View Full Version : Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist [2006]

mr. nails
05-12-2006, 05:10 AM
new album for deftones should be out in a couple weeks or so... and will be titled, "Saturday Night Wrist." the first single that was officially released and is floating around on the net is titled, "Hole in the Earth." me, i like me some deftones, but as of late they seem to have fallen off my can't wait to hear list. to me it seems as though they've just lost their touch. that's me and maybe u'll totally dig the new album. this new single isn't much different then that of their last self titled album, "Deftones", and that of "White Pony." don't get me wrong, i LOVE me some white pony, but i'm in dire need of some new, raw, and hard deftones and they just seem to be getting way to mellow as of late.

01. Hole in the Earth
02. Rapture
03. Beware
04. Cherry Waves
05. Mein
06. U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, A, B, Selct, Start
07. Xerces
08. Rats! Rats! Rats!
09. Pink Cellphone
10. Combat
11. Earth
12. Rivière

album to retail October 31st

mr. nails
10-07-2006, 11:26 AM
this new album is pretty much like that of the last one. pretty mellow, but so far i'm digging rapture. it's a little more speedy than what ur used to. i've only acquired half of this so i'm hoping for a couple more hard songs. afterall, it is deftones so it's gonna be kinda mellow, but i need some sort of angry chino to make this album happen for me.

10-14-2006, 06:20 PM
Just wanted to tell you guys that the cd has leaked

mr. nails
10-14-2006, 09:43 PM
Just wanted to tell you guys that the cd has leaked

done & done!

also, got my tickets for the tones cum november 17th. AUSTIN MUSIC HALL!

10-17-2006, 06:39 AM
i was wondering why so many people had been bumpin' the deftones lately. i reckoned they morethanlikely had a new disc out and i was right. so i'm grabbing this one right now. i'll comment after a few "spins."

10-18-2006, 09:18 AM
I've listened to it a few times, and have to say it's "ok", they just don't have the raw feel they used too. Still waiting for a song to grab my attention like "My Own Summer(Shove it)" did. God that song is fun to play!

10-20-2006, 09:33 PM
I saw then at Download festival this year- very good live show despite me getting killed at the front when Chino came out to the crowd.

11-16-2006, 03:52 PM

mr. nails
11-19-2006, 11:31 AM
Just wanted to tell you guys that the cd has leaked

done & done!

also, got my tickets for the tones cum november 17th. AUSTIN MUSIC HALL!

yep, went to the show. lol, fucking hot in that damn place. GREAT show and the tones played 4 about 2 hours. good times. i didn't get in the pit for i just wanted to chill, but i did punch some fagot in the back of the head. does that count? either way, fun times and i got my shirt! 2 weeks and it's cannibal corpse time! pwn3d.