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View Full Version : looking 4 torrent leech

06-04-2006, 01:49 PM
have many to trade >>>data moon and others pm me
sites i belong to


06-04-2006, 02:22 PM
Anyone trading with this person should note that he already has an account at Torrentleech which he claims to be messed up. I don't know if it's true or not but the first email he gave me for an invite was already in use. Regardless, if it is true than take it up with the administrators at torrentleech, best of luck if you are telling the truth...:lol:


06-04-2006, 04:09 PM
pm me with invites 4 torrent leech i have good ratios on many ...leech wont leave me upload anything thats why i need a new account ....

06-04-2006, 04:43 PM
Like I told you in the PM, if you can't upload that's a technical issue and you should contact an administrator, not get another account. Your current account is clearly active and having multiple accounts will get you and your inviter banned, which does no one any good.

06-04-2006, 04:59 PM
pm me with invites 4 torrent leech i have good ratios on many ...leech wont leave me upload anything thats why i need a new account ....
Read the FAQ:

Why can't I upload torrents?

Only specially authorized users (Uploaders) have permission to upload torrents.

What criteria must I meet before I can join the Uploader team?

You must be able to provide releases that:
- include a proper NFO,
- are genuine scene releases. If it's not on pre then forget it!
- are not older than seven (7) days,
- have all files in original format (usually 14.3 MB RARs),
- you'll be able to seed, or make sure are well-seeded, for at least 24 hours.
- you should have atleast 10MBit (1'250 KB/s) upload bandwith.

If you think you can match these criteria do not hesitate to fillout A Uploader Application form.
Remember! Write your application carefully! Be sure to include your UL speed and what kind of stuff you're planning to upload.
Only well written application with serious intent will be considered.