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View Full Version : Windows XP 64

cool skill
04-22-2006, 02:41 PM
I'm currently using tons of software on regular Windows XP.
If I get a new computer with a 64 processor, and use Windows 64 OS, will I still be able to run all this software on it?

I have all kinds of software: video/music editing, graphic web design, games, antivirus/firewall, filesharing etc.

If it can install using my current OS, it should have no prob installing on XP 64 right?

04-22-2006, 02:46 PM
Maybe they will, maybe they won't.

Although most of my software will run on WoW some programs absolutely refuse.
Aquamark3, for instance.

Many of the 64bit programs are still in beta and somewhat glitchy as well.
Getting Windows Defender 64 to update is a hit or miss affair...rather humorous considering the source really.

04-22-2006, 04:20 PM
For now I think it's best to stick with 32bit Windows for full compatibility.

peat moss
04-22-2006, 06:50 PM
For now I think it's best to stick with 32bit Windows for full compatibility.

Ya VB . it will come sooner than later . :(

cool skill
04-22-2006, 07:58 PM
I figured that because XP64 is a later version of XP, anything that would work on XP would work fine on XP64.

04-22-2006, 08:24 PM
you can installed 32 bit apps to xp64 coz it has two program file directors one for 64bit apps and one for 32bit apps

04-23-2006, 04:17 AM
I figured that because XP64 is a later version of XP, anything that would work on XP would work fine on XP64.
It's not a "later version of XP".
XP64 is based on the 2003 Server kernel.

04-23-2006, 05:01 AM
Either way.. there aren't tooo many benfits of the 64 as I ahve tried it before and didn't really like it.

04-23-2006, 06:39 AM
I tried XP64 a while back and was unimpressed with the amount of drivers still unavailable, though by now I would 'assume' most of the basic programs would be working.

Is Vista going to be 64-bit by default, or will they offer a 64-bit version as they have with XP? I sort of think they should require Vista to be 64-bit, all the backwards compatible code will be unnecessary very soon.

cool skill
04-23-2006, 12:10 PM
That's what I was just thinking too.
Will Vista be able to handle everything XP does or will it be like XP64?

04-23-2006, 12:49 PM
Vista is native 64-bit although a "dumbed-down" 32-bit version will be available for those silly enough to want it.

Driver support/program compatability for XP64 has improved dramatically in the past 6 months and will only get better. After all, both AMD and Intel have shifted production completely to 64 bit chips.

BTW, if you've tried the beta XP64 or the free "trial" version, there is no comparison to the full retail/OEM version. The "real" version actually works...the others were just teasers.

05-01-2006, 08:11 PM
ok here is my 2 cents...

I would recomend windows x64 only if you are willing to make serious sacrifices. I had it installed for a decent period of time and looking back on it regreted every second. The main problem is software that uses virtual hardware. Such examples are adobe professional creating a print driver for saving documents as PDF or Cisco VPN which creates a modem which allows me to access a major network when I am at home or on the road. This is where the downfall is, while applications and fixes are coming out I would say wait for Vista, but if your really want x64 do a dual boot.

I hope this is helpfull, just make sure that you double check any software that you use day to day for full compatiablity with x64.

cool skill
05-01-2006, 09:36 PM
Will the normal Windows XP Pro that most of us are using work the same way on a computer with 64 chip and pcie slots?

My current Windows XP Pro works perfect, and so does all of my software. I was just wondering if I were to use the exact same OS and set of software on a 64 computer, would it work? Or is it incompatible?

05-01-2006, 10:06 PM
Will the normal Windows XP Pro that most of us are using work the same way on a computer with 64 chip and pcie slots?

My current Windows XP Pro works perfect, and so does all of my software. I was just wondering if I were to use the exact same OS and set of software on a 64 computer, would it work? Or is it incompatible?
Yes the 32 bit version of XP Pro works perfectly on the 64 bit chip and with new motherboards with PCIE.

05-02-2006, 02:40 PM
Yes the 32 bit version of XP Pro works perfectly on the 64 bit chip and with new motherboards with PCIE.
"XP Pro" and "perfectly" in the same sentence?

Pigs must be flying.

05-02-2006, 05:46 PM
Yes the 32 bit version of XP Pro works perfectly on the 64 bit chip and with new motherboards with PCIE.
"XP Pro" and "perfectly" in the same sentence?

Pigs must be flying.
Ok. You're right.

It works as well as on a 32bit processor. ;)

07-08-2006, 10:35 PM
So what's the deal now?
Still don't recomend it? I want to try it but is there even any noticeable differences?

07-08-2006, 11:23 PM
Well, my personal perspective has changed lately.

Now that my two daily OS options are x64Pro and Vista (either flavor), 64 bit Pro seems like the Rock of Gibralter.
Everything I need to work, does.

I'm hardly what you would consider a "power user" though, so a generous dose of salt is in order.

Colt Seevers
07-10-2006, 08:28 PM
Holy resurrected thread batman!! :D

But I agree with clocker: x64 Pro is solid. No compatability probs here.

07-10-2006, 09:08 PM
64 bit has poor firewall support...tryed XP64 but changed back to 32bit :)

07-12-2006, 11:10 PM
As I understand it, the main problem with WinXP x64 is the lack of driver support.

Most(if not all) software companies are putting their efforts into Windows Vista.

Afterall, why waste 1-2 years of development on an "old" O/S?

my .02¢

07-12-2006, 11:18 PM
As I understand it, the main problem with WinXP x64 is the lack of driver support.

Most(if not all) software companies are putting their efforts into Windows Vista.

Afterall, why waste 1-2 years of development on an "old" O/S?

my .02¢That's why I always kind of wondered what the point in them making xp 64bit was, maybe with more working on vista it might have been out by now.

Colt Seevers
07-14-2006, 07:28 AM
As I understand it, the main problem with WinXP x64 is the lack of driver support.

Most(if not all) software companies are putting their efforts into Windows Vista.

Afterall, why waste 1-2 years of development on an "old" O/S?

my .02¢

Very few driver issues now, in fact none here.

Isn't Vista in 32 and 64bit as well? So all the development was worth it.

07-14-2006, 11:44 AM
Isn't Vista in 32 and 64bit as well? So all the development was worth it.
Yes it is and the driver support issue remains the same.
I was able to get 32bit Vista working tolerably well.
64 bit...not so much.

The biggest problem ( and ultimately, the deal-breaker for me) is the nVidia display drivers...the 64bit version just could not deal with dual monitors reliably.
Half the time my secondary display was just blank, popping into action randomly and then wandering off again.

I am/was a fan of the Beta2 GUI but am tired of hobbling my hardware with semi-functional software so currently I'm just running 32 bit Pro again as I wait for Vista RC1 to appear.