border Guardians!!

04-11-2006, 08:03 AM
Totally agree, Busy. Expatriate all of the illegals and build a wall to keep the Hispanics out so that America is kept nice for the indigenous white and black folk :01:

Oh, hang on.

Immigration is what has made your country what it is today, that's why the calls to grant citizenship are being given a sympathetic hearing.

Compromise is the key here - expatriating all of them and building a big fuck off wall isn't the answer, neither is giving them all, and future illegal immigrants, a carte blanche to stay. A case-by-case basis to decide which stay would be nice but expensive.

There are problems associated with every solution but it's up to your government to find the most amenable answer.

04-11-2006, 08:23 AM
I will tell you one you forgot...the enormous debt..thaat's what taking over the USA...and it will bring you to your knees


04-11-2006, 01:07 PM
The hispanic population reminds me of the feline population. THEY SURE DO REPRODUCE LIKE CRAZY. Funny part is...mexican women are either extremely hot, extremely ugly, or extremely fat. So many extremes.

The hot ones don't stay hot for long with all the dickas chasin them for reproduction...it's like one big mehicana sausageo fest in 'merica!

04-11-2006, 03:35 PM
Nuke em all

04-11-2006, 04:15 PM
What's Taking Over America the Most!?
Going by this documentary I watched, called 24, USA is being over-run by terrorists. It's like they get an attack almost every year these days, it's gotten really bad. They've had one president shot down in his plane, an ex-president assassinated and the current one is a bit of a crook. And also, blimey, all that nerve gas, nuclear explosions, meltdowns and virii being let off it's a wonder they get anything done over there.

Fortunately it all seems to happen in LA though...

04-11-2006, 07:52 PM
Nuke em all
/Hitler :ermm:

04-11-2006, 08:03 PM
Suck my juicy dick!

That is the most cogent argument in that entire racist rant.

Presumably you'll get a warning for it, given that I got a warning for ironically using the "word" fuckcuntbastard. As a parody of you, as it happens.

04-11-2006, 08:28 PM
Totally agree, Busy. Expatriate all of the illegals and build a wall to keep the Hispanics out so that America is kept nice for the indigenous white and black folk :01:

Oh, hang on.

Immigration is what has made your country what it is today, that's why the calls to grant citizenship are being given a sympathetic hearing.

Compromise is the key here - expatriating all of them and building a big fuck off wall isn't the answer, neither is giving them all, and future illegal immigrants, a carte blanche to stay. A case-by-case basis to decide which stay would be nice but expensive.

There are problems associated with every solution but it's up to your government to find the most amenable answer.
No shit.:ermm: I wasn't talking about simple immigration.:blink:

We should grant citizenship to do those who go about it the right way. A young guy in my crew from Trinidad has had a green card for umpteen years. His family went about things the right way and he still isn't a citizen. He would have a case.

How can there be a problem with the wall? Those sneaking over here are basically saying, "Aww that's fucked that you won't let us sneak in and stuff."

How the fuck would it be expatriating when this isn't their native land?:ermm:

They want it to be that if they sneak in over here that they are citizens. That's bullshit.

The case-by-case basis has already been in place.

04-11-2006, 08:36 PM
Suck my juicy dick!

That is the most cogent argument in that entire racist rant.

Presumably you'll get a warning for it, given that I got a warning for ironically using the "word" fuckcuntbastard. As a parody of you, as it happens.

Jewcee CawK?
Starburst makin condoms now?