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View Full Version : Stay Away From IsoHunt

04-07-2006, 01:56 AM
This is a pretty long story I will make short.
The old ed2k index site, ed2k-it is back online.
It appears the new site is bogus, run by the MPAA/RIAA.
I won't go into details here, but you can go to:
www.fucktheinter.net and read the thread "Do not visit edsk-it.com"
www.ed2k-it.com and read the thread I wrote, "Don't get too comfortable"
www.slyck.com and read the replies to the storry "ed2k-it.com returns"

This will beyond a doubt show you why we all think this is bunk.
Okay, now how does this apply to BitTorrent?
Well on the ed2k-it site it states that the new ownership is none other than the Gary Fung, the owner of IsoHunt and TorrentBox.
This is confirmed on IsoHunts site, here is a quote,
"Yes, it's true, isoHunt has taken over management of ed2k-it.com as we couldn't let a community like that die in good conscience."

This would be okay, except w/ the new shite come to light, we now know that ed2k-it is now run by antip2p/MPAA/RIAA, and if it says on the IsoHunt website that they have taken over ed2k-it, this can only mean that IsoHunt and thus TorrentBox are both now compromised, and run by antip2p.

Keep an eye on those threads mentioned above, and stay away from IsoHunt and TorrentBox unless somthing drastic occurs.

04-07-2006, 03:29 AM
torrentz.com puts isohunt to shame in terms torrent search engines, IMO. Thanks for the info though, I use private trackers but I'm sure a lot of others will find this very useful.

04-07-2006, 03:43 AM
Here is the lastest quote from slyck forums:

@Drake said, "Neither torrentbox nor isohunt is registered to Gary Fung anymore and they are now both hosted in the U.S. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that at least isoHunt was hosted in Canada by station51 a few months ago."

Keeps looking worse and worse.
Those who still use public trackers, spread the word,
STAY AWAY from IsoHunt & TorrentBox

04-07-2006, 10:19 AM
Scary stuff :unsure:

04-07-2006, 10:25 AM
IsoHunt has been awful for some time now, ive finished using it about 1 year ago. from the open trackers i would recommend mininova, piratebay and torrentspy (in this order). or is there a poll about this somewhere?

04-07-2006, 11:28 AM
Well I feel like an ass,
it seems a few of us overzealos peeps in the community have jumped the gun a bit.
I won't go into it here, but it seems things have sort of come to light and I was wrong.

I would love if the mods could just delete this thread.
If you want more info on my sudden change of heart check the forums i named earlier, or just pm me.

04-07-2006, 12:56 PM
Well ya started the thread try filling in the blanks. Bold statements then change of heart and no explanation.......hmmmm.......

04-07-2006, 05:56 PM
Well ya started the thread try filling in the blanks. Bold statements then change of heart and no explanation.......hmmmm.......
Yeah seriously...WTH :blink:

04-07-2006, 06:47 PM
Sorry I didn't give much of an explanation, it was long day filled w/ appologies and explainations @ many sites/forums.
I really thought @ the time I was saving people from getting sued. Here is what i pm'd hairbutt when he asked me about it:

Long story short, me and a few others in the community thought it was a little fishey that ed2k-it went back up without anyone knowing. No staff members were contacted, no admins from any other site were told anything.
So we looked into it and found out that the new ed2k-it servers were in "server beach" in California, the same servers used by the mpaa.
However as the day unfolded, jackofall, the extreamly trusted ex-owner of ed2k-it, came forward and vouched that he had infact givin the site to Gary Fung of IH.
We also dug and found out that the IH servers have always been in the US. Along w/ the TB servers, so the fact that ed2k was using server beech was a coincidence.
All in all, it was a badly managed chngeover, that we all thought was illigit.
It almost everyone is confident that everything is on the up and up.
I'm probably a little to shaken to release anything for a while, but it won't stop me from dl'ing crap from ed2k-it and IsoHunt.

The 3 forums I named earlier will also have a wealth of info on the subject.

Sorry for the waste of time

04-08-2006, 09:33 AM
sh1t happens :)

04-08-2006, 11:21 AM
sh1t happens :)
Yeah, I didn't mind the warning. Don't feel like a douche, its good to know we have people on their guard. ;)