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View Full Version : What is the best method to prevent raping of women?

04-23-2006, 12:17 PM
Does the excess availability of porn prevent it?
Does the hiding of body parts prevent it?
Does education aid it?
Censuring advertising?

They say that men who rape women are not after the sex, but purelly after the control - hence in what way can we give these maggots a sense of control without hurting anyone.


image warning

04-23-2006, 02:45 PM
Does the excess availability of porn prevent it?
Does the hiding of body parts prevent it?
Does education aid it?
Censuring advertising?

They say that men who rape women are not after the sex, but purelly after the control - hence in what way can we give these maggots a sense of control without hurting anyone.


image warning

How long have you been aching to open this particular can of worms?

Settling the porn question alone would overload the server. :blink:

04-23-2006, 03:04 PM
I watched the movie Dogville last night, which contains some very harsh moments of abuse on behalf of the generous, and condemnation excused naivly - if she hadnt been there it wouldn't have happened.
the movie ofcourse is about alot more than this.

04-23-2006, 04:22 PM
This is an easy one.

1. An entire change of attitude by a section of society which would never be even remotely interested in a debate such as this.

2. Normal society changing it's view of what the legal system should be about protecting and change it from property to people.

3. A sufficiently large police force to enforce the laws required.

4. Courts which punish the guilty to a reasonable extent, including but not limited to castration.

That should get things started, it wont quite solve the problem but it'll give us a place to build on.

04-23-2006, 04:47 PM
This is an easy one.

1. An entire change of attitude by a section of society which would never be even remotely interested in a debate such as this.

2. Normal society changing it's view of what the legal system should be about protecting and change it from property to people.

3. A sufficiently large police force to enforce the laws required.

4. Courts which punish the guilty to a reasonable extent, including but not limited to castration.

That should get things started, it wont quite solve the problem but it'll give us a place to build on.

Quite right.

The difficulty with your easy solution lies with step 1, as I'm sure you are aware.

People who haven't the first experience with deductive thought find it can cause headaches, and never try it again.

04-23-2006, 04:56 PM
best way, is not to rape women :dabs:

some people are mental and there's nothing you can really do about it

peat moss
04-23-2006, 08:59 PM
I'm thinking its more of a power issue ? Dominating someone sexually male or female seems to be the thrill . Hence why we get the freaks graping a woman's crotch at a bus stop then running away . Make the laws tougher would be a start abuse a child , castration on the first offence !

04-24-2006, 08:49 AM
They should bring back chastity belts, perhaps? :dabs:

04-24-2006, 04:58 PM
They should bring back chastity belts, perhaps? :dabs:
Or those explosive dye/paint packets that they put in with bank notes ^_^

edit: some gepper has changed the code for the ^_^ smilie to :happy:

04-24-2006, 06:14 PM
that would be a double hazard, women can be pretty explosive..

04-24-2006, 07:44 PM
I wonder whether the availability of porn prevents rape, as it may lead to "release" at home of their frustrations, instead of elsewhere.
Although i doubt that the government is actually councesly allowing pro porn ads on evening tv for the sake of preventing it...$

04-24-2006, 11:35 PM
I wonder whether the availability of porn prevents rape, as it may lead to "release" at home of their frustrations, instead of elsewhere.
Although i doubt that the government is actually councesly allowing pro porn ads on evening tv for the sake of preventing it...$

Therein lies the difficulty.

You will have trouble discerning-

1. Whether the availability of porn results in release of pent-up sexual energy, or-

2. Whether it stimulates extra-curricular and unwanted sexual activity (rape), or-

3. Whether both of these phenomena occur, and largely nullify each other.

In any case, while I have seen claims in favor of both of the first two circumstances, I have yet to see one ratifying the third, which would indicate the agenda-driven nature of available data.

Can't see the bottom of that one, I don't think...

04-25-2006, 12:03 AM
I wonder whether the availability of porn prevents rape, as it may lead to "release" at home of their frustrations, instead of elsewhere.
Although i doubt that the government is actually councesly allowing pro porn ads on evening tv for the sake of preventing it...$

Therein lies the difficulty.

You will have trouble discerning-

1. Whether the availability of porn results in release of pent-up sexual energy, or-

2. Whether it stimulates extra-curricular and unwanted sexual activity (rape), or-

3. Whether both of these phenomena occur, and largely nullify each other.

In any case, while I have seen claims in favor of both of the first two circumstances, I have yet to see one ratifying the third, which would indicate the agenda-driven nature of available data.

Can't see the bottom of that one, I don't think...
i only get uberhorny if i don't masturbate for a few days. i think the first point is irrefutable, the second i dunno about: maybe i have a sick mind and don't even know about it.

04-25-2006, 07:25 AM
The problem is probably caused by wearing clothes...or not as the case maybe.

An interesting book to read is, Coming of Age in Samoa, by Margaret Mead.

04-25-2006, 04:53 PM
In any case, while I have seen claims in favor of both of the first two circumstances, I have yet to see one ratifying the third, which would indicate the agenda-driven nature of available data.

This is possibly the most reasonable and probably true thing I have read here.

There could be any number of stimuli that would set off the unhinged mind and if one were to seek to prove a specific one then proof will be found.

(assuming this is what you actually are saying....it's so hard to tell sometimes)

04-25-2006, 05:11 PM
just call it surprise sex

04-27-2006, 08:18 AM
herd all of the women into rocketships and launch them into space?