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View Full Version : TorrentBytes are more honest than Filelist

05-19-2006, 08:43 PM
I was member of the borh sites before my military services. Now, both accounts are disabled. I am trying to be a member for the sites for one month. Torrentbtyes says that it is not possible to sign up at the moment. Filelist says that "The current user account limit (0) has been reached. Inactive accounts are pruned all the time, please check back again later..." But I am sure that there is no one who can be a member of filelist. I have tried many times. I have asked many times for proposal. But there is no positive answer. I am tired to try many times with a hope at Filelist. Moreover, there is an porn banner at the site.

As a result, It is the best wat tto be fair. If it is not possible to be a member of the site at the moment, please say it clearly. Torrentbtyes is doing that.

I am waiting an explanation from the responsible people of both sites. When you will your open your doors to your old memebers or new members?

I hope that there will be no misunderstanding with the comparision.

Best regards,

05-19-2006, 11:25 PM
The current user account limit (0)

that should tell you all...if filelist was taking signups, the number within parenthesis would have a number that isn't zero and when the memberlist drops below that number, invites would open. By setting it to zero, the memberlist is not going to drop below that and so for now, signups are closed. Torrent sites have no obligation to notify you whether their signups are open or not, they have more pressing issues to attend to

05-20-2006, 03:05 AM
The current user account limit (0)

that should tell you all...if filelist was taking signups, the number within parenthesis would have a number that isn't zero and when the memberlist drops below that number, invites would open. By setting it to zero, the memberlist is not going to drop below that and so for now, signups are closed. Torrent sites have no obligation to notify you whether their signups are open or not, they have more pressing issues to attend to

I know, what is the meaning of zero limit. Actually, you can see that the decrease of registered users at torrentbytes easiliy.

Registered users 44,878 (This number always go down)
Unconfirmed users 0

Torrents 1,128
Peers 36,437
Seeders 34,270
Leechers 2,167
Seeder/leecher ratio 1581%

Here is what I mean;

If thre is no possiblity for signing up at Filelist, it is the best way to say "We are closed community now". As I said you before, otherwise, you are trying with a hope for signing up at Filelist. However, I believe that there is no one
who can sign up at Filelist at least for a month.

If there is, please let us show its joining date with a screenshot.

Best regards,

04-13-2007, 08:12 PM
tb is better than filelist

04-13-2007, 08:21 PM
Filelist keeps it this way because they do open signups once and a while after pruning accounts, just like they state. I know this because like you, I tried signing up for months, and one day, boom, signups were open.

Why change it when what they state is correct? Signups can and do open when enough accounts get pruned.

04-13-2007, 08:34 PM
I signed up 5 days ago to filelist. I saw on another forum that is open.

04-13-2007, 09:02 PM
yeah, signed up about 5 days ago as well, signups were open then,
just check the sites open for signups thread regularily and it will tell you if filelist or tb are open for signups, best of luck:)

04-13-2007, 09:30 PM
Filelist takes a long time to open registrations. It kinna sucks though. There is a 48hr wait on new torrents and they only have 612 torrents. Probably because of the 48hr waiting period. People don't bother with it. They just get the torrents somewhere else.

It's pretty useless because they delete torrents so fast. Torrents get deleted after 28 days.