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View Full Version : Dnas...

04-13-2006, 01:21 AM
Hey guys,

OK let's establish. I am a pirate, breaking the law and damaging the economy etc. No flaming please. But my question is, what way is there to get round the DNAS authentication to play PS2 games online? I mean Ive heard of patching ISOs and what not, but I already have my games burned and think it'd be a pain to copy all those discs again (never mind download them all!!). I'm lookin for a simple solution here, probably wishful thinking. But would anything like Xploder get round this?

Anything guys...evan a simple "Theres no other way" would be appreciated. Just so i know. But I really hope sum1 can help :)

04-13-2006, 03:21 AM
Ohh!! A pirate! Arg!

It's okay, rly, it's a filesharing forum.

04-13-2006, 02:45 PM
I know...but you get the odd fanny coming in going "Thats illegal...go die in a hole, Bin Laden"


04-13-2006, 03:29 PM
I know...but you get the odd fanny coming in going "Thats illegal...go die in a hole, Bin Laden"


Thats not legal... go die in a ditch, Abu Hamza!

silent h3ro
04-13-2006, 10:36 PM
I know...but you get the odd fanny coming in going "Thats illegal...go die in a hole, Bin Laden"


Thats not legal... go die in a ditch, Abu Hamza!not funny

04-13-2006, 11:36 PM
I laughed :P

Can ANYONE help me with this? :|

04-14-2006, 02:00 AM
it's really quite easy. Pm me, and I will give you a link to a site that has all the programs and all. Walktroughs to.

04-15-2006, 12:19 AM
it'd be a pain to copy all those discs again

but its the only way.

04-17-2006, 12:00 AM
Thats not legal... go die in a ditch, Abu Hamza!not funnyI actually thought that was damn funny :D:D:D

04-17-2006, 03:49 AM
here u go:

if u don't want to bother with that, get a crystal chip. i have crystal chip 1.1. absolutely love it

04-18-2006, 03:27 PM
Where can you buy a crystal chip, or a place that you cud reccomend, im in the Uk not too sure where to buy from, at the moment im patching games and wud make it a hell of a lot quicker and easier just to burn and play it, i use the swap disc method, so any info wud be appreciated. :)

04-18-2006, 03:56 PM
there's a lot of sites that sell it. check out forums.afterdawn.com and ps2scene.org

both are great forums that have lots of useful info

all crystal 1.1 chips now have the flash rom and shouldn't go for more than $35-40 max. if u don't know how to solder, i highly recommend u find someone to do it for u

04-18-2006, 04:36 PM
Oh wow i cant believe $30 to $40 dollars in pounds thats about, £20-£25, cheers ill check it out, i know someone that will solder the chip for me, so that shuldnt be a problem :)


Also do these definentely play online games without having to patch them, also i dnt know if u can answer this, but i have the fliptool on my ps2, and if i was to get a chip, would this be a problem.

04-20-2006, 12:17 AM
the swapmagic, or "fliptool", is decent, but a modchip is better. they shouldn't conflict with each other.

after u install this chip, u need to get the hacked firmware. check forums.afterdawn.com
everyone uses this, so it's not going to screw up your ps2.
install bootmanager onto a memory card (after u flash with hacked firmware), and go to settings and enable DNAS autopatching

this will work for all games online except the Socom series. socom's servers use a more secure verification process. but everything else will play online, and u don't need to mess with the game image

04-20-2006, 11:54 AM
Ok cheers, im definentely going to check this out, seems a lot easier and faster, ill take this method.

Thanks :)


I checked out Afterdawn and yeah your definentely right a lot of information, also i visited one of the sites they reccomended and the Crystal chip 1.1 Lite V1-V15, i looked at was only £22.99, now that is good :), anyway, the other chips:

DMS4 Pro SE Mod Chip ps2 V1-V15
Matrix Infinity Green Dot Mod Chip Ps2 V1-V15
Ghost2 V2 mod chip. V1-V15

They above you will probably know about, but im going to look more into those chips, but is the Crystal Chip actually better than the above, or which would you say is the best that can do most things, play online, play NTSC games on a PAL PS2, stuff like that, anyway you have been helpful. Anyway im going look more into them but more info would be handy. :)

04-20-2006, 09:54 PM
Argh what? Something illegal to do with gaming on a filesharing forum? Someone ban this bitch!

04-27-2006, 04:25 PM
dms and matrix are older. crystal chip is very new, and hasn't gotten the rep that dms and matrix has. crystal has the same features that dms and matrix has. but crystal is the only chip in the world that autopatches dnas. if u want to play online, get crystal