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View Full Version : Toys in the Mail

06-05-2006, 01:50 AM
Sprocket and I have been um, a little self-indulgent of late.
OK, "self-indulgent" is an understatement...we've been throwing around cash like a drunken sailor, but life's too short etc., etc., etc.

Anyway, deliverymen have been beating down the path to my door and I thought I'd share some goodies.

First up is a trifle that harkens back to my clockmaking days-
This is a Nixie tube electronic clock.
Designed and custom fabricated by a Canadian, I saw the opportunity to get in on the initial run (28 units as it turns out) almost two months ago and was intrigued enough to buy in. The protype stage ( this is a pic of the original working model) was followed by the order for the final PCBs and parts and finally, the finished clocks.
Mine is due to be shipped tomorrow so I should have it in ten days or so.
Tick, tock.

All the rest is for the insatiable Sprocket.
I have been sitting on a DFI Expert motherboard for a while now and this little goodie seemed too wacky to pass up...
A Fragtek cooling kit.
Standing on risers above the motherboard, it places three 40mm fans over the memory slots and two 60mm fans over the PWM area. The kit has since been discontinued (probably due to overwhelming consumer apathy) but it's very weirdness appealed to me and I was able to acquire it for pennies on the dollar.
Naturally, weird as the original kit was, it wasn't quite outre enough so I also got these...
40mm double, counter-rotating fans.
At 12v they are the most obnoxious fans I've ever heard but undervolted to 5v they are near silent and push an astounding stream of air. They should be perfect to push this kit to the level of true absurdity.

It appears likely that Sprocket's Stacker case has a buyer.
I'm at least 80% certain at least, and that's all it took to pull the trigger on this...
The Silverstone TJ-07.
I've lusted after this since I first saw it and tomorrow one arrives (BTW, do not believe Newegg's claim of "three day" delivery...Jovian days maybe. Mine will have taken 6 days to arrive).

Since the watercooling in the Stacker is inextricably intertwined I'll also be replacing many of the waterloop components.
A new rad and fans are sitiing next to the desk right now but you'll see them as I post build pics.
The Seasonic S12 PSU was also custom fitted to the Stacker so I'll need a new PSU as well.
This is the one coming...
A black Hiper 580w.
One of my co-workers has had one for several months and I've been impressed with the performance and looks. It powers his dual Opteron, 7900GTX rig with no problem so I'm sure it'll be fine for Sprocket.

Naturally I'll be spashing Sprocket's new innards all over the forums, so keep tuned for details.

06-05-2006, 02:57 AM
So jealous...:pinch:

06-05-2006, 03:22 AM
how do you afford all of this?

06-05-2006, 05:13 AM
Oh that looks so good everyone.

06-05-2006, 07:00 AM
how do you afford all of this?
I rob ice cream stores.
You're next.

06-05-2006, 09:38 AM
You can keep the loot, just bring me some rocky road next time. :D

06-05-2006, 04:07 PM
*drool :p

06-05-2006, 08:36 PM
how do you afford all of this?
I rob ice cream stores.
You're next.
i dont own an ice cream store...but you could probly come over and find my 1k stash

06-05-2006, 11:12 PM
Didn't you work at one?

06-05-2006, 11:23 PM
i was going to...but nice one, woulda been hilarous if i was working at one, and you walked in
i could only imagine
*Clocker Walks In*
supra-Welcome to baskin robbins! How may i help you?
Clocker- Well, you see i really want some new toys for my baby named sprocket
supra-interesting...but we sell ice cream
clocker-oh...but i mean...
supra-oh i get it, your baby wants some ice cream
clocker-no my sprocket doesnt support ice cream cooling
supra-um sir? are you okay?
clocker- YES IM FINE *Laughs Insanely*
supra-sir do you want something from here or not?
clocker-for starters give me all the money in this joint
supra-hah what are you going to do? call your baby on me?
clocker-no but i will attach its power supply to you and shock you to death. it has couple of rails and i will use them on everyone that works here..
supra-sounds good, but im gonna have to kick you out
*drops into secret trap door under tile*
supra-next person please move up
*seedler hesitates to move up*

06-06-2006, 12:58 AM
I see.
And I'm the crazy one here, eh?

Why my life sucks, pt2...
Today is my day off and I waited all day for UPS to show up with the TJ case.
It's shown as "out for delivery" on their website but it's nearly 7pm and no sign of them.

I was really looking forward to some serious drooling and panting too.

Damn their eyes.

06-06-2006, 02:56 AM
you like my story? too bad about the case not coming..just be happy it didnt say delivered extra comments:on porch
then you dont see anything