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05-03-2006, 02:22 PM
A local charity office realized that it had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer. The director called him, hoping to get a contribution.
"Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you've given not a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give back to the community in some way?"

The lawyer replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?"

Embarrassed, the director mumbled, "Um…no."

"Or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?" The stricken director began to stammer out an apology but was interrupted. " Or that my sister's husband died in a car accident," the lawyer's voice rising in indignation, "leaving her penniless with three children?!"

The humiliated director said simply, "I had no idea…"

"So if I don't give any money to them, why the hell would I give any to you?"

05-03-2006, 10:10 PM
LMFAO :lol:

05-04-2006, 12:55 AM

05-05-2006, 08:05 AM