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View Full Version : Portforward.com ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-30-2006, 04:10 PM
i just had to find a forum and scream tis out on the top of my lungs!!!

Portforward.com ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say this bcoz i reached the point where i totally gave up on bittorrent-ing.
i was like wat is so great bout it? i got a 1Mbps connection and the dwld rate sucks as hell!

Then i found this website. and now from 0kb, i'm doin 121.5kb!

This is so unreal. People should really know bout this. Or am I like the last BT user on the planet 2 know bout tis.

And oh yeah, SCREW firewalls, both Windows and Zone Alarm Basic. They don't work wit BT.

People, i've heard of BT bliss all my life, n only now have i tasted its sweet glory!!!

04-30-2006, 05:06 PM
I tght this was supposed to be the first thing you ought to know when using BT

04-30-2006, 08:56 PM
And oh yeah, SCREW firewalls, both Windows and Zone Alarm Basic. They don't work wit BT.
i've used zone alarm with bittorrent (utorrent in particular)
all i had to do was allow utorrent internet access when it asked, and all was fine.

and at the moment all i use is window firewall, and it also works fine with utorrent. no router/software firewall. just plain os firewall.

99% of posts i see about connection problems is about port forwarding for routers. seem like they're more hassle than they're worth

05-01-2006, 07:15 AM

a lot of people know about portforward.com, im happy for you lol

05-01-2006, 07:30 AM
It's not rare at all for me to get 300+kbps on a regular basis. What type of connection are you using?

ps - I've also never had any problems with ZA and any bitorrent clients.

05-03-2006, 06:18 PM
"It's not rare at all for me to get 300+kbps on a regular basis. What type of connection are you using?"

Im using ASDL. Why? Is there something i'm missing here?

If you're getting 300 plus kbps i'm guessing it's boz you have a 3Mbps connection.

For my 1Mbps connection, what i'm getting now is mindblowing enough.

or am i suppose to get higher numbers?