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04-27-2006, 08:30 PM

What the hell is Nintendo thinking? Wii? :blink:

04-27-2006, 08:55 PM
yeah just saw it on psp updates, it is a lame name, they should have stuck with revoloution

04-27-2006, 09:02 PM
Grr this is worse then there dolphin idea...

04-27-2006, 10:59 PM
i'm trying to reassure myself by thinking that game boy got away with it. shirley if they can get away with something that sounds peadophilia, they can do watersports :ermm:

04-27-2006, 11:30 PM
link doesnt work?:/

04-27-2006, 11:33 PM
How is everyone doing...I just fell like bumping here!!!!!

04-28-2006, 03:32 AM
its pronounced nintendo (we)

04-28-2006, 03:33 AM
I like it... in an odd way.

mr. nails
04-28-2006, 04:37 AM
seems gay. yeah, they shoulda stuck with revolution!

04-28-2006, 08:47 PM
What a horrible name "Wii" have here...

04-28-2006, 09:20 PM
Should go with

"Nintendo, we should go the route of Sega, stop making sytems and make video games from now on"

04-28-2006, 10:20 PM
It's too bad, they're digging to the path toward their own destruction.

04-28-2006, 11:23 PM
yeah, its like digging a big sand put, then laying in it expecting for it to stay, next thing you know it, your gasping for air, i only see nintendo in selling platforms for like 3 more years, they will stick with portable, cuz thats the only thing they are semi good at

04-28-2006, 11:50 PM


04-28-2006, 11:59 PM
Lmao :lol:

04-29-2006, 06:35 AM
Really, if the name of a system affects your decision to buy it or not, your priorities are a bit messed up. If anything, the new name will generate more publicity and that can only be good for Nintendo.

04-29-2006, 08:27 AM
i dunno. it's gonna be funny telling people i'm playing with my wii :dabs:

04-29-2006, 03:02 PM
Will the Nintendo Wii use Nintendo Wii-Fii?

When I look at my cost vs. benefit with the Gamecube (how many games I have for it) compared to my Xbox and PS2, even Nintendo's lesser price for their console makes their system a bust.

I don't see why third parties still develop for Nintendo.

I have maybe 15 Nintendo games versus 80 for for for the Xbox.

The Wii can piss off. I only had a GC cause' a female I was going out with gave it to me for my birthday.

04-29-2006, 08:08 PM
Will the Nintendo Wii use Nintendo Wii-Fii?

When I look at my cost vs. benefit with the Gamecube (how many games I have for it) compared to my Xbox and PS2, even Nintendo's lesser price for their console makes their system a bust.

I don't see why third parties still develop for Nintendo.

I have maybe 15 Nintendo games versus 80 for for for the Xbox.

The Wii can piss off. I only had a GC cause' a female I was going out with gave it to me for my birthday.

When you dumped her you could have thrown the GC at her, with the handle it makes lanching a breeze.

04-29-2006, 08:12 PM
cube is for people with RL friends :snooty:

04-29-2006, 09:37 PM
Will the Nintendo Wii use Nintendo Wii-Fii?

When I look at my cost vs. benefit with the Gamecube (how many games I have for it) compared to my Xbox and PS2, even Nintendo's lesser price for their console makes their system a bust.

I don't see why third parties still develop for Nintendo.

I have maybe 15 Nintendo games versus 80 for for for the Xbox.

The Wii can piss off. I only had a GC cause' a female I was going out with gave it to me for my birthday.

When you dumped her you could have thrown the GC at her, with the handle it makes lanching a breeze.

It was more of a sex thing with friendship included.

04-29-2006, 11:11 PM
When you dumped her you could have thrown the GC at her, with the handle it makes lanching a breeze.

It was more of a sex thing with friendship included.

I dunno then, could be a useful door stop.

04-29-2006, 11:30 PM
so let me get this right...we can play with our wii one handed?(remember the controller)

silent h3ro
04-29-2006, 11:48 PM
so let me get this right...we can play with our wii one handed?(remember the controller)One handed, eh? :whistling Oh the posibilities!:naughty:

04-30-2006, 12:11 AM
so let me get this right...we can play with our wii one handed?(remember the controller)One handed, eh? :whistling Oh the posibilities!:naughty:
you'll most likely have your joystick dongle in the other

04-30-2006, 12:19 AM
yeah just saw it on psp updates, it is a lame name, they should have stuck with revolution

thats where I found out also.

04-30-2006, 12:28 AM
One handed, eh? :whistling Oh the posibilities!:naughty:
you'll most likely have your joystick dongle in the other

:lol: :lol:

04-30-2006, 04:00 AM

It was more of a sex thing with friendship included.

I dunno then, could be a useful door stop.
It's too big. The Wii should be small enough though.

Now that I think about it, the Gamecube was a bigger waste of money than the N64. I played more games on that than the GC.

Now Nintendo expects folk to shell out money for a new system that has a suped up fishing rod remote controller and games on every emulator made.

"Look everyone I'm playing Duck Hunt with a Xavix!"

04-30-2006, 08:05 AM

you bitches are bringing out the fanboy in me :sneaky:

sure you have to wait 6 months for a decent game, but they are on there, and no one's managed to get that whole party genre right like nintendo :snooty:

that fishing rod controller is gonna pwn the shit out of analog sticks i'll have you know :fist:

05-01-2006, 10:54 AM
I don't think it's that bad and I'm still considering getting a Nintendo as my first next gen console (after missing Nintendo at the last gen, opting for a PS2 instead, and feeling the need to play Zelda and Mario again).

05-02-2006, 12:44 AM
I don't think it's that bad and I'm still considering getting a Nintendo as my first next gen console (after missing Nintendo at the last gen, opting for a PS2 instead, and feeling the need to play Zelda and Mario again).
The Gamecube was a great system if you wanted play a handful of games. As I said, my GC library is super small although I had all the systems. I'd imagine if I only had a GC that my library would've been slightly bigger 'cause I'd have got all the multi-platform titles on the GC but even then it would've still been a worse investment. This is even with fact that the GC cost less.

I'm just glad I didn't pay for it. Resident Evil 4 was clearly the best game on the system but it was one of few good games making the GC a worthy purchase.

05-03-2006, 07:25 AM
Worst name ever.

what was nintendo thinking???

ok...got to go wii

silent h3ro
05-04-2006, 02:41 AM
I don't think it's that bad and I'm still considering getting a Nintendo as my first next gen console (after missing Nintendo at the last gen, opting for a PS2 instead, and feeling the need to play Zelda and Mario again).
The Gamecube was a great system if you wanted play a handful of games. As I said, my GC library is super small although I had all the systems. I'd imagine if I only had a GC that my library would've been slightly bigger 'cause I'd have got all the multi-platform titles on the GC but even then it would've still been a worse investment. This is even with fact that the GC cost less.

I'm just glad I didn't pay for it. Resident Evil 4 was clearly the best game on the system but it was one of few good games making the GC a worthy purchase.I think anyone can agree with me when I say if Nintendo made more M rated games then I'm sure it would be a more widely bought system and it would have better games too. Secondly, the Gamecube controller sucks major ass, imo.

05-04-2006, 03:31 AM
The Gamecube was a great system if you wanted play a handful of games. As I said, my GC library is super small although I had all the systems. I'd imagine if I only had a GC that my library would've been slightly bigger 'cause I'd have got all the multi-platform titles on the GC but even then it would've still been a worse investment. This is even with fact that the GC cost less.

I'm just glad I didn't pay for it. Resident Evil 4 was clearly the best game on the system but it was one of few good games making the GC a worthy purchase.I think anyone can agree with me when I say if Nintendo made more M rated games then I'm sure it would be a more widely bought system and it would have better games too. Secondly, the Gamecube controller sucks major ass, imo.

That's true, the only real good game on the GC was a 'M' rated.

05-04-2006, 09:08 PM
Once that katana controller comes out. Death will be upon us all

05-04-2006, 09:18 PM
I think anyone can agree with me when I say if Nintendo made more M rated games then I'm sure it would be a more widely bought system and it would have better games too. Secondly, the Gamecube controller sucks major ass, imo.

That's true, the only real good game on the GC was a 'M' rated.
it wasn't though. that's the misconception that's causing nintendos downfall. the gamecube has quite a few uberpwnage games. they don't have tits and swearing though so lolboys decide they're bad before even trying them.

05-07-2006, 03:53 PM
I think anyone can agree with me when I say if Nintendo made more M rated games then I'm sure it would be a more widely bought system and it would have better games too. Secondly, the Gamecube controller sucks major ass, imo.

That's true, the only real good game on the GC was a 'M' rated.
Well there was:

Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Super Mario Sunshine
Resident Evil 4
LOZ Wind Waker
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike
maybe there are about 5 more.

It's still a suck ass list. I personally didn't care for the Metroid Prime series that much. I still beat them though.

Mr. Peabody
05-10-2006, 06:24 AM
I just seen some clips of games for the Nintendo Wii,I have to say I'm not impressed.
Their new Metroid game,well crap I've seen better graphics on my pc.

05-10-2006, 10:45 AM
I just seen some clips of games for the Nintendo Wii,I have to say I'm not impressed.
Their new Metroid game,well crap I've seen better graphics on my pc.
the Wii is not a graphics hotrod and it was never intended to be. it's a GameCube with improved processor speeds. they're really placing their bet on the appeal of the controller and the built-in NES/SNES/N64 emulators.

personally i am eager to try the controller, but i'm also a little wary of their "we're trying to make a console that non-gamers want to play too" claims. doesn't seem like they're following through on that. i mean yes, if grandma is dying to play FPS and tennis games then the Wii controller will make it easier for her, but where are the games that are supposed to appeal to grandma. the kinds of games they're showing so far are just not very unusual or surprising.

05-10-2006, 04:20 PM
I've watched the entire lot of Wii clips...i cant wait to try the new controller out...The new Zelda looks awsome, Metroid Prime doesn't have the graphics but it looks fun.

Looks like thanks to Nintendo, the whole gameplay vs graphics argument will last for another 1000 years. Oh and Red Steel will awsome to play. I just want to play the baseball game though =D

05-10-2006, 10:52 PM
Sony has a similar controller, better graphics, and the new Zelda will be for the Gamecube and the Wii (with little graphical improvement).

Thanks but no thanks.

05-11-2006, 02:35 AM
Smash Bros. Brawl

one of the new characters is Solid Snake....
hard to imagine that..whats his triple jump gonna look like??

Mr. Peabody
05-11-2006, 08:49 AM
I'm all for innovation and equility of life,I guess it's hard not to get caught up with the battle of which system has more power and such.

It's the classic Atari vs. Intellivision arguement relived.

It's still sort of funny when I see the new Wii controller,it reminds me of the South Park episode where Mr. Garrison invents a device more convenient than air travel.

It's apparent the big N likes to do things diffrent,the N64 would of had a larger share of the market (maybe top dog) if it would have evolved into a cd console.

But one can't denie their successe with handheld gaming.

05-11-2006, 09:48 PM
don't like the name, revolution is much better!

05-12-2006, 01:59 PM
Screw the name you saw the controler right...can anyone imagine using that. Sony and Microsoft have nothing to worry about. please excuse me I have to go wii I mean piss.

05-12-2006, 02:19 PM
Screw the name you saw the controler right...can anyone imagine using that. Sony and Microsoft have nothing to worry about. please excuse me I have to go wii I mean piss.
ja, 'cause being able to precisely handle two swords or guns, and move at the same time toal sucks bawls.

i was thinking, you know what would be supercool. if they made a BiA game but you actually point people where to go and gesture take cover and run and shit. don't steal my ideas btw plz

05-12-2006, 11:37 PM
have got to make a starwars game for wii, with the controller and everything

and first person shooter

and COD3?

05-13-2006, 12:48 AM
i thought the whole point of a console was to escape reality... whats the point of swinging a controller or fishing using a controller when u can just go out and hit a tenis ball for real?

05-14-2006, 01:08 AM
i thought the whole point of a console was to escape reality... whats the point of swinging a controller or fishing using a controller when u can just go out and hit a tenis ball for real?

because fat people and geeks cant do that

im neither of the two, but hell, im siding with nintendo in this

sony stole nintendo's shit and so sony MUST LOSE

microsoft is just a pc

05-14-2006, 04:28 AM
Grr this is worse then there dolphin idea...
Dolphin and Revolution were code names for the systems nintindo always does that

Mr. Peabody
05-14-2006, 08:59 AM
i thought the whole point of a console was to escape reality... whats the point of swinging a controller or fishing using a controller when u can just go out and hit a tenis ball for real?

Lol that reminded me of the Family Guy episode "Stewies first Birthday" where Peter was playing "Virtual stuck behind a bus" arcade game at Cheesie Charlie's.

Let's hope they don't bring something like that out.