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04-29-2003, 08:33 AM
1. godfather resturant scene
2. Jaw Where gonna nead a bigger boat
3. alian out of the stomach
4. titanic ship sinking
5. Phyco shower scene

04-29-2003, 11:30 AM
Rob De niro as sick loner Travis Bickle

Doin' the original ..standin in the mirror "you talkin to me?" scene


04-29-2003, 12:06 PM
1....Charlton Heston at the end of ' Planet of the Apes ' when he realizes where ( when ) he is after seeing the Statue of Liberty. :o

2....Barry Newman deciding to end the chase in the final scene of ' Vanishing Point ' B)

3....Beatty and Dunaway in their car, getting riddled with bullets at the end of ' Bonnie & Clyde ' :blink:

04-29-2003, 01:07 PM
1. the trench run at the end of A New Hope - "you're all clear kid"

2. just about any fight scene in Once Upon A Time in China - Yuen Woo Ping at his best

3. the shootout in the lobby in the Matrix

4. the opening flying words in Star Wars

(EDIT) 5. the crossed lasers in Resident Evil :lol: made me laugh SO loud

04-29-2003, 02:48 PM
Two scenes from Stir crazy

first one , at the beginning,in court..when they get sentenced and
told many yrs they got :lol: :lol: :lol:

secound one ,when they in the corridor and in the holdin'cell actin'
all macho & keyedup infront of ther other cellmates. :lol: :lol:

hilarious film :lol:

04-30-2003, 05:58 AM
Climactic scene from Gormenghast, where the curtain's drawn back to reveal the identity of the omnipotent ' Q '.....

...........MagicNator !!! ;)

oh wait....that was Dorothy and Toto meet Captain Picard in Space Station Kansas :lol:

Sorry Magic.....couldn't help myself ;)

04-30-2003, 05:58 AM
The lesbian sex scene in Mulholland Drive!! :D

04-30-2003, 06:54 AM
Some of the recent ones or most memorable ones.

1. The Train Station Fight Scene in the Matrix
2. The Lobby Scene in the Matrix
3. Bodies getting sliced in ghost ship. Well that's a bit sick but well, violence rules sometimes.
4. Butler hacking on Adam Sandler's foot in Mr Deeds.
5. Shower Scene in Sorority Boys :rolleyes:
6. All the fight scenes in Cradle to the Grave
7. Doughnut Nazi in Ms Congeniality.

hey there aren't the best, just some snippets that came into mind...

04-30-2003, 07:14 AM
1) Bank Robbery Shootout from HEAT. The best gunfight I think I've ever seen!!

2) Death of Fredo Corleone in GODFATHER 2.

3) "You really are a funny guy" scene from GOODFELLAS.

4) The "But this one goes to 11" scene from Spinal Tap. Superb!!

5) "Uncle Fucker" from SOUTH PARK: BIGGER, LONGER & UNCUT.

6) When Chow Yun Fat dons the white suit and goes gun-crazy in THE KILLER. John Woo's best film!!

7) "No Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!!" from GOLDFINGER.

8) The game of Russian Roulette they play in the Vietcong house in THE DEER HUNTER.

These are a few of my favourites that spring to mind.


04-30-2003, 07:25 AM
The look on Johnny Knoxville's face right b4 they shoot him with that "Less lethal wapon" in jackass

Trainspotting scene "The Dirtiest Toilet in Scotland" :blink:

Road to perdition: Scene with no sound when Tom Hanks character mows down every1 with the Thompson. Awesome.

04-30-2003, 11:26 AM
3. the shootout in the lobby in the Matrix

THAT is the best scene ever

04-30-2003, 12:08 PM
1.The scene when the guy with the stetson rides the bomb in Dr.Strangelove

2.Any scene where only the 'hero' can shoot straight,despite hundreds of heavily armed opposition,always raises a smile here.

3.Forrest Gump showing his but-tocks to Pres.Johnson.

4.Too many scenes to list with Woody Allen in them.

5.The Mothership appearing in Close Encounters.

04-30-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Soopaman
2) Death of Fredo Corleone in GODFATHER 2.

I like the recent South Park version as well :lol: :lol:

04-30-2003, 04:25 PM
One sick sceene comes to mind:

the "ass to ass" scene in Requiem for a dream. That movie makes you feel sick!

04-30-2003, 05:36 PM
1. Forrest Gump : when the young Jenny screams: Run Forrest, Run! and Forrest's brace falls off

2. Beauty and the Beast: the dance part where Mrs.Pott sings the song Beauty and the Beast, that was real classic

3. Spider Man 2002: at the end of the movie, spider man fly scene

4. Gangs of New York: at the end of the movie, the views of a changing New York City was really really memorable, NewYork was evolved from a small town to the view with world trade center.

04-30-2003, 06:21 PM
The ending scene from ET where he's going home :'(

04-30-2003, 08:28 PM
The scene in Edward Scissorhands showing the torn hands lying on the floor.

04-30-2003, 10:26 PM
What about Jack Nicholson's "Here's Johnny!" in The Shining?

05-01-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by adthomp@29 April 2003 - 09:33
1. godfather resturant scene
2. Jaw Where gonna nead a bigger boat
3. alian out of the stomach
4. titanic ship sinking
5. Phyco shower scene
2. is good, but....

The entire scene where they are drunk on the boat at night, singing songs and comparing scars is the heavy weight champ, particularly the Captains story about the USS Indianapolis.

"We arranged ourselves in tight circles, and when the sharks come we would start kicking and screaming Sometimes the sharks go away...........sometimes they don't."

"800 men went into to the water, 300 come out, sharks got the rest."

The Shining- Wendys discovery that Jack has been mad since Day 1. She finds that all he has typed is "All work and no play, make Jack a dull boy". All he has done is change the spacing and layout.
"Yea like it?!", he asks.

As she backs up the stairs with baseball bat in hand he says "Wendy, sweetheart, light of my life..... I said I wasn't going to hurt you, I just going to bash your fucking brains in".

3. Seven- "Oh, you didn't know she was pregnant?"
"I guess my sin is Evny"

Infested Cats
05-02-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by soopaman@30 April 2003 - 02:14
The game of Russian Roulette they play in the Vietcong house in THE DEER HUNTER.
Damn straight. I held my breath through all of the russian-roulette scenes! Simply amazing. Especially when Christopher Walkin (Nick) takes his own life to save DeNiro's in the end.

+ the ending to A clockwork orange: "I was cured alright..."
+ the ending to requiem for a dream where all of the characters assume the fetal position in bed due to their lives being ruined
+ The ending to the movie Blood Simple, where the PI is chasing down the girl. Finally the PI is slowly dying underneath of a sink, and the water from a leaky pipe is dripping on him.. amazing cinematography.
+ i might as well say the matrix lobby shoot-out scene... for lack of being able to remember anything better!

05-02-2003, 02:33 AM
How could I forget these scenes:

The entire Helicopter battle scene from APOCALYPSE NOW.
"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. Smells like....victory."

"That's no moon. It's a space station."
"It's too big to be a space station!" from STAR WARS.

Bill Murray's scenes in Kingpin. Laughed like a hyena for hours afterwards. His hair!!! :lol: :D :lol:

The opening massacre in THE SHOGUN ASSASSIN . Brutal swordplay - excellent stuff.

The zombie infested ending of BRAINDEAD. Arguably Peter Jacksons finest film. ;)

All Gene Hackman's scenes in the SUPERMAN series. Lex Luthor rules!!

All of GOLGO 13: THE PROFESSIONAL. Top Anime action!!

All I can think of for now. :D