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View Full Version : Overheating? Not enough Vram?

04-15-2006, 01:25 AM
Not enough cash, so I'm still stuck wtih my Saph X800 GTO.

Anyways, I can get it to 560MHZcore/590MHZmem stable with no artifacts, but the temps are scary after playing Oblivion, along the lines of 85+ C:O

Also, when I run the card at overcloaked speeds, the game runs fine for maybe 30 min and then crashes.

The game runs fine if the vid card is running at default speed.

So is this a heat problem or what?

And if so, what can I do to cool my card a bit?

04-15-2006, 10:39 AM
Could be a PSU problem, check the connecters. But it's an enermax (same one that I'm getting) so I honestly dont' think that could be it.

And if that's the case, then ya 99% it's a heat problem, I mean, 85degrees is a bit crazy, that should be saying something.

If worst comes to worst, get a GPU-only cooler, or something along those lines, not sure what they're called but they're specifically for cooling video cards. It's better then buying a new vid card let alone getting water cooling.

Also, make sure you're computer isn't on the floor (unless it's hardwood flooring) or in a confined space, make sure the back of the computer has plenty of space, as in, there's no wall or obstructions right behind it.

One last tip, try playing/testing with the case cover off or w/e, side panel (if that's what you have). Might make a diff, but it's hella inconvenient.

Only making these suggestions on the premise that you cannot afford a new vidcard and or new cooling system.

04-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Yah, definitely a heat problem.

89 C at highest after 3 hours of oblivion and game crashed.

Pisses me off because I have 2 back case fans, 1 side case fan running all the time. And I was running the card at default speeds.

04-15-2006, 10:54 PM
Yah, definitely a heat problem.

89 C at highest after 3 hours of oblivion and game crashed.

Pisses me off because I have 2 back case fans, 1 side case fan running all the time. And I was running the card at default speeds.

Arctic cooling makes "Silencer" GPU coolers that would fit your card, maybe you should pick one one up I think their around 30$.

04-16-2006, 04:08 AM
Yah, definitely a heat problem.

89 C at highest after 3 hours of oblivion and game crashed.

Pisses me off because I have 2 back case fans, 1 side case fan running all the time. And I was running the card at default speeds.
Arctic cooling makes "Silencer" GPU coolers that would fit your card, maybe you should pick one one up I think their around 30$.

That's what I was talking about :P thanks for reminder LP gotta pick one up myself.

04-16-2006, 10:22 AM
I know it's a very basic thing, but make sure all of the air vents are clear. They can get clogged with rubbish and stop the air flow into the system, making the cooling effect less effective. I just use the pipe attachment from the vacuum to clear them out. Do the same with the external fans to ensure they can blow the air out properly as well. Unless there's a good clear way for air to get in and out then your cooling won't work properly and everything inside will over heat. Remember these things were tested sitting up on a bench, with good circulation and clear vents. When it gets put under your desk and the vents get clogged up with crap then they dont work nearly as well.

04-17-2006, 03:38 PM
I'm not positive but pretty sure the Saph X800 GTO is already overclocked when you get it. Overclocking more without special cooling will get you to high temps faster than a stock X800. I had one I had to send back because it was faulty and could not get a replacement (out of stock) shortly after that I started noticing it in the referbished section which is always a bad omen for any video card.