View Full Version : I'm shocked... well not really

04-07-2006, 03:32 PM


04-07-2006, 04:03 PM
what I find interesting is the defense put but right wingers on this that the president has the authority to declassify. This may well be the case but apparently he didn't follow proceedure (oh what a shock :rolleyes: ).
there is no confirmation yet that he authorised the leak of plames identity even though it appears some of the selective "leaking" is conected to discrediting wilson.
perhaps no law has been broken in the leaks because the president can "declassify" however if he did indeed authorise the leaks perhaps he would be good enough to reimburse the tax payer for the cost of the wasted investigation.
Then he could appologise for lying to the american people.

Of course the president lying doesn't matter unless it involves sex :dry:

04-07-2006, 04:11 PM
My Favorite part is:

In his court filing, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald asserted that "the president was unaware of the role" that Libby "had in fact played in disclosing" Plame's CIA status. The prosecutor gave no such assurance, though, regarding Cheney.
My theory is that thisis probably quite true- bush is to stupid to really know what was going on.