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View Full Version : Who send first the account details or invite in a trade: a new offer

05-28-2006, 04:03 PM
When we attempt to make a trade with someone there is often a problem between us and the other person: who'll send the account details or invite first?
I wanna make a suggestion to solve this problem: let's send the invite or account details the same person who is very reliable in this forum. After getting the two account details or invites he can send us invite links or account details.
I'm suggesting Piyush Singh if he accept. I heard his reliability from many of my friends in this forum...

05-28-2006, 05:09 PM
Be alot of work for whoever ends up being in the middle though.

05-28-2006, 05:26 PM
i've never been scammed out a trade, and i wont get scammed either.
i either make the other person invite me 1st, or i only trade with established members here on the forum.
if some noob joins just to request an invite trade, and u go and send him an invite to ur best tracker, and he disappears without sending an invite back, then i have no pity for u.
once somebody tried to back out a deal, and take back the account they traded me with.
but i had changed the account email to my own instantly, and i received the password reset email 1 min later.

Piyush Singh
05-28-2006, 06:13 PM
I agree with john.
Normally these kinds of scams are rare.
Use ur discretion or if u wish ,open a thread for the trade for all to see what is happening ,rather than trading by PMs.
One who has been here longer & has higher visibility on the forums has the right to demand that a noob initiate the trade.
Also when doing sensitive trades recheck the guys credibility & it is better to leave a good offer if he is unwilling to go in first.
And remember,there will always be another trade...another day.
Only a month back WB was the most sought after invite/account,but did it not open signups for a couple of days at a stretch.
There is always a next time...

05-28-2006, 08:28 PM
U r both right. But sometimes trade comes to a dead end. I don't mean for all trades...

Piyush Singh
05-29-2006, 12:40 AM
I am game if that's the case.

05-29-2006, 08:46 AM
Thx mate. When it's necessary i'll reach u...